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Everything posted by tercel89

  1.   LOL you are correct on the selling of poop , haha . I have carried  my G30 standard for a long time now and just dont see what the hype is about with the 30S .
  2. Is the Glock 30S worth the price of getting one when compared to a Glock 30 standard model  ? I understand that it is a regular Glock 30 frame with a Glock 36 slide . Is this true ? Is it worth getting rid of a G30 to get the G30S ? To me I just cant seem to understand what would be so great about it if the slide is thinner but the frame is still wide . What are your thoughts ?
  3. Thanks so much for all that information. I love reading what other people do so I can add to what I do now. Very nice write up sir  :pleased:
  4. HAHA Thanks ! And Merry Christmas ! 
  5. My wife and me , oops I mean Santa , was up till 1:30 am this morning putting togather a 3 story doll house for our 6 yr old daughter. We started at 9 p.m. LAST NIGHT !!!!! It was so aggravating. My wife said  " you fix all our cars and put guns together and take them apart but why cant you put this thing together ? " . Oh lawd Jesus LOL 
  6. What I thought about doing one day is childish but it would be funny to watch the look on the  "scalper's" faces : I was going to take 2 Walmart bags with old .22LR brick boxes that are empty and put two empty boxes in each bag . You can see them through the bag pretty well. Then walk back to the gun counter when they are there waiting early in the morning like they alwayys do . Then say "well you guys didnt beat me to the ammo this morning " LOL . They would be steaming mad I bet !
  7. I have ditched American vehicles all the way but if I had to choose I'd go with Ford over Dodge . I have seen too many Dodge Deisels have a lot of electrical fires . I dont know why but I have seen a lot burn to the ground from wiring harness fires. For some reason it seems to be the deisels and not the gas ones .   Have you considered a Toyota Tundra with their big V-8 engine ? 
  8. WOW . He was a huge man amoung the gun world . A genius at making such a simple and long lasting reliable gun. His guns are awesome.  It wont be long before Gaston Glock reaches this point. He is 84 and has made about as big impact on pistols as Kalashnikov made on rifles. Both are simple , rugged , reliable  combat firearms. 
  9. It damned sure aint me .  There is a guy at my brother's work who does the same thing and people are paying his high prices. Kinda crappy that you are making 300-400% off of your co-workers and friends.
  10. Yep, the older I get , the more I seem to bitch. I promised my wife that I will try to stop complaining and be more positive . I will do this but before I stop the bitching , let me make one more complaint :  The Walmart Ammo Scalpers . I went back to the hunting and fishing section of Walmart looking at their selection of the Leatherman's and Pocket Multi-tools. While there it seemed like a cattle gate holding back some giant angry bulls . A whole lot of idiots hoarding the ammo that had just came it. I dont blame the guys for buying ammo when you see it . But here's the part that bothers me . When I did leave , I sat in my car a minute arranging some paperwork. Then I saw the  same group of guys come out of the store that bought the ammo . They all  met over at one guys truck who then took all the  ammo and then looked like he was paying them for it . I am pretty sure this guy paid them a small fee for buying it and then he will probably jack up the price and sell it 3-4 times more than what he paid for it at Walmart . I know this is all legal but man ...... Ok I feel better now .
  11. tercel89

    Glock 42

    PRICE ????? What will the price range be ? MSRP and what the shops will sell them for ? Any idea ?
  12. tercel89

    New LCR-X

    I just got this email advertisement  from them today too. It is very interesting . Ahhhhhh , get it or the Glock 42 ? Ahhhh the choices in life are so hard  :yum:
  13. Hey thanks guys . This is exactly what I was thinking it was (Osage Orange) or at least the slang name for it . I just dont remember the big ball "fruit" things on it when it was alive . But yes I was thinking with that color it had to be it. I have built 2 different homemade bows and both were from Oak but some guys that were with me built theirs from Osage Orange . I remember how bright that wood was . I may try and make a few ole style sling-shots for my girl and boy from these roots and some other trinkits and such . I just cant get over how preserved it is and how it looks like it is still alive and had not rotted. I did read that is is very rot-resistant and boy it sure is . 
  14. What do you guys/gals  use as pistol lights ? I have had a Streamlight TLR-1 back a few years ago and sold it. It had the aluminum body and was an LED . At work we use the plastic bodied Insight M3 .   I am wanting to get one again for my home pistol and wanted to see what other guys/gals used . Thanks for any information . 
  15. This wood is a lot more yellow/orange than it seems in this picture. It is like a Flouresent yellow/orange in person. It is from a tree that was cut down back in 1989 . This peice came from the dead roots that we dug up this week. Even though it has been dead and buried underground for over 24 years , it still is strong as fresh Oak . What kind of tree does this wood look like it is from ? I have an idea but I just want your guys opinions. The tree was way over 80 feet tall back back before it fell in 1989 and was about 4 feet thick at the trunk. It was a huge tree. Any help on identifying the wood is appreciated. I have a bunch of its roots and I'm amazed at how well preserved they are . I may try to make something small or useful out the roots . It was my Grandaddys tree. Keep in mind that like I said , this wood is extremely bright and yellowish orange in person . [URL=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/yellowwood_zpsf9b90c9e.jpg.html][/URL]
  16. tercel89

    Glock 42

    The one thing I hope for is that Glock stays with the solid pins and doesn't use those silly roll-pins like S&W uses on the M&P's  and the Croatian company uses on the XD's. 
  17. tercel89

    Glock 42

    Whatever the 42 ends up being , I sure hope that Glock will have tested it a lot before they sell them to get all the bugs out . I got burned by the CZ P-07 Duty when it was released and I am a CZ fan but that gun was a POS . CZ even sent me a whole new gun too.   Hopefully this 42 wont end up being another G36 with it's problem filled life or "hit and miss" type reliability . 
  18. Awesome guy and funny . I saw him at Tennessee Gun Country one day and never realized how tall he was. 
  19. tercel89

    CZ P-09

    I'm trying to keep myself from one ,,,,, really bad . I got the P-07 in 9mm when it first came out and had 3 different major problems with it . 1. It would not drop the mags out correctly and when pulling the mags out of the gun you had to pull hard , even on empty mags. 2. the frame was "bowing outwards" ,  quite a bit to where it was crazy looking. 3. half of the time the trigger would not reset and I mean HALF of the time which was every other trigger pull. CZ sent me a new gun but I got rid of it . I sure hope CZ has gotten the problems out of their polymer guns . I love their metal guns that for sure  and I really want this P-09 but I am having fears that the same may happen again . 
  20. Very well said  :up:
  21. Thanks a bunch guys . The wind seems to have picked up even worse here . I'm gonna skip it today and I'm sure it will be just as bad tomarrow . 
  22. I have heard the same . Kinda like they are spooked and really scared of all the noises . But it's always good to hear others experiences. Thanks . I am wondering if I can go out this afternoon . I'm in Clarksville and its a little breezy . 
  23. Do any of your guys and gals hunt here in Tennessee when it is windy outside and if so have you had good luck ? I mean windy as in a breeze , not high winds. 
  24. Check her facebook friends and ask them and see if she's been planing to meet someone after school or something. 


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