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Everything posted by G27

  1. Yep. And BP has already proved they cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Indeed - the EPA formally told BP today they had to stop using the dispersants they were using. Not a great sign. This thing is just bad news after bad...
  2. 95,000 barrels/day! As of right now, this 'spill' is putting as much oil in the gulf every 2.5 days as the entire Exxon Valdez spill! Gulf oil spill leak now pegged at 95,000 barrels a day | McClatchy
  3. I'd probably be put on vacation if I shared what my response to bredesen would be. He exemplifies what's wrong with politicians nowadays.
  4. Does this even have time to pass before this session ends?
  5. Sorry, didn't mean to come off condescending or dismissive, I just meant that I believe that's why things happen. We grow through things happening to us, both good and bad. Sometimes the growth is obvious, other times it takes years to see how the subtle changes that were made in us made us better people. Well, obviously I can't speak of the specifics of your trials as I'm unfamiliar with them, but there have been people throughout history who have survived truly horrific things and grew to become far more than they likely would have otherwise. It's cliché but one can take life's lemons and make either a sour face or lemonade. Whether God does this to us or allows it to happen are two very different things, and I believe projecting our own 'minds' onto His is a fallacy. I do know that many times I've seen things happen to folks (and close loved ones) that made me wonder how on earth they can go on, yet they not only did so, but grew, and were able to live better and/or serve others better because of it. So while I cannot speak to your specific trials, I believe there's a lesson in everything we survive - while I readily admit that the challenge lies in finding out how to channel those lessons into something positive.
  6. Do you have kids? If so, stop and think about it for a second. Some times we as parents allow things to happen to our children in order to teach them things. Within reason it's a very effective way to show us that, as humans, our desire for independence can be a weakness.
  7. Mike, it comes from 1 Corinthians 10:13: "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." The implication based on scripture is not that God won't allow things to be more than you alone can bear, but rather that with the strength of the Lord through Christ, you'll be able to bear all things in life.
  8. G27

    Define "Bad idea"

    Based on what I've read, it looks like the contracts would have to be renegotiated, though I suspect there are provisions in the contracts to allow AZ to back out if they need/want to.
  9. I couldn't care less anymore. As long as we don't follow their footsteps, let them sllt their own wrists, the feel-good idiots.
  10. Always worth reminding ourselves that liberals, in the classic definition, are the good guys. The modern / US bastardization of the term liberal makes my skin crawl. Classic liberals, as Europeans use the term, are those who simply want fairness in the application of rights, laws, and opportunities. Our liberals over here want 'fairness' in results. Big difference.
  11. I've been watching V for Vendetta during my AM workouts the last two days, so maybe I'm just overly hopeful, but dang - impressive speech!
  12. BBC News - Full text: Clegg reform speech I have to admit, I'm actually jealous we don;t have someone in high office here who speaks this openly about the rights of the people vs government...
  13. I think there's about a 0% chance Obama could get 67 Senators to approve a treaty like this...
  14. Excellent post, I agree 100%.
  15. In large part because most of his supporters listened when he said he didn't want to be president and voted for others he recommended. Not bad, really, considering he didn't campaign for president.
  16. Gov. Bredesen vetoes bill to allow guns in Tennessee bars Poll: Do you agree with Gov. Bredesen's veto of the bill to allow guns in Tennessee bars? Thanks for your vote. Response Percent Votes Yes 67% 176 No 32% 85 total votes: 261
  17. Probably not, but you're fairly remote from any major cities - if there were a major breakdown of some sort, it would be quite some time before anyone from Nashville made it out that far. I'm not as remote from Memphis as you are, so there's a chance if the breakdown was great enough we'd be safer getting out of Dodge.
  18. Looks like a prop from some cheesy movie...
  19. Bredesen is a douchebag.
  20. G27

    RIP Pam Murphy

    What an honorable servant. Inspirational.
  21. Hahaha, dangit, I type it that way EVERY TIME...
  22. Why? You really think they can't drag you away and throw away the key anytime they want already? It's amazing - when sex offenders get out and commit another crime, everyone screams about how borken the legal system is, so when they find ways to stiffen the penalties, people break out the tinfoil hats and start screaming about slippery slopes...
  23. Screw that, child molestation should get the death sentence. Our judicial leniency is one of the reasons the very foundations of this country are crumbling.
  24. Fantastic - congratulations!


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