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Pat last won the day on August 26 2014

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About Pat

  • Birthday 03/25/1994

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  • Location
    Southern Meigs County (SE TN)
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hobby & professional machining.


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Well - I listen to music from a few centuries ago. Heck, and I'm a third the age of some of you old grouches.
  2. Hmm... how 'bout Hooters?
  3. This is about the first speech that dip&^%$ made where he wasn't late.   I swear, two-thirds of it was liberal feel-good, emotional dribble. Christ.
  4. It may be hard on your family life, but enjoy the vastly enhanced pay while you can. Save every drop you can and don't get used to it, as eventually it will dry up. Six or seven-day weeks would be very rough.
  5. Pat

    Unimat SL 1000

    Man, I thought my lathe was small. Goodness. Good luck with your quest, friend. Restoring these older precision tools is a service to the world.
  6. Ya know, Mike, that's not a half-bad idea. Might be somewhat disingenuous, but it would possibly be for "our" benefit... even if folks from the north/northeast are gun-friendly, they are obviously liberal enough to put up with other lib-tarded policies from up yonder. Even TN isn't in perfect shape by no means.   I might just copy-paste 10-Ring's post... hah...
  7. Nice. I think she kilt 'im purdy good-like.
  8. Mmhmm. I'm only 20, and I don't curse. Mentally, yes, that is different, but verbally, no. Not for any reason either, I'm an atheist, so I'm not afraid of the boogeyman or whomever cursing me for cursing... hah... I say this in jest, no stab at religion here.   Anyway - it is a respect thing. Perhaps also an intelligence thing. When one reduces himself to the lowest common denominator, it is not a good showing.
  9. That would be hilarious, Dustbuster.
  10. I'll be there. Went to the same one in Cleveland last year. It was packed.
  11. Not to be picky, but I hate the term "unauthorized possession". This suggests the idea that one must be "authorized" to possess a firearm. As well as "involuntary commitment" of people to the loony bin, rubs me the wrong way.   On the whole though, good piece, especially by a doc. 1000% improved over a lot of others.
  12. Did two things today. Expended some ammo for the first time in a long time. Tomatoes and crappy soda make great targets. 158-grain SJHP .357 Magnum makes a great tomato exterminator.   And, made a handle for a friend's trailer. Instead of a half-inch diameter two-inch rod, they got a one inch diameter, four inch rod to crank up and down with. Three hours of work, not bad...
  13. At home.
  14. So, which one of you guys is this?


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