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ArmyBrat61 last won the day on October 16

ArmyBrat61 had the most liked content!

About ArmyBrat61

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    Jefferson County
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  1. And then enjoy a quiet night's sleep.......
  2. And they all speak English........
  3. I'm surprised no one has made a Lionel Ritchie reference..........
  4. Exactly the values and actions by which I was raised and what governs my actions. An Army upbringing really does wonders.
  5. We didn't start the fire. It's been always burnin since the world's been turnin. The flames are just hotter now.......
  6. Eisenhower was right, on so many levels, about the Military Industrial Complex.
  7. Do not interfere in the affairs of Dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
  8. That's why the TNG is supposed to be HERE! We have need of them HERE! Our people are missing, our people are suffering, our people need assistance to regain self-reliance and increased security. Especially since the FedGov imported hundreds of thousands of CRIMINALS into our borders! Biden/Harris are a plague on our land. This angers me to no end!
  9. Jefferson County just had wind and rain. Flooding was not as heavy as other areas but power is out in some places. I'm sure he is busy on his farm.
  10. Elizabethton and Carter County are washing away as well. There is only 12 inches of room at the bottom of the Covered Bridge and Doe River hasn't crested. Downtown is a mess, Sycamore Shoals area is inundated and the hospital is being evacuated. All my friends are in a panic or in shock.
  11. Exactly my case. I would get these in a heartbeat if you were closer.......or would meet closer.
  12. My sincere condolences for your loss. I lost both of my German Shepherds last years and know well the pain. The hole that remains will be filled in time. You have the photos, memories and habits that were Ginger. Her love remains. Grieving for her is natural and necessary, allow yourself that. Another dog needs you, when you are ready.
  13. I hear they do make killer comm devises.


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