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Everything posted by wjh2657

  1. That is the point. Supporting a war and being in a war are two totally different things. In a war Support means your rifle is aimed at the enemy and covering your buddy. Being in a war means you almost got killed today in a place you don't really want to be in. The word Patriot now just means you go along with whatever your government is doing. It used to mean you were in the trenches getting shot at. I supported this war by sending one of my sons. I supported a previous war by getting shot at, many times. I don't buy it that a sticker on your bumper puts anybody in the same class. We are not at war. The troops are at war.
  2. We don't have a "death count" anymore because nobody cares. The average American is not moved by how many Soldiers or Marines are dying every day, so long as it isn't him or his kid. We have a professional Army now and the Average Joe out there just considers it the GI's responsibility to die, isn't that what we pay him for? I came home from Nam in 72 after my third tour "in country" and nobody cared then either. I have nephews "in country" now and nobody but our family cares what happens to them. It is far easier to put a ribbon on your truck bumper and be a patriot than to serve in uniform. No, "we" are not at war and haven't been since 1945. The GI's are at war, "we" are at WALMART!
  3. wjh2657

    .22 semiautomatic

    Don't go cheap or fragile on your .22 pistol. Main reason is that it will be the one handgun you will keep forever. Same goes for .22 rifle. The rimfires will still be fun and firing long after you have tired of the big bores. My Ruger MKII and my Marlin 60 are the guns Grandpa takes with the kids on our woods walks. I have gotten a little too slow for the big game hunting anymore so the big bores and shotguns stay in the gun safe. But the .22s go out at least once a week. Spend the bucks and get a Ruger MK or a Buckmark, both great rimfire handguns. You will still be having fun with them when you are a grandpa! BTW my Ruger MKII works fine with the Walmart bulk ammo. I've heard nothing but good words for the Buckmark on cheaper ammo too. The bigger handguns will be for SD and competition, but the rimfire will be your buddy for a long time.
  4. See below: (Posted on WSMV RSS Feed) Legislators Propose Bill To Outlaw Sharia Law Ketron, Matheny Claim Islamic Law Threatens National Security POSTED: 9:08 am CST February 23, 2011 UPDATED: 9:59 am CST February 23, 2011 NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Two state lawmakers are taking aim at a controversial Islamic law known as Sharia. State Sen. Bill Ketron and state Rep. Judd Matheny have introduced a bill that would make Sharia law illegal in Tennessee . The two Republicans view the religious work as a threat to the U.S. Constitution and national security. Nashville Imam Mohamed Ahmed told the Tennessean that Islam teaches followers to obey the law of the land and that Sharia law teaches moral values. A senior scholar at Nashville's First Amendment Center told The Tennessean that the proposal is unconstitutional. There is another problem, (other than Constitutionality) with this legislation. First this nation already has declared by public law (PL 102-14) that all of our law is based on the Talmudic law of Judaism. Thinly disguised as Noahide Commandments , which are not Biblical but Talmudic ( Actually Noah was only given 2 commandments) , the Talmudic law has been declared by the U.S. Government to be the basis of all U.S. Law. PL 102-14 supposedly sets up Education Day, however the words in the law have very little to do with education! This was done under George Bush Sr., however, both parties passed it through Congress. Those that argue that this is a moral law only, need to read the public law. It clearly states that our national law (legal) is based on the Noahide Commandments which are strictly Jewish law (Talmud) and have no biblical basis. First: I believe that PL 102-14 is a violation of Religious freedom and therefore Unconstitutional. Second: this is a dangerous precedent for another religious group to state that, if Talmud is legal basis for our laws than why not Sharia Law or any other religious law? We don't need legislation fending off each religious group that tries to hi jack our legal system. We need government that recognizes and follows the Constitutions (State and Federal) instead of their religious beliefs.
  5. wjh2657


