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About KaNaPaPi

  • Birthday 07/25/1968

Profile Information

  • Location
    Watertown, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Software Ninjaneer


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Ruger LC9s
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger SP101

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  1. If proven safe, but not proven effective yet, I'd take all 7 simultaniously, including plasma with antibodies.
  2. Don't get it... https://www.guns.com/news/2019/09/16/colt-reportedly-to-stop-making-rifles-for-consumer-market
  3. I want to stockpile 1 357 cartridge, not 2. Otherwise, I'd just go with a 10mm carbine. That's close enough to the 357 in power and ballistics.
  4. Coonan already has the magazines for the pistol to hold/feed the rimmed cartridges.
  5. I have 3 pistols chanbered in .357 Magum. I have 3 rifles chambered in .357 Magnum. I want a .357 Magnum semi-auto. I know, I know. Why not get a 10mm? Why not get a .40? Because I reload .357, have a ton of .357 ammo and don't want to introduce another caliber. I so eagerly want a .357 semi-auto carbine. If anyone else is interested in one of these conversions, please contact MechTech today and show your support. They won't build a conversion unless you ask. They are already doing conversions for other 1911s. I want them to build an upper for the Coonan 1911. Please show your support by contacting MechTech today: https://mechtechsys.com/Contact/tabid/6648/Default.aspx After contacting them, please share this post to other gun blogs so the interest can spread. I don't want to have to pay a gunsmith thousands of dollars to do this conversion for me. I wasn't quite sure whether to put this post in handguns or long guns forum. Technically, it's both.
  6. Not trying to beat you up here. Just alerting you to a potential conflict of interest. If it's acceptable, then no worries. I really do wish you well in your endeavors as a gunsmith. I am a huge fan of success stories. However, I have 1 issue with your posting about gunsmithing. You state that you're currently a Sergeant with the local county sheriff's office. When I was in the military, it was a violation of ethics to use your position/rank/enlistment status for personal gain. I don't know if this is true with the civilian police forces. Like I said, I'm a huge fan of the entrepreneur and small business and wish you all the best. I was just trying to protect your position with the sheriff's office by alerting you to the possible conflict of interest. Have an awesome day!
  7. Love my .357 wheel gun. It could be a little smaller/lighter, otherwise, extremely happy. I could have opted for one of the DAO light allow models to save on weight, but I like my tank.
  8. Picture of bait, and where did you buy them?
  9. I hope you're shorter than me. I'd look like a "bear on a tricycle" riding that bike. I'm a little over 6'1" and 250 lbs. I bought a Honda Rebel back in the day, when they first came out. Got tired of my knees being in my chest while riding. Ride brother ride! Keep the shiny side up!
  10. Glad you found such a trainable puppy. Mine is the most hard-headed thing in the world. He understands NO, but chooses to ignore it. Wish you well with your new best buddy!
  11. Bombay Palace in Nashville http://www.nashvillebombaypalace.com/
  12. Being out in the stand is always better than staying at home, even if it's just to do some scouting.
  13. I have previously owned a Vortex. It did the job. My son and I both run the Sightmark now. http://www.opticsplanet.com/sightmark-ultra-shot-m-spec-red-doty-sight.html It's has a similar price point. Battery life is excellent on both.
  14. I recently purchased a refurbished laptop from overstock.com (no, I don't work for them). I-5 processor, 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM, 15" screen with 1600x900 resolution. Only paid $274 for it. They sent me the first one, the keyboard was bad, J and K keys didn't work well, right speaker didn't work and machine quit running after 24 hours. They let me return it with free shipping. The next one I got back was flawless. Still working great after 3 months. They also have free shipping to anywhere, and no sales tax in TN.
  15. KaNaPaPi


    Knew a crazy guy in Texas. He tried to legally change his full name to "Squirrel". However, the state demanded that he have a last name. He chose ".". They said it couldn't be a punctuation mark. So, his legal name is not "Squirrel J Period". LOL


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