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Everything posted by wjh2657

  1. I luck out. The post office is only a mile and a half from my house. Post Office runs are separate from all other runs. Leave house with no gun, go to PO, come back, put gun in holster at home. Now I go out to do all my regular stuff. Believe it or not, I can live with it! I can see where it causes a dilemma if the PO is some distance from home and makes for a lot of driving back and forth for gun. Like I said, I luck out!
  2. A long gun in a window rack would not last 15 minutes in a Walmart parking lot anywhere in the USA today. And locking your doors wouldn't help in the least, just guarantee broken windows. It is insanity to leave anything in the cabin of your truck or car anymore. This is not your Grandpa's America!
  3. Usually when I encounter a maniac driver they have an NRA sticker on one side and a "Jesus Loves You" on the other side. Nothing like having to fear your own kind!
  4. I don't own an AR, I probably never will own an AR, don't even really see a purpose to have an AR. I am an NRA member. I will fight AWB simply because I don't want any more restrictions on gun types. We have pretty much eliminated the Automatic weapons (MGs), sawed off shotguns and grenade launchers. That was enough. If I let them take your AR 15 this year, they'll come back for my S&W 642 and Mossy 500 next year. Gotta draw a line somewhere, and just maybe the AWB is it!
  5. We are already losing sight of what the bill was for. It wasn't to allow us to swagger into some hootenanny with our sixguns showing. It never was meant to allow carry in pure bars and saloons. The bill was to allow us to carry into a place where we wanted to eat but the place had a bar inside(i.e. O'Charlys, Applebys, Chilis, etc.) We're arguing that they are after us because we can't get into a place that just serves alcohol. If you want to carry and get s---faced then you and I are way out of synch. I don't carry if I am going drinking just as I don't drive when I am drinking. I don't want a law that is going to let YOU do it either! If I am going out and get stupid then I don't need to be involved in activities that require intelligence and coordination. And yes, I do go out and get stupid from time to time, I know the consequences and live with them. The restrictions were not out of hand for what the bill was intended to do.
  6. I own 3 500s. 1 835 and a Maverick 88. Maverick is on duty at bedside. Good basic gun, no frills and utterly dependable. In a pump shotgun the minor differences in final finishing of most parts is not nearly as critical as in high end semi-autos. The Mossys are for hunting, the Maverick in cruiser mode is for HD, I like the simplicity! Only mods are a high viz bead and a Limb Saver Recoil Pad. It is my lock and load gun when the ADT alarm goes off!
  7. I EDC S&W Snubbies. For a first and probably only gun I recommend a Stainless Steel Snubbie ( a 640 or 60) Especially if she is going to purse carry. Use standard pressure loads and put Pachmayr grips on it and it will be an effective SD gun she can shoot comfortably. I find wife and nieces all gravitate toward the 60, it seems to be a bit smaller yet still heavy enough to absorb recoil.
  8. I have run into some flak on the forums from the members and their misunderstanding of the Libertarian stance on gun laws. I have posted the link below to help clear it up. For the Uber-Right: we are not Liberals! For the Uber-Left: we are not Liberals! Gun Laws | Libertarian Party
  9. After reading the whole ruling (40+ pages) three times I think we are a little early getting excited about this. It does make the argument that the Second Amendment (Federal) rights fall under Due Process (States) and must be considered in a state (Good). However it still leaves the door open for a state to regulate handguns and rifles. In short Assault weapons and Carry Permits could still be regulated (denied) in any state. If they leave you the right to have a revolver, low capacity pistol or a pump shotgun in the home, they comply with the spirit of Heller vs DC. It is a piece of the whole fabric of the movement to assure the Right to Bear Arms, but it is a very small piece. Your state must have it's own version of the Second Amendment in it's state constitution to insure your RTKBA. The Second Amendment only limits the U.S. Congress from messing with our RTKBA and is not completely binding to limit the states' ability to restrict our rights.
  10. Thank GOD for .22 Rimfires! I have been shooting only .22 for several weeks now. The bad thing is that the "Zombie Killers" have now decided that the .22 LR is the round of choice for the Apocalypse and have glommed up all of the .22 LR ammo within 200 miles. I can't even get it from my normal internet suppliers! Looks like I'll run out in a week or two. Then I guess Dry Fire will be the routine. These hoarders are a bigger threat to my 2d A rights than the Anti-Gun lobby! Guns without ammo are just pretty pieces of inert metal. Take away ammo/take away guns: seems to have same effect to me. I refuse to buy ammo from a gouger-it is just feeding the flame.
