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Everything posted by G27

  1. Jackson nailed her before she ever stood up - she had ZERO facts or statistics, just 'feelings'. Stupid *****.
  2. It's relative. hahaha
  3. Hahahaha, that's awesome.
  4. Hahahaha, for the win!
  5. I didn't get that from anything Michael Moore - I can't stand that windbag. The point I'm making is every presidential 'vacation' is probably just like what Bush did in '01. I suspect Obama will receive daily briefings as well. He'll just make even worse decisions regarding what he's told than Bush did. hehe Man, I never thought I'd see the day where I agreed with this sentiment...
  6. The pattern is definitely suspicious, innit? I think he's shown his true colors over and over.
  7. C'mon, really? Bush took a single 30 day vacation in August of 2001 - that was longer than all of Obama's vacations in his first year combined. They all get very little time off, whether they're good or suck as POTUS, but seriously, to act as if Obama is blazing a new trail wrt vacations is silly, imo. I get that you don't like Obama - I don't care for him, either - but let's see some facts if we're going to continue this discussion.
  8. Fine, feel free to find another source you agree with, though the numbers won't change much. Just saying, there are PLENTY of things to pick at Obama about, let's not get carried away with this sort of fluff. I certainly don't recall too many folks complaining about the number of vacation days Bush II took his first year (other than the libtards that screamed about every little thing he did)...
  9. Look, I'm no Obama defender - I think he's a clown and he's destroying our country - but unless you guys were as critical with Bush as you are with Obama (I was), it's a but hypocritical. President Obama’s Vacation Days | FactCheck.org He's had fewer vacation days than Bush I, Bush II, and Reagan had. Only Clinton and Carter had fewer in the last 35 years.
  10. You mean he's sending someone in his stead like Bush I, Bush II and Saint Reagan did?
  11. Heard back from my rep based on my request that he vote to override the veto. His response? hahaha, love it.
  12. Great company, great knives. I often give them as gifts to friends and family. Also make a KILLER multi-tool..
  13. Love cars, love working on stuff. Really enjoy DIY, though some stuff is still beyond my skill set. Been looking for the 'right' early Bronco to work on for a while now...
  14. Occam's razor in action!
  15. Nah, but he did fine, no ill effects and he LOVES it. Pretty accurate to boot!
  16. Lost count, but I have two others @ home. I can do as many as I want without feeling any side effects (I've done >50 before).
  17. 22 of those murders were committed using a 9mm (Glock 19).
  18. Bought my father a re-arsenaled 91/30 for his birthday and shot the crap out of it with him today - I have no idea why anyone needs a nancy-pad on these.
  19. He can keep his jobs if our civil liberties are in the balance. Screw bredesen.
  20. Man, I'm starting to think pitchforks and torches in '10 need to happen.
  21. I used to think that it was 'Red Dawn' gun forum fodder when I read stuff like this, but man, I'm honestly starting to believe that we're heading for a reckoning in this country...
  22. Just bought a second P3AT last week as I was stealing my wife's more and more often to carry for quick trips to the store... So again, no. Tons of .380 around if you look for it.
  23. Try different ones and find out which you shoo best, then go with it. For some reason I can't explain, I've always shot .40S&W better than anything else in Glocks.


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