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About clipslinger

  • Birthday 04/10/1968

Profile Information

  • Location
    Old Hickory
  • Gender
  • Interests
    shooting, music
  • Occupation
    Safety Coordinator


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • Carry Weapon #1
    rossi 38
  • Carry Weapon #2
    ruger security six .357

clipslinger's Achievements

Established Contributor

Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. The first thing to check is the screw that holds the stock in place directly under the spring retainer. If the screw is not flush it will bind the spring and affect the bolt. Then I would look at the firing pin extracter piece that fits into the bolt carrier. the lug should be in the groove. I hope it works out for you.
  2. I sell firearms. I am pretty good at it as well. I gotta say this, vent a little. There are customers who know nil about the industry, or firearms in general, they dont want to know. They only want something to protect, plink,play with. I try to fill the bill with their budget and needs. There are those who come in just to show how vastly knowledgable they are and how much overpriced your inventory is, cause Bobby Joes house of weapons has it listed in the Shotgun news for 200.00. Thats the going rate for everything from Glocks to Hi-Points. I just grin and nod and show them every gun in the case they want to see. I know they are not going to buy so why do I do this? Other customers see what we are doing, if someone watches me spend this much time with the tire kicker, they will start asking questions or wanting to see what said tire kicker is looking at. Bottom line NO MATTER WHO IT IS! They all deserve my attention and so I make lots of sales. No B.S. just good customer service. The guy who just sits behind the counter or ignores the customer...I Love him cause they leave his shop and buy guns from me.
  3. The Maadis were built on original soviet equipment in Egypt. Its the closest thing stateside to the soviet AKM. The rommys are mostly great guns, like an old car some need TLC to get em just right. The Norincos and polytechs are by far my favorite. The recievers are thicker, the trigger crisper and the parts are better finished. Due to gun bans these cost way too much now. Arsenals are good guns but highly overpriced. 800 to a thousand is too much money for an AK with virtually no collector value. If you are gonna get one, get it soon. There are rumors that due to UN pressure the cugir factory that makes romanian rifles, are set to retool to make automobiles soon.
  4. Be advised, the rifle will not use standard scope rings. I had to use airgun rings on mine. That being said it is an awesome and accurate little shooter.
  5. I have had Russian, chinese, yugo and romanian. The chinese shot the best. The for yugo's I had were all junkie and all had trigger gas issues. I prefer the chinese over all.
  6. I see the government as more of a structural base vs wiring.The foundation that was laid was strong and withheld our great nation. Over the years both political parties have bored through that foundation to obtain their self serving goals. We now have a foundation thats ready to crumble. I support Liberty, period. I beleive the liberal crack pot has as much right to speak as the conservative crack pot.The constitution of the U.S. has proven to be strong enough. We just have to get back to the basics.
  7. century has the ammo down to 120 dollars for 1080 rounds.
  8. Me and the girls had a fine time, nice to talk with gun folks. Its even nicer to see who you talk to. The weather was hell but the speeches were great. Barrett did a fine job and the crowd was responsive, I even wonder if we shouldnt try to steer that gentleman into the political field. For the first one ever a B-. Need live music and more for the kiddies. I also feel that every gunstore, pawn shop, retail outlet in the state should have had a sign posted at entrance and exit. Thanks TGO for a great Sat. experience with my daughters.
  9. Your prices are not even a little over everyone they're higher than a cats back. I always get a good laugh when Im in there, which is seldom. I did purchase two rifles there a coupla years back and had to argue with the guy behind the counter that I only needed a background check once not once for each firearm. Great shop for a guy who has more money than brains, and not much gun sense. You seem like a nice guy though i hope you may can change ' em.
  10. Done!
  11. Ive bought guns all over the state, and had good luck with all and bad experience with all. Bellshire Hardware is where I go when I buy from gun broker or online. I just dont have the money I used to. For example, wasr ak rifle, 439.00 from classicarms 18 dollars shipping, 25 to transfer. Total cost 482.00. Went into a shop last night same gun 565.00+tax and background. Total 631.00. The difference gets me a half a case of wolf.
  12. I believe the issue here is where the hell is the regular line up. The zoo crew, Al, Jesse, etc. All the I heard about was the dam* jenna six for a solid year. If whites had beaten a black theyed be under the jail and the school system would be laying off you teachers to settle out of court. I got a kid who spent two years at Mcgavock high school. Hey teach, go spend a coupla days with the white kids out there and maybe you would learn something.
  13. Tried to catch an ak 47 on fire once many moons ago, buddie said your just a d*mn clipslingin fool. I liked it soo............
  14. I grew up without a dad,and mom was afraid of guns. I hunted using my uncles guns. At the grand old age of nineteen I bought a Savage/Stevens model 67(I think) 20 ga.This was followed closely by my first handgun. I had no experience at all with pistols and bought a 22. rohm from a guy at a pool hall.It was 20 bucks and you couldnt hit the broad side of a barn. It got me started though.
  15. clipslinger

    Top Five

    1.Stallingrad 2.Band of brothers 3.Sixstring samurai 4.Seven samurai 5.Nailin palin LOL 5.(for real this time) When trumpets fade


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