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Everything posted by G27

  1. That photo would apply equally to most any fast-food sandwich. I've not scoped the numbers, but on the surface this is no worse than a Whopper or Big Mac...
  2. I've wanted to head up to SC for some time now - never shot there when it was Brighton Arms. Assuming a good date is picked, I'm way in...
  3. Yah. I don't tend to agree with Stewart politically, but he's very funny, imo.
  4. It's too bad our state's elected officials won't stand up for their own rights - pathetic.
  5. Alabama joins 6 other states in battle against federal gun control | al.com
  6. Done. No Huckabee fan, but I think the fair tax is far more, well, fair. I grow weary of subsidizing so many folks simply because I'm willing to work hard and enjoy some success.
  7. http://www.gunsandleather.com/Indoor_Range/ Allowed Calibers: Any handgun caliber (including magnums) is allowed, rifles in pistol calibers are allowed as well. If you unsure if your rifle will be allowed, just give us a call. Shotguns are strictly forbidden without prior consent.
  8. About 90% of what I drink is water, so if that's not a given, I'd stick with plain ol' water. If we're talking about in addition to water, I'd have to say coffee.
  9. He basically cut out every aspect of Jesus's life that showed him to be divinity, cutting-n-pasting just the parts of the gospels he agreed with. It essentially made Jesus a 'really good' mortal man, completely undermining the entire point of the gospels he edited, imo. He attended church, etc., and I'm not going to judge him one way or the other, but if you read this book it will likely cause you to rethink his role a bit.
  10. Have you ever read it? If you did, it would likely cause you to wonder whether Jefferson was indeed a Christian or not. Just sayin'...
  11. I just bought a pair of Ecco Cusco boots a few months back and they're amazing. Always loved their shoes but this is my first pair of their boots - big time winners, worth every penny.
  12. Love me some Eccos.
  13. 16dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) for EP3 Sonic Defenders with stoppers in 19dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) for EP4 Sonic Defenders Plus with stoppers in Not trying to get preachy, but firearms are very dangerous wrt your hearing. I obviously have to be extremely careful as my career depends on my hearing, but even the 'average Joe' should pay attention. IMO, 19dB isn't enough, even outside, for any center-fire firearm as they all generate somewhere in the vicinity of 150dB SPL. Anything over 120dB SPL causes immediate, irreparable damage (which is cumulative and may take years to manifest), so IMO, 30dB NRR plugs are the minimum you should use if you value your ears. I use 33dB plugs with muffs with zero ill effects, but that combination yields a cumulative >50dB noise reduction.
  14. Well, these offer 10dB less protection than your foam plugs, which means your ears will be subjected to levels that are acoustically about twice as loud. That's not good. If I were you, I'd stick with the foam.
  15. Probably not junk, but definitely not enough reduction to use them alone with firearms, indoors or out.
  16. Exactly. People from other states are amazed that we pay tax on groceries, but it's a wash with no 'income tax'. It's a consumption tax, as it really should be. You're reading my mind, my man. Good points.
  17. We're basically at the point where the 'Average American' isn't paying any federal income taxes anyway, so why would they want a fair tax? A flat percentage or consumption tax would wake much of the sleeping population up as they would start to demand for some semblance of responsibility regarding spending on the federal level. Right now the average Joe doesn't care as it doesn't cost him a dime no matter how much the federal government spends. It will never happen, especially nowadays, but we should have made it where if you don't pay federal income tax, you cannot vote in federal elections.
  18. Oh man, not by a long shot - Olbermann is the king of idiots.
  19. It's my company's logo...
  20. For the record, I like GB a bit, but that Jon Stewart spoof is pretty hilarious.
  21. YouTube - Jon Stewart Impersonates Glenn Beck. (Video)
  22. I'm speechless... Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax - BostonHerald.com
  23. No, this was forwarded to me, not familiar with the Patriot Post. I'll go look it up.
  24. Probably has something to do with FauxNews handing them their ***es on a plate in the ratings.


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