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Everything posted by G27

  1. Which makes me think that anything steel-cased will be rejected, regardless of bullet composition...
  2. Thanks, that's what I'll do. Probably take some Brown Bear, too, to let them have a look. Called them yesterday and all they had was Hornady - not spending that much to punch holes in paper!
  3. I paid for an extra copy of my THCP and keep it tucked away in my truck. If I ever lose my wallet I have a back up with me and if I forget my wallet I have it there in my truck. Was a good use of the $17.50 ($12.50 for another copy of birth certificate and $5 for the second permit, iirc).
  4. The desiccant will form a small vacuum by itself. I'm not sure I'd try forming a 'canning vacuum' from the 'sun/cool storage' method - those seals are pretty small and aren't really designed for that.
  5. All I've seen on this is innuendo, so I'm not getting ticked off just yet. That being said, if they do, I'm cutting up my card and sending my money to another organization. And I'll spend the rest of my days steering folks away from the NRA. Until then, I'm going to assume this is simply internet rumor...
  6. Man, nothing but mad props to you for sticking to your principles.
  7. Some music I've worked on recently: Maroon 5 - 'Misery' - Misery | Maroon 5 | Music Video | MTV Saving Abel - 'Stupid Girl (Only In Hollywood)' - Taddy Porter - 'Shake Me' - And yah, I listen to my work for fun.
  8. The republicans care only a small but more for our civil rights, folks. We'll not see the Hughes Amendment repealed in our lifetime. It's a very small percentage of people who understand and support true liberty.
  9. Well, it's lead core with a bimetal jacket, which is copper and mild steel. The 'mild steel' is what has them worried - apparently I'm the first one to ever ask to bring this stuff (which surprises me)...
  10. I'm wanting to head up to Sportsman's Choice to shoot the AR but I'm having trouble figuring out where to buy some NON steel-core ammo - most everything I have is either the Brown Bear 'bi-metal' (which they're unsure of and i don't want to mess up their range) or the rather expensive Hornady stuff I keep around just in case. What's out there that's not too expensive but won't mess up their range? TIA,
  11. Craigslist - either at a price or 'come an get it'...
  12. IMO, civil disobedience, on the down low, is the way to go here. I'm all for personal property rights, right up until they impinge upon my civil rights...
  13. G27


    Yep. Yep. Yep.
  14. Sure, why don't you share your thoughts on other unrelated topics as well? Recipes, maybe? The ONLY reason people discussed the location is because you had a hissy-fit due to a perceived disrespect of Memphis in general. If you really believe your little rants are topical, then, well, carry on... Hahaha, man, that is some awesome logic there.
  15. I've bought several 91/30s from JGSales and have nothing but good to say about any of them - they all look and shoot GREAT. I always pay the $10 hand-select option, but I also have my C&R so they ship to my house directly.
  16. It's bad enough anyone would not try to help you, but one of our own service men? Unbelievable. Thanks for your service.
  17. Sadly, in the Heller and McDonald rulings the court left quite a bit of wiggle room for 'reasonable restrictions'. I'd love to see some of these regulations (which I believe to be unconstitutional) struck down, but hold out very little hope of it ever happening. That being said, fight the good fight!
  18. Just run a chain / security cable through the handles if you're worried about theft.
  19. Not only that, but what if 51% of the people wish to restrict our other civil rights? The answer is precisely why we're a republic, not a pure democracy. The short-sighted nature of a large percentage of people in this country is startling.
  20. During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password: MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofySacramento When asked why such a big password, she said, "It had to be at least 8 characters long and contain a capitol."
  21. G27


    I'm just pointing and laughing.
  22. G27


    Just quoting the proof that Rightwinger is indeed an expert on Bronker's privates. It's something many of us have long suspected...
  23. G27


    Yes, he's full of inflatable nylon.
  24. G27


    Oh, he's def full of it.


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