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    Shooting... DUH!
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    IT Manager


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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Smith M642
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Smith M21

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  1. For sure! First off, I switch hands and hold the gun in my left hand to reload so have that in your mind. After ejection, I would turn the gun up and tuck the it at my waist with the butt of the revolver at my navel, bend a little at the waist and looking down at the gun. VERY Jerry Miculek style. Now after ejecting the spent brass I hold the gun with the butt at sternum level this time out in front of my chest about 3 to 5 inches. So the gun is higher in my line of sight and I'm not looking down at it when I load it, I'm looking across the horizon.
  2. I HATE that you asked, you know how we don't like to talk about our wheels around here. But since you DID ask.... I'm 80/20 for EDC. I'm 20% (mostly winter) Smith M21 44spl 4inch with two pouches, or the Smith M642 with two strips the rest of the time. For the class I used the 21 for obvious reasons. On the training side, still dry firing every day using the techniques from the class. I've got the revolver much higher in my line of sight on reloads. My draw has more purpose with less motion. And mechanically my "new" comp I speedloaders (compared to using my old comp IIIs on the K frame) are finally deploying with some speed. Still lots to work on and lots to try and engrain in the subconscious.
  3. Took the Defensive Revolver course at Royal Range USA last night. There's no way I could keep it to myself. Shane Kerwin was the instructor. I can't say enough about the course of instruction or follow-up training material. First off the range, classroom, retail shop and facilities are amazing. Well done and laid out nicely for both men and woman. Second, even though I was the only shooter in a twelve man class, it still took place. I was very, very surprised. Shocked is a better word for it. I expected it to be canceled as wheel gunners are few and far between these days and it's hard to squad up two or three much less twelve. Either way, I got a notice the event was on and I was there promptly at 3:45 eagerly waiting instruction.... and that's what I got. Shane has a fantastic military back ground... way too much to mention here, but that's not as important as his delivery method or methodical approach. I've primarily shot IDPA, so I've got a few 'less then tactical' ways to draw and reload. These mostly center around my "work space." Shane as all over it in a way that was more informational and informative then "Thou Shall Not" doctrine. Once I heard the reasons and logic, I instantly was converted to the method. That is to say, everything we covered made sense... there was no ego or authoritarianism in the room, only and expert and a novice with much to learn. Great class will take many more in the future!
  4. And it's a five screw... nice find!
  5. Made in USA BY ALTAMONT GRIP COMPANY - I had to shape the back with some 400 and 600 as they stuck out at the web of the hand and were at 90 degree angles. I sanded it back a 1/16 or so rounded it and I LOVE THEM. I have the same set but with checkers... not sure yet were they will end up. I HATE TO SHARE IT! https://www.ebay.com/itm/S-W-GRIP-N-FRAME-ROUND-BUTT-INDIAN-ROSEWOOD-SMOOTH-BOOT-STYLE-W-S-W-MEDALLIONS/373146627750 Now complete with night sites! Father-in-law just hooked me up and helped me get them on the gun. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IECO29Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. At least I got my ammo sorted out.... 1400 rounds so far and counting! (please don't ask the cost!!! ) And for those keeping score I have four hostler on the way, three leather and one in the DREDDED kydex. Will post when I receive them. (If you have a keen eye you can see the DeSantis Split Sixes and a speed strip loaded up and ready to go.) *EDIT* Incase you wondered what I landed on as far as Wheels go... the S&W M21-4 44 special
  7. EITHER!
  8. Wheel, Wheel, Wheel..... Is my voodoo working. Did you go out and buy a 3 inch 686+ yet? Let me know if it works because I want to use it on my wife!
  9. The wife has one with at least 2000 rounds through it will no issues so far. Not sure if that helps!
  10. JimHouchin


    Do you think he means get pistol with a ~17 degree grip ANGLE? Like a 1911, or is he saying you need a gun with 17 rounds of capacity like a Glock 17,19x,45 ect.? From the question it sounds more like a golf club re-gripping than a pistol spec?!
  11. I've have to buy the first single and double stacked guns because I only have wheels!
  12. No harm no foul sir! (Thanks for the follow-up I do appreciate it.)
  13. You must not get out much? As it's all over about how GREAT wheels are now, and how we shouldn't dismiss them. Don't forget about Craig Spiegel. If you want some of his grips you've got a two year wait! Well, I'm not sure you "know" me, but I'm a self respecting gun owner that likes Kydex for IDPA and Kramer and DeSantis for carry. I just love when people put you down for not thinking in the same way! Lastly.... the 610 is a fantastic gun! It's the next one on the list right after the 21 gets here. Over and out!
  14. You need the "clipDraw" it's the BOMB for a jframe! https://www.amazon.com/ClipDraw-Concealed-Carry-Frame-Revolvers/dp/B00T1A8YAS/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/136-9213827-8396962?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00T1A8YAS&pd_rd_r=a70a6ae3-2ffe-445a-b61a-715b379d8313&pd_rd_w=fuosi&pd_rd_wg=unfB9&pf_rd_p=f325d01c-4658-4593-be83-3e12ca663f0e&pf_rd_r=NN6ADCHF4HCJCSQ6WW9J&psc=1&refRID=NN6ADCHF4HCJCSQ6WW9J
  15. If you like that you'll LOVE this ... King Kong loosing his $4.99 IWB holster sock by shooting it off the gun!!


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