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Everything posted by G27

  1. It's a good story, and a rather accurate description of how our government can't seem to do anything well, but that's not really a true story...
  2. I thought the vote was scheduled for Sunday...
  3. G27


  4. Or me... haha
  5. Yah, I've done that several times over the years with mine. It's easy enough to fix yourself, just push a dowel back and reset the hammer - takes 10 seconds...
  6. I have this one, works great. No worries about the kids getting into my firearms.
  7. Tough to do in a home with the master down and kid's rooms up...
  8. Of course they're not, but I'm certain you can find tons of sources nixing this one. It's pretty preposterous.
  9. It's bogus, been floating around for some time now in one form or another: snopes.com: Feds Grant China Eminent Domain
  10. No doubt - I have everything there and more and still don't think I have $2400 invested...
  11. Yah, about every two months someone posts it. That or the article from a year ago where Holder states they want to reintroduce the AWB...
  12. G27


    Please tell him I (we) said "thank you" for his service!
  13. Thanks for the link, your help is appreciated.
  14. Care to provide a link or are we stuck with 'advice'? All I know is you and Joe both ripped Spiked publicly here for the way they treated their retailers, so if there's more to the story, edumacate us.
  15. I'd like to shoot one of those one day. I bought the Sub2ooo as it was available in .40 Glock magazine configuration and I'm WAY into caliber consolidation. I really like the rifle, but lots of folks like that 995, too.
  16. Definitely maybe... Something you have to consider is that with a carbine, less of the propellant escapes before the bullet leaves the (longer) barrel, allowing greater force behind the bullet (thus the higher speeds recorded from pistol cartridges fired from carbines) which therefore increases the opposite reaction - recoil - proportionally.
  17. Does Hero Gear still carry them? http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/372477-post16.html After reading what they did to Joe, I'd not support that company - too many good companies making lowers to support one that screws their retailers.
  18. G27

    Iphone questions

    What do they use? I'm fairly certain the iPhone supports all major email protocols...
  19. G27

    glock 23 magazine

    This. The factory loaders are essentially useless in comparison.
  20. When's the first auction?
  21. G27

    Iphone questions

    I set all my POP3 accounts up as IMAP accounts so now I can check email / reply etc from the iPhone when I'm out and about and my desktop inbox reflects everything I do while I'm out. Highly recommended.
  22. I'd love one in .40, unless they're unmitigated crap. Been wanting an S&W 610 for some time now, but can't rationalize that much cash for one.
  23. I sure hope this is it...
  24. Not true! Wait...
  25. Indeed, I agree - I think the chances of incorporation under PorI is less than you, but it exists. This is the part that has me truly on the fence - they chose to hear this for a reason. Is it simply to incorporate the 2nd or is it because doing so under PorI would essentially become a vehicle to overturn the previous Slaughter House ruling (something which, in my simple mind, needs to be done)?We have a few constitutional originialist justices on SCOTUS right now, so maybe, just maybe... I'll be happy either way, and while I suspect the line of questioning was more 'thinking aloud at the possibilities' than a signal that incorporation was happening under PorI, that would indeed be a massive victory in the fight for our God-given rights.


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