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    Pleasant view , tn
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    Blend tech


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  1. I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Hipower, that's great news on being a four year survivor. I pray that you never have to worry about that again. I'm sorry I have not updated on this but I have just been in another world mentally. We decided to go ahead with vandy doing the surgery. We had a long sit down with the surgeon that was going to perform the operation, and during our long conversation I had a sense of peacefulness come over me that I cant say I fully understood but I felt very reassured that everything would be ok. So her surgery was this past Tuesday and the Dr. Said she was very pleased with the outcome. They did several needle biopsies of the surrounding tissue while she was in surgery to tell them if they needed to take any more tissue or muscle and all of the results on those biopsies came back negative. So that was great news that they only had to take a minimal amount of muscle surrounding the tumor.she cant walk for a week but we go back this Thursday to get her stitches removed and hopefully more clarity on the type of sarcoma it is. I want to thank everyone again for the thoughts and prayers. I know she's not out of hot water yet, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
  2. Thanks for the prayers dustbuster, they're always appreciated. Ugly, sorry to hear about your sister. See that's the problem with my daughters case, they are having a hard time identifying the exact type it is. When I was a kid my uncle died of a sarcoma near his spine. Cancer runs deep in my immediate family, its taken 7 already, and all different types to. So needless to say this is scary stuff. Now vandy wants to just go in and remove it, but also a good portion of her muscle and tissue along with it. Only good news right now is it was caught very early and the oncologist said it seems to be slow moving. So he said for us to get a few opinions if we wanted. The nerve racking part is waiting. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.
  3. Nynick81


    Just found out a few weeks ago that my little girl has a sarcoma on her leg. From what I know they are a rare form of cancerous tumor. At the moment she is being treated by Vanderbilt pediatrics oncology unit. We are currently awaiting a second opinion on a course of action. I'm curious to know if anyone on TGO has ever had a family member that has been treated for any type of sarcoma?
  4. First thing that came to mind was ringtoss. Lol
  5. That's funny. My last name is Alfano, and I can't tell you how many times its been asked if it was Hispanic. I just laugh. One job actually had my supervisor give me a handbook and when I opened it it was all Spanish. I asked my supervisor if he was serious, and he laughed and said I guess they thought you were Spanish. Its been misspelled as alfaro and I've even been called Alfredo. But yeah I know how you feel. And ill leave the pizza subject alone. Lol
  6. Blues is good stuff, but for some reason I only enjoy it live.
  7. I can listen to just about any music out there. Except stuff from the 1920's era. My Great Grandfather tortured me with that stuff every time we were together. I loved listening to the 50's and 60's music with my Grandmother back in the day. Some of my favorites were Johnny Maestro's sixteen candles, and under the boardwalk by the drifters. I also listened to a lot of hip-hop and rap crap as my father calls it. I have to say though I really love country music the most. Just seems like its music people can connect with. Funny thing is growing up in N.Y. I had no clue what country music was. It's crazy how music can bring up so many different memories from the past. And to everyone talking about yo gabba gabba, the guy that came up with those characters has a serious perversion. I can't even let my kids watch that show without thinking about it being an adult cartoon. Lol
  8. Welcome! Damn Yankee! Lol
  9. Im going to stay out of this one. Lmao. I've been here since 98. From staten island myself. Just remember one thing, anything you learned from the north please drop it at the Mason Dixon line. Other than that welcome. Lol TGO is really a great place. A lot of interesting stuff in this forum. I am curious though, how in the world did you get a carry permit lol.
  10. Again with the Yankees. Lmao. I'll admit it. When I first tried grits I really thought someone was trying to feed me sand blasting material. Lol. But with some experimenting and a nice helping of preserves and butter I really came to enjoy them. I've never tried cheese grits but I guess I should because cheese makes everything taste better. I have to vote for cream of wheat though. That's what I grew up eating every winter morning as a kid and I've always liked them.
  11. Nynick81

    Gas prices

    Thanks for all the timing belt advice. I've done quite a few timing belt/gear/chain jobs in my life, but never fooled with the tdi. I am probably just over thinking on this one but I've been told the tdi is a different beast all together. I ordered the complete timing belt kit from the web and it included all bolts and waterpump but no tools. I also have a mkiv platform jetta. My brother has a mechanic shop so it shouldn't be too bad. Unfortunately he has never worked on a tdi either. I still have to order the tool set for the job. I'd ask to borrow yours but I believe they are different. I have a bew model tdi and I think yours is a alh model. Thanks for all the tips. Btw mine is an auto model and I average 44mpg
  12. Nynick81

    Gas prices

    I'm fixing to do my first tdi timing belt job. Any advice lol.
  13. Nynick81

    Gas prices

    This is the reason why a couple of years ago I picked up a 2005 tdi jetta. I drive around 75 miles a day round trip for work. My truck was costing me $15 a day in gas. The jetta cost me about $6.50 a day in diesel.
  14. Lmao! I don't even know what to say. I love this damn place!
  15. this is the exact reason I have been with the same woman for 15 years and have not got married. Two kids and fifteen years. Funny thing is were tieing the knot next Saturday. Lol. Wish me luck haha


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