  11. I have a Winchester 190 wearing a Bushnell 4X scope and it is a tack driver. You can find disassembly diagrams and instructions on line, just Google Winchester 190. It is still a pretty popular gun. Mine was in pristine shape and it ranks right up there with my Marlin 60. Very well made and reliable!
  12. I own ten revolvers and I normally carry a J-Frame. In the winter I sometimes carry the only big bore Semi Auto I own ( I have the mandatory Ruger MKII rimfire of course), and that is a Glock 23. I love it, right size, reliable and easy to work on. It is probably the only "bottom feeder" EDC I will ever have, but I have full faith and confidence in it. Big words from a "wheelie" like me.
  13. I am my own armorer and I do keep pretty detailed records on my guns: Rounds fired, maintenance records, inspections, etc. I take very good care of my guns because I do understand they are complicated mechanical devices and require careful care. The records allow me to track the use and wear on each gun. I have owned dozens of guns through my life and I have only had three that caused me grief in consistent failure to fires and failure to feeds. All three were due to the weapons design and not due to care or ammo (I always fire a lot of different ammo in each gun until I get one it "likes" and then stick to that ammo for that gun.) When I strip my guns, I use a jeweler's loupe to check for cracks in critical parts, any "hint" of a crack means part change. All possible areas of trouble are duly noted in the record, to remind me to follow up at next inspection. The USMC taught me to respect and care for my weapons if I expected them to take care of me and records keeping is a big part of that care. I currently own over 30 handuns and long guns and I find time to check and clean every one of them at least once every 90 days. The EDC gets a "clean patch" and function check daily. Records keeping is not an obsession, it is an insurance policy. Anybody that believes that any gun is an "Uberpistol" that never needs cleaning or inspection is due for a harrowing and possibly fatal shock someday.
  14. To answer original question: No I don't carry a bug. I carry a revolver as EDC. It gets a patch through barrel and cylinder every morning. At that time it also gets a basic function check. I will try to hide or avoid first, so I don't see a "Dodge City Shootout" with three to five adversaries as so popular at "gun schools." If lucky enough to even be able to return fire, I will have time to use only one gun. I amazed by the same posters that scream "it isn't a gun if it doesn't start with a 4" bunch who recommend a .32 or .380 for a weapon that they may have to depend on. .380 ballistics aside, their dependability sucks! My opinions are not based on my training at GunSite (yes I went twice for different courses) but on 6 years in combat. And I have killed men and I have watched good men die. I have been shot. Three hits in the "4" zone doesn't always score as a "good kill" in real life, sometimes that is just enough to really anger your adversary. I firmly believe that our best bet for survival in a street situation is to isolate down to one bad guy and empty the gun in him. Anything else is a pipe dream.
  15. wjh2657

    LCR or 642?

    I have some super Ruger .22s (Bearcat, MK II and 10/22) so I know the company makes some really good guns, but I find it hard to like a gun that looks like it should in a kid's hand shooting roll caps! It just doesn't look real!
  16. I carry J Frame Smith so no issues about "chambered" or "Unchambered". My snubbie leaves holster to go straight to bed. Fully loaded and on duty. BTW My kids are in their forties, I keep door closed at night when grandkids are around. EDC gets a daily inspection and "clean patch" through the bore and cylinders every day and that is only time it is unloaded.
  17. I have used them in past with good results. Lately they seem to only have Russian ammo in stock though.
  18. I question whether the true conservatives even have a party to represent them. I am a Christian and a free market conservative . That means I abhor the previous administration's preponderance for regarding the Constitution as "just a piece of paper" and setting out to deprive private citizens of their rights by "Royal Decree." As a Christian I hate their pandering and bowing to the rich. I also intensely dislike the new "Julius Streicher", Rush Limbaugh and his racist poison. On the other hand I have a great distrust of Pelosi and her group and their radical Socialist ideas. I can't even get a decent news report, it has to be Ultra-Right or ultra-Liberal, which means I can't believe a word they say or write. I want to see a free market economy established and a Federal Government in place that follows the guidelines of the Constitution. I don't see either party doing anything to accomplish that.
  19. You will love 642. It is so comfortable that I have been embarassed and have had to back out of places where I wasn't supposed to be carrying because I forgot I was! I only carry 637 when I need a little smaller gun (jeans and some dress pants.) I do heartily recommend Standard pressure ammo though, especially if you want to use multiple shots, it is a light little bugger!
