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Everything posted by tercel89

  1. Thanks and that was what I was looking for . If the Pyrodex was corrosive while just sitting in the barrel . I will shoot it to get it out of there but I have to travel around 21 miles to my other land to shoot it . Around my neighborhood it would draw a lot of attention if I shot that dude into the ground out back :popcorn:
  2. How long can you keep a muzzleoader loaded up with powder (pyrodex pellets) and a bullet without corrosion? Just wondering will the powder corrode the barrel or does it only corrode it AFTER it's been fired ? I usually fire mine after the season if I still have it loaded but mine is still loaded.  
  3. tercel89

    Beretta 92

    BTW I would but I am in Clarksville and sold my M9 . Still a great deal !
  4. tercel89

    Beretta 92

    Sounds like a good deal to me ! some beer for a brief use of your pistol ? HECK YEAH!!!!!
  5. Sorry to bother you guys with this . I am not really up to date on politics, the most I ever listen or hear about them is when I listen to Phil Valentine on the radio ( he is on radio in Nashville on channel 99.7) . Anyways I am wondering when the the "assault weapon thingy" going to be done ? I am pretty much wanting to know when is this thing , whatever the politicians are gonna do, going to be over so we will know what will still be able to be purchased and what wont ?  I am going through my mid-life crisis , LOL, and I am on the fence of selling my Bushmaster rifle to get funds to buy a Fox Body Mustang . But if the "ban" does happen then I am not so sure to sell it . It is pretty much new bought back in 2004 new by me  and only had 150 rds through it . If these rifles are banned I may keep it , but then again , I hadnt shot it since 2005 .  I know that I would sure have more fun with that Fox Body !  
  6. Oh my God !!!!! That is the best comment of the year !!!! And true !!!!
  7. Also , I have a 30'X60' area that I have a fence built around to keep the deer out. I use that area for our tomatoes and canteloups and such but the kids love black-berries so much that I may use hal of this area to grow the berries there. I' thinking of putting some 6 foot tall rods in the ground spaced out about 5 foot every segment and run wires on them all and let the berries run up and along the wires.  Does this sound good ? 
  8. Thanks for all the information and keep it coming. So what part of the year should I plant them ? Like maybe after the last cold spell or what ? 
  9. I hear you on the wild ones. We used to have them here all the time but I dont see anything like that anymore , just wild "country" roses growing along the ditches here and there. Also , I love that line you have about how T.V. is to your mind , very true !
  10. Were they in the form of a bush or plant ?
  11. Yeah from all that I have read they seem to be "climbing type" plants.  I just didnt know if I grew them from seeds or from a small bush to get them started.
  12. I am wanting to plant some blackberry bushes this spring. I have never planted them before so I was wanting some information on how to grow them , where to get them and what all  I need to do . I have a huge yard so room is no problem. I will be eating these . So if there is a certain kind I need to buy then let me know . I fugred it was a good thing to ask here since most of us live here in Tennessee so the soil and temperatures would be the same. Thanks in adavnce .
  13. tercel89


    This is my favorite and most trustworthy decocker. The CZ P-01 , it's a nice carry gun .
  14. tercel89

    CZ P-07

    What do you mean by "tomato" test ?
  15. I dont usually get wrapped up in this debate , but I have one question and was gong to ask my friends and family on Facebook but most of them are anti-gun and VERY democratic and believe that Obama is the best thing since the wheel.  Here is my question: How will Obama and the goverment enforce this gun ban and  magazine limiting on criminals ? Now think about it . Criminals first of all dont even obey any laws that are here right now . SO how will "they" enforce these bans and all for criminals ? To the best of my knowledge , us law abiding citizens are the only ones that this will affect and we will abide by it . What is some other good things I can say to my friends and all to back this up ? Although my question is as simple as you can get and there is no if ands nor buts about it . We law abiding guys/gals are the only law abiding citizens that will obey these darn things getting ready to pass.
  16. My mobile office
  17. tercel89

    1911 holsters

    Here is mine . It is made by an individual that is on a 1911 forum. He does all his own work and calls his buisiness "US Gunleather" . It even has a "skin guard/sweat guard that goes upward on the left side of the gun to keep the gun from rubbing you and from your sweat getting to the gun.
  18. I cant get over how cute the little girl is ! She's a cutie !
  19. What a pretty cat ! Beautiful !
  20. This is Burley, our Jack-Russell/Black Lab mix . He is a character ! He is 8 yrs old and sharp as a tack .
  21. I have heard that the G17 RTF 2 was comming back out but wasnt for sure.
  22. I agree with you wOlfattack , that Angus guy needs to be  a little more polite and develop some  simple manners . I am a big CZ fan and they are great pistols , I carry a P-01, but Angus should have said that a whole lot nicer. 
  23. i'm kinda on the fence about getting one right now just out of curiosity . Didnt the whole trigger mechanism come out in one peice that also contained the rails ?
  24. Any Glock in 9mm and then the CZ P-01 . The Glock goes without  saying of course. And then look at the NATO testing that was done on the P-01 . The NATO number should be  on the right hand side of your P-01 .  I know what you are talking about with the Slide stop breaking and I have heard of it but I have not experienced it .


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