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Everything posted by Kalel

  1. Looks like they (Robertson's) don't care who "owns it" If that is true, bravo about time somebody stood up.                                    
  2. Never again will this be the land of the free and home of the brave. It all goes back to 2 wolves and a sheep deciding whats for supper. 51 - 49 no difference either way half will be unhappy. I infact live among and associate with like minded people..... a one percent majority either way makes the rules. Only option I see is seperate but equal, countries that is.      Land of the fee Home of the Rave.
  3. Subject: Prison release You might recall that John Hinckley was a seriously deranged young man who shot President Reagan in 1981. Hinckley was absolutely obsessed with movie star Jodie Foster and, in his twisted mind, loved Jodie to the point that to make himself well known to her, he attempted to assassinate President Reagan. There is speculation Hinckley may soon be released as having been rehabilitated. Consequently, you will appreciate the following letter from Nancy Reagan to John Hinckley. We could all learn so much from this elegant and gracious lady: To: John Hinckley From: Mrs. Nancy Reagan My family and I wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how pleased we are with the great strides you are making in your recovery. In our country's spirit of understanding and forgiveness, we want you to know that we bear no grudge against you for shooting Ronnie. We are fully aware that mental stress and pain could have driven you to such an act of desperation. We're confident that you will soon make a complete recovery and return to your family to join the world again as a healthy and productive man. Best wishes, Nancy Reagan & Family P.S. While you have been incarcerated, Barack Obama has been banging Jodie Foster like a screen door in a tornado. You might want to look into that
  4. c/p Obama Care Even Taxes my fishing pole??? Cabela's. It is true. Consumers were not to know, now they do This is another example of how our current administration is intentionally deceiving the public in order to gain more tax revenues using the “Affordable health Care Act (Obamacare)” Know this government administration for what is really is. Medical Excise Tax on Retail Receipts Show How We’re Screwed by Obamacare, page 1 ATS Members have flagged this thread 13 times Topic started on 30-1-2013 @ 06:18 PM by seeker1963 An Infowars reader sent along an image of a sales receipt from Cabela’s, a popular sporting goods store. The receipt (pictured at left) spells out what Obama and the feds want to keep secret – the middle class is being heavily taxed despite all the fatuous rhetoric of Democrats who invariably play the class warfare card to sell their confiscatory taxation policies. “The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be ‘hidden’ from the consumer, but it’s been brought to the public’s attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela’s who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts,” the email states. Source Q1. What is the medical device excise tax? A1. Section 4191 of the Internal Revenue Code imposes an excise tax on the sale of certain medical devices by the manufacturer or importer of the device. Q2. When does the tax go into effect? A2. The tax applies to sales of taxable medical devices after Dec. 31, 2012. Q3. How much is the tax? A3. The tax is 2.3 percent of the sale price of the taxable medical device. See Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510, Excise Taxes, and Notice 2012-77 for additional information on the determination of sale price. IRS.gov So being more curious I clicked on "Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510" And WALLAH! What do I find under "MEDICAL DEVICES" under "MANUFACTURERS TAXES"? Manufacturers Taxes The following discussion of manufacturers taxes applies to the tax on: Sport fishing equipment; Fishing rods and fishing poles; Electric outboard motors; Fishing tackle boxes; Bows, quivers, broadheads, and points; Arrow shafts; Coal; Taxable tires; Gas guzzler automobiles; and Vaccines. IRS.gov I think we have definately been fooled, if we believe that the Affordable Care Act is all about healthcare. It truely does appear to be nothing more than a bill laden with a whole lot of taxes that we thepeople have yet to be aware of!
  5. Kalel

    Mag question

    Thanks everyone.    EN......Sorry to have taken you away from your very important schedule, I can see you had more important things to do, and yes altho maybe not good enough I did search before asking.  (_E=mc2_)
  6. Kalel

    Mag question

    Without any experience with mutli capicity mags I have a question that most every one here knows the answer to. My first inclination is no problem but I have had 2 individuals that should know tell me not to leave mags loaded. They say it causes premature spring failure, they even went on to say half load them ie 15/30.    thks
  7.           By the way that battle flag is my heritage just the same as the stars and stripes are.
  8.                     Is this or is it not a free thought forum. I will choose what I believe or do, and can listen to all of you without cutting anyone or whinning.    America land of the fee and home of the rave.
  9.      God bless America, land of the fee home of the rave. No body got whooped or shot here, what a concept.
  10. I've been nosin round for the last week or so. Decided this looks like a pretty good place to lite. If your going to settle in you should contribute with either knowledge or a dollar or two now and again. Guess I'll just have to pay (damn). Seems to be alot of pretty knowledgable members and I am here to learn. I'll just mostly stay in the background and see what I can pick up. Don't really know a lot of the tech end of guns. Probably will not be selling anything I have my 25+ year old Winchester semi 16 gauge, a Remington model 74 30.06, my ole cowboy toy Marlin 30/30 and a Savage 22LR to plink with. Really would like to learn about the AR platform (see already picked up one term) and maybe pick one up. Might even learn a thing or two about handguns before it's over Thanks for having me.


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