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Everything posted by knox
I like it even more with a little color on the slide lettering: [url=http://s102.photobucket.com/user/knoxf4i/media/B00ADBF6-7429-4D5A-8D59-796C1A3D877C-10802-0000040F02678B58_zps3f8dc421.jpg.html][/URL]
Most expensive rounds I have ever purchased :ugh:
And my six G19 Magazines will work with the G26 as well. That's pretty cool.
I bought a new carry gun - the Gen 4 Glock 26 - test fired in March so this baby is "fresh out tha factory". I wasn't sold on the FDE color, so I came home and slept on it. Turns out this color is harder to come by than the black, so I told myself if it was still there this morning I would pick it up (Personal Defense Options). The good news is that with the gun purchase, I was able to buy 2 boxes of FMJ and 1 box of Hollow Point .9mm :woohoo: Here it is. I have given up on a Shield, so I am very happy with the 26:
Since I can't shoot (don't want to deplete my low supply of ammo) mine are queens by default :-( But - I really don't want them beaten up. I hope to keep them looking as new as possible for as long as possible. I am like others have stated - that's just the way I like to keep my things.
Glock 19. It just does everything I want it to do very naturally. I love my Sig SP2022, but I would let go of it before my G19.
I hope that's all it is. I guess I just need to be in the right place at the right time.
I would rather not see my electric bill skyrocket. Gas for me, please.
Man, I wish it would level out. I would love to shoot my 9mm guns. I am starting to stock up on 12 gauge shells. 1 box a week on payday. Maybe I should do 2...
Thanks for clearing that up. So you think it is just panic buying? The manufacturers must be loving this.
It's my understanding that re-loading supplies are hard to find now as well. Have you found that to be the case?
Let's say it's true that the DHS is buying / has bought all the ammo - millions of rounds, and that this is causing the shortage. Shouldn't the ammo manufacturers simply stop selling / shipping to the DHS? And instead, sell / ship to distributors so that the public can have access to the ammo again? I thought for sure the panic buying would have been over by now and the shortage would have worked it's way back to equilibrium. That is not the case - it is harder to find 9mm now than it was a month ago. The trickle down effect is obvious. No shooting at gun ranges, lost revenue, lost jobs, business closing. Also, why even buy a gun if you can't shoot anything through it? So what do you think? IS the DHS the reason for the shortage? And if so, why are they using OUR money to buy so much ammunition? I don't see an end to this situation. Can the gun hobby sustain another year of this? Is that what the powers in Washington are hoping for? Just throwing out some thoughts I had today and wanted to hear your thoughts. I am not a conspiracy theorist. But something is definitely going on here out of the ordinary - and surely more than public panic buying, don't you think?
They also had an M&P 9c and Walther PPQ and PPS. I was surprised at the 9mm pistols that were there.
I honestly don't know, but the one I bought was not the display so it is possible. No safety, it's a decocker.
Thanks for the info and vote of confidence.
Now I just need to find an extra mag or two.
After looking at this 9mm for 2 months, I decided to grab one when I saw Academy had it in stock. Not sure when I will fire it, but from the rave reviews - and the 5,000 consecutive shots fired vid on youtube - I am sure I will be quite pleased with it. Heck, it would take me a lifetime to put 5,000 through it as infrequently as I go shooting. It only came with 1 Magazine, and in a cardboard box. But it is Glock solid as a polymer gun. I just couldn't shell out the $999 for the M11-A1 that was sitting in the cabinet with it :yum: Not mine, but you get the idea:
I love West Knoxville, but there are so many advantages of living out in the country.
My 2010 Toyota Corolla :rock:
Just got off the phone with my sister, who lives in Kingston. Apparently, since they do not live here in West Knoxville like me, they can shoot all they want in their large back yard, or across the street at a neighbor's who has a nice collection of firearms. I might go through a couple boxes of my 9mm and some 12 gauge to break in my new Remington 870 Express. No more $10 Coal Creek Armory charges for me :woohoo:
I wish I had more free time to put into it. Fortunately though, I do have patience.
Also, Aero Precision stripped lowers (which are excellent, from what I read) are going for $300 - $350! Weren't these around $100 a year ago?