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Everything posted by HoustonGrey

  1. I spend several hours a day in a car. I use a Wilderness Safepacker strapped to the seatbelt. It is also good for off body carry when in dress clothes. No one even gives it a second look in my hand. They think it is a planner or something. I also open the flap and insert it between the mattress and box springs at the hotel. I can reach it immediately and although I am in a different hotel every night I always know where it is going to be when I go for it. http://store.thewilderness.com/index.php?cPath=51 Mick
  2. Forgive my ignorance but what is a 2A organization? Anyone interested in a little challenge? What if every NRA member signed up two new members? I have Father-in-Law & a Brother-in-Law who both need a membership. I think I will get them a gift membership. I can sign them up at a discounted rate of $25. All these new shooters I have worked with purchased Glocks and want a maintenance class since they have never cleaned a handgun. Maybe I should charge the price of an NRA membership to come to the class... Surely as shrewd and intelligent as we are to be gun owners we could talk two more people into joining. Anyone game??
  3. I travel often and have never done well staying with a routine on the road. I decided to find some things I could do in the hotel room. Hindu Squats - It is my understanding that Shoot Fighters in Japan can do 500 in one set! These will kick your butt... [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPSVpo4mzNI[/ame] The only thing I do different is go low enough to let my knuckles swipe the ground. I am about to start this program... http://hundredpushups.com/index.html It will fit anyone's fitness level I will let you know how it goes! Mick
  4. PM sent Justin... Plenty of spaces open
  5. It has been interesting watching the gun culture the last few months... Now we see thousands of people rushing to get their guns before Obama bans them. It is obvious that the gun culture could make a difference before this happens. If as many people that bought guns the last few weeks were also politically active I can't help but think we could make a difference... Case in point - Since January 1, I have introduced 7 new people to firearms. Most of them I work with, but this was the first time I got pro-active to introduce and educate them on handguns. Every single one of them had a great time and have now purchased a handgun. Many of them are now considering a concealed carry license in their various states. My next step is to help them understand that "most" concealed carry classes will teach them legalities of lethal force but not necessarily train them to defend themselves with a handgun. They need more training... I have coordinated a Tactical Handgun 101 class for Randy Cain, guntactics.com, at the Columbia Police Range in late May. My hope is that many of these individuals will take the class at my urging. If you know anyone new to shooting this would be a great opportunity for them in the local area. Next I need to help them understand the importance of joining the NRA. Last I checked no one in Washington will give me an appointment to speak on gun rights. The NRA is one of the most powerful lobbies in the US but we only have 3.5 million members. What kind of difference could be make if we were over 10 million strong? I know I am probably preaching to the choir here but I think if every gun geek (and you know who you are!) used a three point plan like this we could really make a difference. 1. Introduce as many people as possible to the safe use of firearms. 2. Encourage them to seek professional training to defend themselves. 3. Encourage them to join the NRA. I just feel like we are reacting or just giving up when we run to buy the guns before he bans them... Doesn't that sound like we think the fight is already over? That is how I have started getting active but I don't know much about what we could do politically in the area as a group. Any Ideas??
  6. I have owned an XD9 SC and I currently carry a Glock 19. They are both excellent pistols and extremely reliable. Here are my thoughts... The Glock actually weighs less than the XD. Important if you plan on carrying it. The difference in handle length is negligible for concealed carry. I actually had to put Pearce extensions on the XD to get a full firing grip. The Glock sets lower in the hand than the XD which helps with muzzle flip. The shorter sight radius on the XD is a liability in my opinion. You won't notice it standing flat footed at the range but if you attend a multi-day handgun class and start moving around and shooting prone from 25 yds etc... you will definitely see the problem. I found that I was much more accurate with the 4" barrel of the Glock. I would think that this would be an advantage in a self-defense situation where movement and adrenaline will be part of the mix. Another issue with the 3" barrel is that Springfield had to use a double recoil spring set-up with the slide length. I did have some malfunctions during classes... maybe two or three out of every 500 rounds. Could have been me but I have never had a malfunction with the Glock. The trigger reset was shorter on the Glock in comparing my pistols. Both guns needed trigger help in my opinion. With the XD you will need a gunsmith like canyoncreekcustom.com, Springfield Armory, etc... to handle your trigger job. I am sure there are other reputable gunsmiths that can do this... By the time you ship both ways etc... It can get pretty expensive. The Glock is easier to deal with. I would start with dropping in a 3.5lb trigger which you can do yourself for $20 or less. This will really get you roughly a 5.5lb trigger pull that is much nicer than out of the box. I notice you were interested in 9mm or .40 S&W. I have several buddies that shoot .40, .357 Sig, .45ACP. They all seem to like their chosen caliber. What I do know is that I shoot much more often than they do. 9mm is more economical to shoot. My thinking is that I should shoot as often as possible. I am at the range a minimum of every two weeks and often weekly. My buddies don't, due to the cost. I have found Georgia Arms Canned Heat to be a good buy. If I catch them at a gun show in TN I buy a couple thousand rounds. If you buy 500 rds you will generally average $10 a 50 rd box including tax. I have not found it cheaper. Compare that to the other calibers... Go to a range that lets you rent guns. Try the M&P, Glock, XD, etc... Good Luck!
  7. Did you like the G-38 though? I have a G-19 and I can't see the savings in reloading but I would think it might be worth it on .45 GAP. I have been thinking about the G-38 or the G-21SF in 45ACP Mick
  8. Can anyone recommend a gunsmith in the Nashville/Memphis area that specializes or has a good reputation with shotguns? I want to install a ghost ring sight set on my Remington 870. Mick
  9. I really like mine too... It is pretty accurate considering the sights are basically non-existent and it has a really long trigger pull. It is so light you completely forget you have it with you.
  10. That is a great deal for your former students. Talk about value... I think you found a new customer.
  11. Louis Awerbuck is coming to Columbia, TN for a Stage 1 Shotgun course on September 10-12. I am signed up... Here is his website yfainc.com
  12. Louis Awerbuck Stage 1 Shotgun in Columbia, TN Sept. 10-12 I am signed up... Is there anyone else who plans to attend? yfainc.com
  13. HoustonGrey

