16dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) for EP3 Sonic Defenders with stoppers in
19dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) for EP4 Sonic Defenders Plus with stoppers in
Not trying to get preachy, but firearms are very dangerous wrt your hearing. I obviously have to be extremely careful as my career depends on my hearing, but even the 'average Joe' should pay attention. IMO, 19dB isn't enough, even outside, for any center-fire firearm as they all generate somewhere in the vicinity of 150dB SPL. Anything over 120dB SPL causes immediate, irreparable damage (which is cumulative and may take years to manifest), so IMO, 30dB NRR plugs are the minimum you should use if you value your ears.
I use 33dB plugs with muffs with zero ill effects, but that combination yields a cumulative >50dB noise reduction.