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    Rogersville ne Tenn.
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  1.  So, re: the last post. If I or my wife drive through Illinois, as long as I(who will be the only one carrying and I do have a Tn. HCP)do not leave the vehicle, I will be in accordance with the law? The vehicle we will be driving is a minivan, with no separate trunk area.
  2. OK. At least for Illinois, and I would assume other states, the easiest way to  insure one was complying with the law was if the gun was    " broken down in a non-functioning state".  I just re-read the pamphlet, looks as though the pistol also has to be in a shut case.   Thanks for the prompt response.
  3. I will be driving cross country from Tn. through Kentucky, Illinois, North Dakota Wyoming, then the southern route back home. If a state does not allow handgun carry, what is the best way to transport the pistol while driving through that state? So far I believe Illinois is the only problematic state.
  4. "you could become a benefactor here on TGO"   Good idea. I did just that.    Robert
  5. OK. So if the buyer wanted to see the gun in person, we could meet, transfer funds, then go the the post office and send the gun to his dealer in North Carolina?.
  6. Thank you for the input. One interested buyer says he may be coming to Pigeon Forge in a week or so, so in that case could we meet at a dealer, perhaps BassPro, and let them handle the exchange? Would that be the easiest way to go?    As this handgun is listed on armslist, I have received a number of interested emails. This is the 3rd email I received from a person, the 2nd one asked for more pictures. I understand his concern but also wonder if perhaps THIS person could be a scammer. I replied that he should call me first then I will send of photo with 31 cents. Thanks for input.   "thanks for the reply.  With all the scams on Armslist, I always ask the sellers to take a photo that proves they have possession of the gun aka " proof of life" photo.  So, can you send me a pic of the gun with one penny, one nickel, and one quarter by the gun (36 cents).  A scammer usually stops talking to me after this request. Thanks Jeff"   update:  this person called, so I am less concerned. Turns out he is from Colorado so I doubt I will be working with him.
  7. I may sell a handgun I have to a person from N.C. We will meet in Tn. I will ask for I.D. and drivers license and copy. Is there anything else I need to do?   Robert
  8. OK, thanks for inputs.
  9. My wife has a Sig laser on her P238. Before I get a Kydex holster for my P938, I need to decide if I would like a laser on it. Then which laser. It appears that the Crimson Trace laser is activated when the pistol is gripped, whereas the Sig laser has an on/off button. Comments are appreciated.
  10. Has anyone seen a Kydex holster for the Sig P938? I would rather have Kydex than leather but so far cannot find one.
  11. I am having a hard time finding .380 ACP brass ammo. I stopped at Gander Mountain, they had self defense ammo for $40(+tax) a 50 round box, I did not get it.  Would like to get some rounds for practice.   I had luck getting 2 more 7 round magazines for the P238, TopGun Supply had them and shipped them quickly. 
  12. I did find these grips and emailed the seller. He currently has some identical on ebay.  I went ahead and purchased the above pistol. It is lovely. I have been target practicing and very surprisingly some ammo did not function in this at all. Nada. We replaced the non-functioning bullets and the P238 worked perfectly. The bullets that did NOT work, at all, were from Wal-Mart, name TulAmmo, steel case. . 380 ACP, made in Russia. The ones that did work are a brass case.
  13. Could be. I will email the seller and see if he is in a kindly mood, to look. Lets see if this picture comes thru. From Sigtalk I found an old seller who sold on ebay. I emailed him(Thailand) and he may be making more soon. I will post a new thread if I get info.
  14. I saw a picture of a Sig P238 with rosewood wrap around grips with finger grooves. The owner does not know where they came from. Any suggestions? Hogue has only straight sided ones, cannot find any with finger grooves. These have no name written on the outside and look really sharp.   Nancy
  15. Not sure if this person is a dealer or not but believe he may be. It is a drive to go see the gun but if I could not get it when I see it, then I may just put it off. Thanks.


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