  20. See below the "Boys of Summer" I switch from Stainless steel (S&W 60 and 640)with +P to Airweight (642 and 637) with pocket holster and standard pressure ammo for the summer. S&W 317 is "trainer" fired in my garage range (Bullet trap) for daily practice. Grips on .22LR are swapped out from Pachmayr (SS) to UMs (Airweights) to keep same grip for drill. I prefer 642 but 637 conceals in jeans pockets much better.
  21. Don't know about you guys and dolls, but I have to change my warm weather wardrobe pretty drastically. When I switch over from Cords and Sweaters to Dockers and Polo shirts, my arsenal has to change also. The Stainless Steel J Frames (640 and 60) along with their IWB and OWB holsters and .38 +P ammo goes into the Gun Safe and the Airweights (642 and 637) along with their pocket holsters and .38 standard pressure ammo come out to play. My 317 .22LR "trainer" gets it's winter Pachmayrs switched out for UM "Boots" to match the EDC trigger pull and grip more closely. Does anybody else go into this much of a "Change of the Guard?" See the "Boys of Summer" below.
  22. With the recent hoarding of ammunition I have made some observations and formed some personal opinions. 1. The claim for many is that the hoarding is to prepare for a gun and ammo grab by the Administration that will limit self defense ammo. Why is .22 Lr and .410 shotgun ammo being hoarded? It isn’t defense ammo by a long shot. 2. Claim is that ammo is for the “home defense” stockpile of individuals. Why is it already showing up for jacked up prices on the internet and at gun shows? Personal opinion: Ammo is being hoarded in anticipation of a market shortage (already here) and a “windfall” profit by hoarders. I am a rimfire shooter and I am severely hampered in my abilities to acquire the small amount of ammo I need for practice unless I am willing to deal with unlicensed, unknown, “dealers’ out the backdoor. My second amendment rights are under more attack from NRA Card carrying fellow forum members than they are from the administration. The answer is usually that they have to protect themselves from “them other people” (many numerous designations of ”other” from political to racial.) Since they are removing my source of ammo and I am a law abiding retired service member and a member of the NRA, who the hell are the hoarders? They are beginning to sound more like Domestic Terrorists than Patriots to me.
  23. These last two incidents are going arise and bite us. These were not your typical BGs with illegally obtained guns. Both shooters used legally obtained and held guns. The guy in PA even had a permit (not sure this was a carry permit but it was implied.) The cop killer was an ardent 2d Amendment advocate and had made public statements as such. He also had a very screwed up background. Incidents like these by legal gun owners and HCL/HCP holders just add "proof" to the "all guys with guns are bad guys" arguments used by our opponents. People going paranoid and going off half cocked with firearms definently don't help our efforts. We need to be more careful in our speech ("time for an armed revolution", "blow the scum bag away", etc) and present a less threatening posture publicly until this storm blows over. It is time for the Gray Man posture not the Wild Bunch act. If we don't present a sane, safe, law abiding look, it may be gun owners who cost us our gun rights! Use your elected reps (bug the H out of them with email and letters, organize voter blocks, etc.) to fight this thing. Walking around looking and talking bad will just swing the general public over to the Antis side and vote our rights out of existance. Sorry for double post, can't seem to delete top message. "This ain't Dodge City and you ain't Bill Hickock!" Matthew Quigley
  24. These last two incidents are going arise and bite us. These were not your typical BGs with illegally obtained guns. Both shooters used legally obtained and held guns. The guy in PA even had a permit (not sure this was a carry permit but it was implied.) The cop killer was an ardent 2d Amendment advocate and had made public statements as such. He also had a very screwed up background. Incidents like these by legal gun owners and HCL/HCP holders just add "proof" to the "all guys with guns are bad guys" arguments used by our opponents. People going paranoid and going off half cocked with firearms definently don't help our efforts. We need to be more careful in our speech ("time for an armed revolution", "blow the scum bag away", etc) and present a less threatening posture publicly until this storm blows over. It is time for the Gray Man posture not the Wild Bunch act. If we don't present a sane, sane, law abiding look, it may be gun owners who cost us our gun rights! Use your elected reps (bug the H out of them with email and letters, organize voter blocks, etc.) to fight this think, walking around looking and talking bad will just swing the general public over to the Antis side and vote our rights out of existance. "This ain't Dodge City and you ain't Bill Hickock!" Matthew Quigley
  25. I only own one big bore bottom feeder and that is a Glock 23 bought NIB. For your needs , it would look to me like a nice used major manufacture 9MM would fill your bill. Go for quality and condition not make.


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