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Everything posted by G27

  1. Yah, I'm sure the police officer didn't think to try that... You do realize that in the real world your attacker isn't a silhouette of paper hanging still in the range, right?
  2. G27


  3. 90.19 13 mile avg error 282 sec.
  4. Man, I'd kill for a media blaster...
  5. Maybe... Don't forget about the police shootout where the officer hit the criminal 22 times with his G22 before the scumbag stopped fighting.
  6. I was working at the HiFi shop where I earned extra cash while at Alabama when I heard the news. It was a sad day, though every customer who walked in got to hear SRV for the next few days, non-stop.
  7. FOXNews.com - EPA Rejects Calls to Ban Lead in Ammo, Fishing Tackle
  8. G27


    Whatever, murder is murder, and unless he's the biggest, baddest dude around it won't take long for a posse of folks to take him out for his 'taking care of his own'.
  9. sar·chasm ('sär-"ka-z&m) : The giant gulf (chasm) between what is said and the person who doesn't get it.
  10. G27


    Good luck with that. You'd probably last about 30 minutes. Maybe take some advice from others here and actually prepare so you don't have to become a murderer in order to take care of yourself. But I guess that's not as fun as your Dawn of the Dead fantasy...
  11. I've never heard anything remotely like this from the folks I know over there.
  12. Just my G27 (10 rounds). I carry two extra loaded mags in my truck console I can grab if I feel the need.
  13. G27


    My thoughts? I'd rather we discuss real world survival than Red Dawn fantasies where you murder neighbors.
  14. G27


    Worth noting that preppers really should plan for all sorts of stuff - SHTF is far more likely than TEOTWAWKI. IMO, SHTF is something we come back from or is fairly survivable, even including a small scale nuclear attack. Some of what's being talked about here is TEOTWAWKI kind of stuff, which is FAR less likely. Doesn't mean you shouldn't think things through to improve your chances, but you're far more likely to need a good sidearm to get to and from work, etc after an economic collapse than worry about a nuclear attack or even a massive earthquake with little/no outside support within a few days' time...
  15. G27


    Indeed, my wife is very capable, but with three little ones, none of which are ready to go far on foot, bugging in is the way to go. Luckily, we're somewhat remote relative to memphis - it would take a while for folks to get out this far - and I've been privately speaking with a select few neighbors about plans just in case. Hard to find like-minded people without coming off like a loon, but when you can find a few folks will to band together to defend your area, you have a leg up. If you try top 'go it alone', you're just a sitting duck - if someone finds you and wants you out, they'll get you out, either with firearms or with fire.
  16. G27


    At this point there's not much chance of 'saving' the economy. When you have the CEOs of major firms stating things like "it's not a matter of if but when the US government starts defaulting on treasury payments", you know it's a done deal. Well, that combined with all the evidence around us. If you keep up with the world of finance and investments at all, you know that trouble isn't just brewing, but about to boil over. How bad will it be? No idea, could be as 'easy' as a long recession, most now think we're looking at a sustained depression in the next couple of years, could be worse than that. As for what percentage receive some portion of their income as government assistance, the last number I read was just over 8%, which is around 25 million. Apparently around 1.7% of Americans receive more than 50% of their income from the government, which means around 5 million. These figures do not include SS or MediCare numbers and have likely increased since I last looked them up (a while back).
  17. G27


    FerFAL has lived through the economic collapse in Argentina and has some decent insight, though Argentina never had a large portion of society relying on government handouts. I suspect things will be much worse here when the balloon goes up...
  18. G27


    Economic collapse or massive earthquake are the two most probable for the west part of the state, imo. Economic collapse or prolonged depression is almost inevitable at this point, imo. I suspect in the next 3-5 years things will get *really* bad in many of the metro areas.
  19. Garufa sez: "Dumb as hell." This.
  20. I'm there.
  21. Found it.
  22. Nope, just happy to hear the recent negativity I've been hearing is being addressed. And yah, I was ~500 miles away soaking up some rays...


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