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Everything posted by G27

  1. G27

    When Animals Attach

  2. G27

    When Animals Attach

    Like with suction cups?
  3. +1 million
  4. Erling Jensen. Can't rationalize spending that much for dinner very often, but wow, best meals ever there...
  5. Tough one, not a big movie watcher, but Saving Private Ryan and Braveheart would be on the short list...
  6. And because I'm as far away from Memphis as I can get and still be in SC...
  7. Because it will scare the crap out of you. Half joking, of course, but it's all kind of frightening the amount of stuff you hear on weekend nights when listening to MPD/SCSD on the scanner...
  8. Just don't listen to the MPD/SCSD on Friday or Saturday night if you live within 100 miles of Memphis!
  9. Yep. Ramsey and Barret exposed themselves with this endorsement.
  10. Whatever you do, do NOT go to candlepowerforums.com...
  11. Big Fenix fan here and my favorite is probably the little LD01 I EDC on my keychain. Love that little light. I do have a 4d Maglite with upgraded glass and an aftermarket LED drop in which is jaw dropping-ly bright, but it's kinda big...
  12. Hahaha, had to read this one aloud to the wife as it sounds like about half the projects I do...
  13. 90 minutes of aerobics (do that every day) and spent the afternoon learning welding from jackdm3. \m/
  14. *bump* 204 days into the lifestyle change and I'm down 72.5 lbs and feeling great. Typically doing 1.5 hours of aerobics every AM now (still seven days/week) and watching the food. Hope you guys are continuing to do well!
  15. G27

    TGO Craft - 101

    Just an FYI - I took Jackdm3 up on his gracious offer to teach some welding and - MAN - he spent almost the entire day today showing me the ropes. I can see that I have a LONG way to go, but thanks to Jack's amazing offer I'm on my way. Big time props to him for being so gracious - he wouldn't even accept alcohol or ammo for payment...
  16. SportsMan's Choice in Brighton allows anything <3600 fps (no steel core).
  17. I guess it's pointless for me to even say, as by now it should be obvious...
  18. American Murder Mystery - Magazine - The Atlantic Longish but really good article discussing the taboo...
  19. I posted it in fun, hope no one took it seriously... No offense intended, PeaShooter.
  20. Yep, as I was walking in to Korger to get some stuff for dinner tonight there were some folks walking out, obviously quite angry, cursing up a storm. Made sense when I saw the 'EBT system down' sign on the front door...
  21. Congrats - you are now represented by someone who values individual liberty and fiscally conservative government!
  22. I didn't watch the video yet but assume the title of this thread should read 'Stupidity is Running Rampant'. The irony of this is quite amusing...
  23. In this morning's briefing, Admiral Allen stated they had initially decided against filling the relief well, but decided it would be prudent to do so as they are only four to five feet away now.


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