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Everything posted by G27

  1. One board I work on will change your post count to zero if you mention it, as in "1000th post!". Boom, back to zero (for a day or so) just to screw with 'em...
  2. Big thread get nuked?
  3. Ditto for my G22 and G27. Never had an issue, good ammo.
  4. Yah, if they can incorporate under PorI, that would be a massive victory, but I don't see it happening. I mean, the court doesn't like to reverse itself, especially 140 year old opinions that were made by justices who may well have actually spoken with the founding fathers at some point in their lives! The Slaughter House rulings are widely considered to be a bad opinion, but after this much time, it will be tough. That being said, this court has a few justices who are constitutional originalists, so we'll have to wait and see. Regardless of how incorporation happens, it will be A Good Thing, but PorI would be a massive victory that, I believe, would set the stage for striking down TONS of anti-gun laws on the books. Yah, totally agree.After Heller, I'm confident they'll do the right thing here, just curious as to what angle they take and therefore what ramifications trickle down...
  5. Fair enough, will be interesting to hear, but I suspect he's just changed positions in order to be a good republican. Giuliani's past actions speak much louder than words. Fact is, he's a politician and most will say whatever you want to hear while doing what they think is best for us, regardless of what is right.
  6. "I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been that just as a motorist must have a license, a gun owner should be required to have one as well. Anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they’re intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun. Should both handgun and rifle owners be licensed...we’re talking about all dangerous weapons." Rudolph Giuliani "As mayor of New York City, Rudolph W. Giuliani became the favorite Republican of gun control advocates.He spoke in favor of a licensing system for gun owners that would require trigger locks and firearms training, and he lobbied Congress to outlaw most military-style assault weapons. He was the only Republican mayor to join a lawsuit by dozens of cities against the gun industry, and he complained that Southern states had lax gun laws that fed the illegal weapons trade in the Northeast."
  7. If they get back below $150, I'm getting more. Not holding my breath.
  8. Irony: doesn't mean 'contains lots of iron'.
  9. Woman charged with killing husband is lobbyist | ajc.com
  10. Sure, same here, but I like to fondle the merchandise...
  11. I dunno, he certainly comes across as an arrogant dude. Hubris has caused many intelligent folks to fail.
  12. I keepo acouple in the truck (SOG Seal Pup and a Cold Steel GI Tanto) but not on my person. I guess I just don't need a big fixed balde often enough to consider carrying somethign extra. As I said in the other thread, I've recently chosen to carry a lesser blade in the Gerber Crucial just because the small package allows more tools in the same allotted space. It's a compromise, certainly, but the positives outweigh the negatives for me. Always looking far ways to do more with less...
  13. I'm no Obama supporter, but what's posted above it false - Obama never said that. FactCheck.org: Did Obama say the National Anthem conveys a "war-like message" and should be swapped for something such as "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing"? Obama Explains Why He Doesn't Salute the Flag - Urban Legends There are plenty of things to get upset about without falling for stuff like this...
  14. I switch out between different knives often, though until recently mostly carried my SOG Twitch XL tanto as posted earlier in this thread. After seeing the Gerber Crucial, I ordered one and have been carrying it daily for the last week or so - I like it very much. The blade isn't great, but it allows me to have a nice set of tools on hand without carrying multiple items. Thanks, MacGuyver!
  15. I get mine from RangeUSA.
  16. There have been times that would have seemed like a $5 well spent...
  17. Thanks, perfect update. When some folks poopoo-ed the DC v Heller decision two years ago saying they didn't do enough in the ruling, I made the point that it was now a foundational decision on which other 2A rulings would be made and here we are today. Heller will always be a hero to me.
  18. Pretty good stuff - I've had fewer problems with it than Remington's UMC.
  19. And for the record, this was funny.
  20. It's airsoft.
  21. Ed Mason-Gunsmiths Inc 981 North Germantown Parkway Cordova, TN 38018-5895 (901) 753-7166 Don't think he sells any firearms, but i'm not sure.
  22. If they get this one right, and based on everything I've read it appears they will, this will be a victory for liberty like we've not seen in a long time.
  23. Well, there's Ed Mason out on Germantown Pkwy but he's so backlogged it takes months to get anything done, even routine stuff.
  24. It's called decaf, my man. Do whatever floats your boat, I couldn't care less. You're obviously certain nothing could ever happen to cause any undue stress in your life in any way shape form or fashion from it, so go ahead and post 'em in your sigfile. Not going to argue with you over it, just stating my opinion. Have fun.
  25. I never said you'd go to jail, or anything else, just saying it could make life difficult for you. No point in laying out specifically how something could happen, just saying it's prudent to hide them numbers, imo. But hey, go ahead and post your serial numbers in your sigfile - no skin off my nose.


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