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Everything posted by ArmyBrat61

  1. I took it apart down to the bare bones this afternoon and got it back together again with no parts missing or left over pieces. That little trigger bar retention stud is a bear to see, keep track of and get back in. I'm liking this pistol more and more...may have to go the Ebay route for extra mags, even if they do only hold 10. Next is some quality leather...it came with a cheap nylon belt holster...have to dress this old girl up in some stylish skin. The grips are comfortable so they will stay...this gun is really well balanced. I will post a range report when I can get an afternoon to myself......work work work....I do like the rewards of overtime though....
  2.     I've been searching the net for them and they are scarce....somebody told me to get the S&W 59 mags and cut the mag stop on the mirror side from the factory cut...might have to if all else fails.
  3. I just picked this up for a song (OOOOOklahoma....ok too much coffee this morning) and its sweet. It is a F.E.G. P9RK in 9mm. All metal pistol, SA/DA with decocker/safety, finger grips, crappy sights and 2 15rd factory metal mags. I have already replaced some missing springs (maybe why I got it so cheap) and have not yet fired it. There is just something about an all metal pistol....vintage, sexy...I think I'll call her Zsa Zsa. http:// http://
  4. Where is Kettlefoot?
  5. The white eggs in the store are not fertile....will not produce a live bird. The meat production chickens are raised in a different facility, hatched from brown fertilzed eggs and are produced enmasse just for slaughter. A portion of the fertile eggs go into incubaters to begin the process again. Why are eggs so expensive? Well they came first.....
  6. "I did not swear. But I did get frustrated and read the manual. But that was only after I admitted to my self I didn't know what I was doing. Hey, I did it years ago. I thought I could "remember" on my own. Not so...lol "     RED ALERT  RED ALERT   MAN CARD VIOLATION IN PROGRESS!!!   Swearing is the mystical incantation that is necessary when involved in the reassembly of favored weapons using archival memories. Additional violations include READING INSTRUCTION MANUAL and ADMISSION OF FAILURE. Punishment to include no sports for 1 weekend, no coffee for 1 weekend and 1 hour of Yanni in a closed room. Redemption of said MAN CARD to be achieved only after Group Therapy of 1MOA or less from said weapon, that caused violation, is achieved. Range time to be determined at a later date.   MAN CARD WATCHDOG SOCIETY :usa:   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
  7. HOW TO DEAL WITH LIBERALS..... [/URL]">http://[URL=http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/Armybrat1961/media/298_zpsombu0oi6.jpg.html][/URL]
  8. HOW LIBERALS THINK [/URL]">http://[url=http://s1239.photobucket.com/user/Armybrat1961/media/dm14%20clean_zpsg2tgrpwk.jpg.html][/URL]
  9. For me and my XD....its not the taking apart but the putting back together that worries me..... :rofl:
  10. I have had several calls like that....it is a scam...ignore them.
  11. All I could think of was  "WOW  Look at all that brass just laying there!"  :up:
  12. For those with females under their care....pads and plugs....lots of pads and plugs.... :rofl:
  13. Leave the love bugs down there!!!!!!!!
  14. Mazeltov! :up:
  15. I think the Duke said it best........turn up your speakers.           https://youtu.be/q6N4zKM2cZs
  16. Dolomite.....you really need to write a book. There is just too much info on too many subjects you have stored with in you...and I appreciate every single bit of it. I am much more comfortable with the AK....but the wife and times being what they are....demand a change. I am not too old to learn this info....just behind the curve...thanks gentlemen.
  17. WOW!  So much info...thanks guys...Looks like I'll be getting a Stag upper with a 9:1....mostly shooting the 55gr as it seems plentiful around here.....so generally speaking, the higher the twist rate the lighter the bullet for best performance....  Now to get my other parts and accessories. This sure is different than building an AK.
  18. I have been pondering delving into the AR world and with my research, I have come across different twist rates in different length barrels. My question involves twist rate and bullet grains. Does a 7:1 twist need a different/heavier/lighter projectile than a 9:1 twist? Are there advantages to the slower 7:1? Is the 9:1 more desirable? Any help is always appreciated.
  19. Here is an Islamic example of tolerance........WARNING......check your blood pressure before and after reading......   http://shoebat.com/2015/06/14/british-waterpark-bans-women-from-wearing-bikinis-and-other-non-sharia-compliant-swimwwear/     Keep in mind that Walid Shoebat used to be Muslim and is now a follower of the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John......and many on this board. I have met the man several times when he came to my Messianic synagogue...awesome testimony!
  20.     Permission granted  :up:
  21. Unashamedly borrowed from another site.....     Jigs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking in Ontario, says: "I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance." “That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque, thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, 'The Turban Cowboy' and the other, a topless bar, would be called 'You Mecca Me Hot'." “Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called 'Iraq of Ribs'." “Across the street there could be a lingerie store called 'Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret' with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods and on the other side a liquor store called 'Morehammered'." "All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us. :usa:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :usa:
  22. Glocks do take some getting used to. The trigger feel is different fro a 1911 or an XD for example and with the G19, it is easy to put too much finger on the trigger. Range time and another observer will help....it took me awhile to get used to the G21 I had as I came from a 1911. Just my  .o2 cents worth.....
  23. Hope this helps...... http://
  24. Excellent!


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