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Everything posted by G27

  1. I'm fairly certain there are actually fewer Vandy fans than graduates...
  2. Sounds like it was another good one, glad to hear RUSA is proactively addressing these concerns!
  3. Wow, powerful quote from someone who lived through them both...
  4. This. I'm a hobbyist wood-worker (here's my latest endeavor): and table saws scare the friggen crap outta me... Very much this. Betting you'll have a nice scar...
  5. G27

    Lone Survivor movie

    It's a great book, amazing story, though like BlackHawk Down will be hard to watch. I love watching movies/series like Saving Private Ryan and BoB as they are fiction based on real events, but knowing I'm being 'entertained' by the real stories of the deaths of true heros always bothers me. Took me three tries to get all the way through BHD...
  6. G27

    The Road

    Yah, when you're eating cold, uncooked human butt, you know you've hit the wall...
  7. Well, considering baseball sucks, just stay home... *dons flame suit*
  8. Dang, thankful you weren't injured, doubly thankful you didn't post a pic of your undies...
  9. That's how I feel... FTF's mainly. Bullet setback seemed to be an issue, but FTF (bad primers) were he primary issue.
  10. I stopped buying .40S&W UMC for my Glocks (!) as it had failure rates probably 10x what I saw from the TN Cartridge Co reloads I buy in bulk for less money. FWIW, no other ammo has caused any noticeable issues with my Glocks...
  11. Awesome, thanks - I'll pick this one up!
  12. All I know is that I never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line...
  13. I've not taken any carbine classes (yet), would this be useful to someone like myself who has little training on the AR platform?
  14. Wallace Shawn FTW.
  15. Last night I sautéed some fresh caught gulf shrimp in butter and served it with fresh grated parmesan cheese over pasta - great beach food!
  16. G27

    Top Shot-TV

    This post is full of win.
  17. To be fair, that's not unique to Vandy. Though if you wanted to make it work, you could change 'graduate' to 'perform neurosurgery' and the veracity of your caption would remain intact regarding Vandy grads...
  18. +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  19. G27

    Is it just me?

    I dunno, I really like the .40, my EDC is a G27 and I've been known to carry a G22 on occasion as well. I'm pretty good with both and love what they bring to the table...
  20. Wow. Seriously, that's a piece of art...
  21. Sure, but I'd still rather fire up the grill and cook whatever... No matter where you live McDonald's sucks. Same with Dominio's...
  22. No, because Domino's pizzas really and truly suck. ebow, it may suck, but until you have skills that mean you can't be replaced by some grunt for minimum wage, don't expect to be treated well. It's just the way of the world - make yourself valuable and thrive or suck it up and deal with it. In all honesty, based solely on your posts here, I imagine you'll have a hard time working for anyone and your age (maturity, or lack thereof) will likely continue to play a role in that.
  23. Haha, whatever - you're more remote/country than I am! Christmas FTW! I (heart) Bronker, BTW...
  24. +1 I suspect this will be a recurring theme for some time...


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