    ruger lcp

    I purchased two LCPs from a place in Rhode Island. They had 5 on-hand when I called - http://www.dlshootingsupplies.com/index.htm. My FFL asked who's butt they kissed to get that many... One was for my wife but she doesn't like it. I have one available that has roughly 50 rounds through it if anyone is interested. Here are couple of issues I have noticed... If you have long fingers you may have trouble making the gun go "bang". It has a very long trigger pull and long fingers seem to stop the motion by hitting the receiver during the pull. My short digits had no problem and I could put the rounds where I wanted them at the 5' to 7' range where this gun will be used. It jumps around in your hand and you need a very tight grip. My wife just couldn't get it to set still for her.
  14. David, I wanted to recommend another extended release that I had installed. It is not a drop-in but he guys at Southwest Shooting Authority installed it for me. It takes a small frame adjustment but allows you to keep your firing grip during mag changes. I showed it to David this past weekend at Owl Hollow. Nice to meet you and your wife by the way. I am not affiliated with Southwest Shooting Authority in any way. I am just a customer and if you are a Glock guy they do really nice work. Mick
  15. Welcome Brad, I would recommend Small Arms Training School - S.A.T.S. (615)794-3333 It is held at the Williamson County Sheriffs Dept in Franklin. Mick
  16. Wenger Evo-Grip Victorinox Hiker Joel Bolden - PAK Knife - 154CM Bob Dozier - Professional Guides Knife - D2 Graham Brothers w/pocket sheath - 154CM Tom Krein - D2 New Leatherman Skeletool - 154CM Arno Bernard w/mammoth tooth ivory - Sandvik Benchmade Mini-Griptilian - 440C Emerson Mini-CQC7 - 154CM http://s285.photobucket.com/albums/ll55/mhouston5/Knives/
  17. Thanks for the help! I like having an option since the Surefire forend is pretty expensive.
  18. Has anyone come up with a light option for the Remington 870 besides the Surefire option that replaces the forend?
  19. I purchased a 20guage Remington 870 with Knoxx Stock for HD. http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/premier_dealer_exclusives/model_870_express_7-shot_20-ga.asp Why did I go with the 20 guage? I wanted my 12yr old daughter and wife to be able to handle it and I read stuff similar to this on the internet - I specifically recommend the 20 gauge for women and recoil-sensitive men who dislike the blast and recoil of the 12 gauge. "Delivering roughly the ballistic force of two .44 Magnum rounds at once," comments the knowledgeable Ayoob, the 20 "delivers 75% of the lead for only 50-60% of the recoil". My daughter can handle it just fine and can get all 7 rounds down range in a hurry. The Knoxx Stock is pretty incredible. Now my buddy in Virginia has been chastising me for this purchase. He said a Remington 1100 in 12 guage would not have kicked any harder and would have been a better HD gun. What do you all think?
  20. Those have been hard to come by... Where did you purchase it?
  21. Switched to Glock 19. It is lighter than a XD9 Subcompact The handle is just slightly longer so it isn't any harder to conceal 15 round capacity Always goes bang
  22. Jeet Kune Do The key is to learn every range of combat and be able to flow from one to the other... Kicking range, Boxing range, Trapping range, Standing Grappling, Groundfighting. If you are missing one you are just asking to have Murphy's Law slap you up side the head... My weapons training comes from Kali and Silat. Incredible weapon arts
  23. I use 124gr Speer Gold Dot in 9mm and +P for my subcompact.
  24. This one is a tough one for me. In my mind the perfect scenario would be no government intervention and everyone have enough responsibility to get proper training. I would assume that everyone on this forum is probably that type of person. Now I am going to play Devil's advocate... Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that are idiots. I don't think 8 hours of the CCL class was even close to adequate for the average civilian. All it takes is one untrained person to have an accidental discharge and kill or maim someone and the gun control people just have another example to smear all over the liberal media. Not to mention, I don't want anyone in my family to be the unfortunate victim of such an incident. What would be wrong with at least 24 hours of training before passing a CCL? If it made everyone more competent and safe wouldn't that be a good thing?


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