    Snubbies, Don't really have any predilection that way.
  6. Two routes to follow here, especially if you are going to own only one handgun. Revolver: Stainless steel S&W J Frame or Ruger SP101 with 3" barrel. Pistol: Glock 19 or 23. Both types are small enough for CCW, are reliable, proven, easy to clean and accurate within SD needs. There are better engineered and "prettier" handguns out there, but these will function and are easy to maintain.
  7. I long ago gave up on "store bought" belts. I buy the blanks (1 1/2" Leather w/snaps installed) from Tandy. I then punch the big oblong holes with a #9 Oblong Punch Die and install a stainless steel roller bar buckle. I wear chinos, cords and Carpenter Jeans so I have 1 1/2" loops on all of my trousers. I hold the whole rig up with Perry Suspenders. I pocket carry and this keeps the "saggies" away. Been doing this for years.
  8. Before you chop up a good wood stock, look into a composite pistol grip. I say this because three trips to the range with a Mossberg 500 pistol grip made go out and buy a Hogue Overmold full length stock. The pistol grips look great in the movies and on TV, but I found a full stock a whole lot easier to handle.
  9. Ruger Mark II or III. Alternative would be a Browning Buckmark, also a very well made pistol. I have always had a Ruger "Mark" in my battery. Rugged,reliable and accurate, I think they are a tremendous buy for the price. You are using your head to start out with a .22 pistol. Get good and comfortable with the .22 then graduate up to your SD/CCW gun. I still have several .22s and fire them a lot more than I do my carry guns. Most of us that have used and carried pistols for several decades actually started out with a Colt Woodsman, High Standard or Ruger Mark I. Do not trade in your .22 on your "big" gun! If you are really serious about being familiar with shooting, you will find that your are going to still need your rimfire around.
  10. Marine DI's don't care one bit what you look like when you arrive at Recruit Depot. Within a very short period of time after your arrival you are going to be just like everybody else: bald ,camouflaged and scared s***less! They aren't going to care where you came from, what you did, how much money your daddy had or what kind of house you lived in. You are and will always be what you show them you are while under their watch. It is the one chance you get to start all over again. You can be as tough and as good as you want to be, just do it and show them. You can show up in a dress and long hair. They are going to take you the same as any other maggot and make you a Marine. They have been doing it for over two hundred years and they have it down to a science! How do I know? Thirty years active duty in the USMC. 2 on the drill field and 4 in recruiting. The rest in combat or getting ready for combat. MGySgt of Marines
  11. Model 60 or 640 with standard pressure ammo. Practice with wadcutters. My wife is a little gal and not all that much of a gun person but she can handle this combo.
  12. Mossberg 500A, #1 buck and whichever S&W revolver I have carrying around all day. Revolver is on me until I go to bed.
  13. I have both Maverick 88 and Mossberg 500 HD shotguns. Don't go crazy on an HD shotgun. The slicker (few gimmicks) the better. Get the 18 1/2" barrel and either a Hi Viz or Trigicon night bead, Otherwise leave it as is. The Maverick 88 is in back bedroom (computer room) and the Mossberg 500A is on a "Back Up" bed rack in the Master bedroom. Both are slick, no "Tacticool" stuff on them.
  14. Gun used to be popular for gang hits and government assassins. In .22 Short you could hold the gun against the victim and you didn't really need a silencer in a noisy area. I wouldn't want to get into a gun fight with it though!
  15. I can remember the SIG selling for $1200.00 at a time when you could get a Colt made 1911 for around $300.00 in the box. This model SIG always has been a super expensive gun. Even used it has hovered around the $2000 mark for decades.
  16. Watch out for the "I can smart carry or pocket carry this thing in shorts and T-shirt" post that will inevitably come. I can see it as a toy, something to play with, but I don't see the practicality of it. For a truck gun or yard gun, pick up an H&R (NEF) break-top shotgun with an 18 1/2 inch barrel for a whole lot less money. I have three of them in .410 bore and 20 gauge (pest guns out here on the ridge). If I need a shotgun, I carry a shotgun. If I need a revolver, I carry a revolver. I see this thing as a neither/nor. It is neither a revolver nor a shotgun. It falls short of both.
  17. wjh2657

