gomer pyle
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Everything posted by gomer pyle
According to the man I talked to today, Comcast is considering a company wide restructure where they would no longer take on new customers that are over a set number of feet off the road(I am 500ft off road and fall into this group). I wonder if it would be the same for business service?
I have been trying to get comcast to get me a cost on new service for almost a month. Nobody calls me back and they give me the run around when i call them(if they answer). How much is the business service? This is just for normal use around the house.
edit: it looks like the best option i have is a wireless provider. i have my phone through verizon, so i plan to stay with them. i'm not tech "smart", so my question is, do i need there modem for another $20 a month or will using hotspot from my tablet work? I am in the final stages of building a house. I had intended to get comcast internet but they keep jacking me around. ATT does not offer uverse in my area and there dsl is too high and to slow. My in-laws had wild blue and it sucked. What other options are out there that work good?
Check palmetto state armoury's website. They have blem lowers for $50-60.
http://eastcoastgearsupply.com/ they seem to have good products at a reasonable price. i would think 4.56 with a master install kit. do you plan to install or hire it done? i wouldn't put anymore money into that motor, save the money for a 350
I decided to build a 5.56. I'm getting an ar15performance barrel
yeah, thanks.
while i would like to have the DD lite rail, i think the MI will work for me for now. this is the list i have together, is there anything else i will need or anything else anybody would change? http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MI-T-12G2&CartID=3 http://bte-usa.com/parts/micro-gasblocks.htm http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Gas+Tube+-+Rifle+Length&CartID=1 http://ar15performance.com/inc/sdetail/12294 http://ar15performance.com/inc/sdetail/17768 they are out of stock for now thanks for the help
has DD gone to a new generation lite rail? this one on bcm http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DD+2006&CartID=1 seems different then the one on DDs site. after looking at this MI rail http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MI-T-12G2&CartID=4 it seems very similar. what differences are there between the two. what rail length do most use for 18" barrel with rifle length gas system? i am looking at 12" but i have also looked at 15"
out of curiousity, why do you not like the 2 piece handguards? will a 12" rail cover a rifle length low profile gas block?
http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MCTAR-22G2&CartID=4 http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MI-T-12G2&CartID=5 these two look comparable to the DD light rail. anything wrong with either of these? would one be preferred over another? i am also looking at this gas block, it is a little higher but is more the look i like. all the manufactures have variations in lengths, how do i know if this block will work? http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=JPGS-2B&CartID=3
i had a couple of marlin semi autos and they were both accurate and fun. i just found myself wasting way too much ammo. i recently lucked up on a winchester 94 in 22mag and i love the lever gun. look at the henry's, they are a little less expensive but are still fine guns. i have one in 22 and love shooting it.
thanks tricky, i'll watch the videos. some of the links had free shipping. once i get ready to order i will shop around a little more, just trying to narrow down my choices. jack, i want a quality, accurate rifle but the wallet is getting thin. is there a rifle length rail similar to the DD that is well built and cheaper? i have thought about a gas block with a rail on top just since it will set out in front
i have now built 3 lowers but this will be my first upper. another member on here is willing to help me put it together but i need some help with all the parts. i have the tgo upper, charging handle, bcg, forward assist, and dust cover(i my change it). i think all i need now is barrel, rail, gas tube, and gas block. anything else? does barrel nut come with the rail? what about delta ring, what is it and do i need it? here are the links to what i am thinking about, will all of these work together? any suggestions for something cheaper or better? http://bte-usa.com/parts/micro-gasblocks.htm http://ar15performance.com/inc/sdetail/11562/12294 http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Gas+Tube+-+Rifle+Length&CartID=3 http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DD+2006&CartID=1 or http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DD-10003&CartID=2
i really have in mind to go 6.8. what brand barrel? i have read about the ar performance but they are out of stock(are they worth waiting for?). what about daniel defense? other brands? what length barrel is recommended for 6.8?
thanks for the replies. i'm not a 9mm fan, so this is probably just something to move along but you never know. he stats that it is lnib with round count of less than 100. it comes with box, 3 mags and IWB leather Bianchi holster. he wants me to allow him 500 towards mine.
i will start with this is not for sale. somebody is wanting to trade me a gen 3 glock 26 with box and 3 mags. what is this gun really worth, as far as this area? i have looked on line and in the book but i'm not sure if i will keep it or not and i want to make a fair trade. thanks
What is the difference in 556 nato and 556 wylde? Is there a preferred barrel length for 6.8?
[/URL]">http://[url=http://s465.photobucket.com/user/bucketlineman315/media/DSC_0349-1.jpg.html][/URL] my tgo lower. i couldn't wait, had to put the lower together. now to decide on caliber and get barrel and get some help on the upper
What brand do most recommend for barrel? I like the idea of everything interchanging but i'm not 100% sold on the 300blk. Besides barrel and mags what is different to go 6.8? I don't reload so i need factory loads. How much does wind affect 204?
i am going to pick up rightwinger's tgo upper/lower in the morning :woohoo: . i have 2 ars in 5.56/.223 and i have been thinking about different calibers just because. i have no particular use in mind, maybe deer or coyote hunting. i have read some of the threads on 300 blackout and i have also read a little about the 6.8spc. what caliber should i pick .223, 300blk, 6.8, or ???? and why? also, i am going to need a barrel. any brand suggestions or ones to stay away from?
Bass pro did have some in stock. buds is the cheapest i have seen