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Everything posted by G27

  1. Wow, that looks like it could well be the most stupid movie ever made.
  2. Man, assuming it holds, this is such great news!
  3. I'm so thankful I have no chance of being represented by either of those clowns. Marsha Blackburn FTW!
  4. This.
  5. He might be offended... Now if you had one of those you deliver, he'd probably be good with it. hehe
  6. Buffalo Trace single barrel. Yah, I'm a fan.
  7. Stealing bandwidth ≠ cool.
  8. A couple of New Belgium's fine work and/or some Buffalo Trace.
  9. That's too bad, re: Barrett - anyone who voted for TARP is NOT a fiscal conservative.
  10. Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey | Facebook Spread the news. Getting a Ramsey yard sign.
  11. I was challenging the statement that this sort of thuggery happens at every school and is swept under the rug, not that nothing ever happened among young testosterone-laden males.
  12. Not entirely true, but there is a commonality involved in the leadership. Look at the way Fulmer and Kiffin ran the program and you'll see where tolerance of this sort of behavior comes from. There are some successful football programs that under varying leaderships have tightened down on this sort of thing, even in the SEC. Not saying their teams are full of angels, but they know they certain behaviors are not tolerated.
  13. Don't let the door hit ya', freeloader...
  14. Not holding my breath...
  15. Oh, there'd be grinding...
  16. Yah, that's what I was thinking. The guardrail collision was bad enough, but getting crushed by the truck probably did it.
  17. Psh, I've a Cold Steel blade that would get the job done perfectly without the waste of electricity.
  18. I call it "dances with aliens". If it didn't have amazing special effects it would have tanked...
  19. Uh oh, you got Garufa's attention...
  20. Some universities allow alcohol on campus during specific times, like tail-gating before football games, etc. Dunno about UT.
  21. So, people on campus drinking at games are allowed to get into brawls? Not sure I follow you here. I disagree the root of the problem is alcohol, it's self control. Millions of people in this country will drink tonight and very few will get into a fight. I honestly don't see where players are held to a 'higher' standard than everyone else. If anything they think they're invincible at a school like UT as they're heralded as superstars. They get away with a LOT more than the average student would under the same circumstances.
  22. I know laws are laws, but I don't think you can compare alcohol consumption with beating the hell out of someone.
  23. Funny quote from a UT fan: "you have to wonder how we are going to beat florida and alabama when it takes 6 or 7 of our players to fight one person"
  24. Avatar. Horrible movie.


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