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Everything posted by G27

  1. Good, then we can quickly override and be done with it.
  2. Yah man, did it all. including the sticky paper on the outside (which was far more effective, sadly).
  3. I used one for two summers with no noticeable benefit, finally just shut it down. Tried it different locations, read the instructions carefully, etc. Cutter yard spray every month or so works terrifically here.
  4. G27

    Iranian Kamikazi...

    Yah, when I initially read about that fly-by, that was my first thought. If things get ugly with Iran, we better be prepared for unconventional warfare right out of the gate...
  5. For the record, I don't take HBO, so I've seen NONE of this so far. I'm a big fan of BoB and SPR, so I hope to watch this on DVD/BR when it's available. I don't particularly 'enjoy' these shows/movies, but I find them important to watch. War truly is hell, but seeing what we were able to help accomplish in WWII is truly amazing - a textbook example of good vs evil if there ever was one. Wow, what total BS - the Japanese strongly challenged the Germans wrt atrocities committed in WWII. I'd honestly find this to potentially be enough of a put-off to not even watch it. I guess I'll wait until it's all over with and rely on you guys' collective recommendation...
  6. Tell me about it. I don't see myself doing it, honestly.
  7. Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche - May. 5, 2010
  8. Very bizarre - I had to look for a couple of minutes before spotting one...
  9. I'll be danged, you aren't kidding! I'm amazed at how sharp it got my Gerber Crucial in less than a minute. Highly recommended!
  10. This hits close to him as we have/had a beach vacation planned to the gulf late this summer - I suspect that by that time the beaches will be in terrible shape.
  11. -1 on murder.
  12. Just bought it, thanks for the head's up. Love me some Lofty!
  13. -24 here. Working from home and not being a traveler really helps...
  14. It still sucks, but I can live with it. I never OC anyway.
  15. Well, it seemed a point worth making... Nope, I've never said they had "no rights regarding the 1A".What I'm saying is that both courts and classrooms can limit 1A. If you think you could wear a RATM shirt that said "F*** you I won't do what you tell me" to school and be protected under 1A (no repercussions), well, I honestly wouldn't know what else to say you. I understand what you're saying, my point is that practically speaking, this isn't the case. If you really think you're able to say the same things in the courtroom or classroom that you're able to on a public street, you may be in for a rude awakening if you're ever in either of those places.There may well be laws or rulings which allow the judge the latitude that you think is so out-of-bounds - I'm betting, in fact there are - we just don't know where to find them. Perhaps some of our resident attorneys will know where to look.
  16. Due to having smallish kids, we're bug-in people if at all possible, but I have a BOB ready to go that I'd grab if we had to get out. Included items: - Cliffs bars - bottles of water (96 oz) - Katadyn Pocket water filter (with optional carbon filter for dechlorination) - first aid kit - tarp - paracord - Cold Steel GI tanto and SOG Seal Pup - bottle of 99% DEET - (3) loaded G22 mags - bic lighter - emergency lighter - few other small odds and ends like a small compass, small mirror, folded 'space' blankets, etc. This bag was put together to live in my truck as a GHB or emergency bag if we're traveling (it goes in the van if we take that), but also as a rudimentary BOB. It's not perfect, but there's no way I could carry everything I'd need to move my whole family safely. Bugging in, if at all possible, is where our heads are...
  17. Not sure why you don't get this, but courtroom ≠ schoolroom. Just as 2A doesn't 'extend' everywhere, neither does 1A.
  18. I suspect there is, we just don't know where to look. Judges have long had fairly extreme latitude within the confines of their courts and surely some of those decisions have been challenged.
  19. Wow, you think the 1A applies to schools?
  20. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  21. G27

    On a Hot Dog?

    Little mayo and mustard. Gotta be a Nathan's dog, though, don't give me any of that other crap...
  22. G27

    Somebody stop me!

  23. It's beyond comprehension you've never thought to mix the two! At some point in the (near) future, you'll even have your own 'ratio' figured out...
  24. My understanding is that this is part of a move to DQ anyone with tattoos that might be affiliated with gangs/hate groups.


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