    what do you feel

    Over the years I have owned a lot of .357 Magnums. In the past: (all 6" and 4" barrels) Ruger Blackhawk Ruger Security Six S&W 27 and 627 S&W 19 S&W 66 S&W 686 Currently: (all snubbies) S&W 686 S&W 60 S&W 640 These days my only interest in handguns is for defense only, hence short barrels. The snubbies (S&W 60, S&W 640 and Ruger SP101) are not really working .357 magnums for me. The recoil is a bear and their accuracy just isn't up to snuff for General Pistolero stuff. It is more than enough for SD but not for general work. I really think of my .357 snubbies as platforms for really hot .38 +P cartridges. If I were to pick a .357 for really extended and frequent use I would go for a S&W 686 or a Ruger GP100 in a 4" barrel. It would depend on price and condition for me to decide which one to pick up. Both are fine and serviceable "yeoman" .357 revolvers. My Ruger Security Six was the equal of the S&W 19 and 66 in all ways and I would fully expect the GP100 to compare to the S&W 686.
  18. I had a S&W 625 Mountain Gun for years. It was one of my favorite guns. Unfortunately, I lost it in a tornado. Recoil wasn't nearly as bad as a .357 magnum in a similar weight revolver.
  19. Uniforms. Go to a nice zip up jacket and ball cap uniform. No conflict with Federal Regs. Label club ****** Sportsmen's club. Forget military tactics. After 30 years active duty in the USMC, about half in combat arms, I can tell you that military tactics only work when the other guy uses them too. The minute the opposing force stops using standard tactics, yours will get you killed. (This has been backed up by conversations with my nephew Marines on leave between IRAQ and Afghanistan tours. Taliban fight dirty!) Look more carefully at some of the better self defense school group tactics. Read Sun Tzu, the enemy does. You will also gather a better understanding of what it takes to win a battle and not just a fight. (Tactics, which we put the greatest part of our time learning, actually play a very small part in winning. ) I wish to hell Westmoreland had read and heeded it in 1965!
  20. They (WWII) were a generation of giants, veterans and the people back here that worked to support them. I lost my favorite brother-in-law and sister-in -law recently. He had served with the sub chasers of the Coast Guard and she had riveted wings on B-24s at the factory while he was gone. Soon there will be no more of them left and America will never be the same.
  21. Beginning to sound like a species extinction event. These occur naturally (Parasites, climate, disease, poison, change in food source, etc) It could be that the Drum and Blackbird events are occurring simultaneously and are not even related. We appear to be undergoing an event in the Honey Bee species right now. As a consequence, bumblebees are getting smaller and more prevalent , therefore filling the vacating honeybee "niche." There is normally a replacement species that does fill the niche. The two things to watch out for is: More deaths within the species. A sudden spurt in population and genetic changes in a competing species to take their place.
  22. Where in the Constitution does it give people a right to drive cars? States need to revoke all driver's licenses as unconstitutional? Not everything in law is covered by the USC.
  23. Caveman, The rack is a commercial product. I bought it so long ago that I have forgotten the commercial name but I believe that it was something like "Home Backup". I've kept my Mossy "slick" as I really like my defensive equipment simple. The gun itself is wearing the Hogue stock because it didn't have a stock. The piece was a survivor of the tornado we had here in 2008. When I acquired it had been a field gun but had a split stock and a twisted barrel from the storm. I put an 18 1/2"different barrel on it with and fitted the Hogue stock. The Hogue is easy to hold onto with wet or sweaty hands. I fit all of my 12 gauges with the LimbSaver and the Trijicon bead was just a "why the h*** not" afterthought. This an Old Warrior "come back from the dead" and ready to rock and roll. I keep it in "Cruiser Mode" (tube loaded, chamber empty and safety "off") as there are no children at home anymore.
  24. "Nightstand gun" Mossberg 500A, Hogue Overmold stock, Limb Saver recoil pad, Trijicon front bead, butt sleeve shell holder and #1 Buck shot. If you think breaking in was tough, staying is gonna be a nightmare! EDC (642) goes in holster on bed also, but "Cruizer" is primary at home.
  25. Many posters on these forums complain about the courts making decisions that run counter to their 2d Amendment aspirations, screaming that the courts exceed their power. Here is a classic case of why we have the courts and why they have those kind of powers. When the Executive and Legislative branches go off the deep end and violate the Constitution, the courts give them a reality check. A lot of people don't like the judicial system, but it has kept us from being ruled by tyrants and political party "elites" for over 200 years. In very recent decisions, the SCOTUS and many Federal Jurists have reined in the "folks on the hill." The system is not perfect, but it is way better than any other government system on earth.


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