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Everything posted by G27

  1. Awesome, that's perfect, mike. I was hoping there was something nearby so we can do some sightseeing while we're there...
  2. I'll be traveling with one of my boys to St Louis later this month for a Roger Waters concert at the ScottTrade Center. I've never been to St Louis before so I'm hoping someone here is familiar enough with the city to recommend the safest area to stay. We're coming from the south so would prefer a hotel in that direction, but am open to staying anywhere if it's a safer area. Any and all help appreciated.
  3. Ditto. I'd be all over it.
  4. Welcome to Tennessee, patron state of shootin' stuff. Isn't freedom (or at least more than you had up north) wonderful?
  5. Oh man, DGA on tap is awesome. I'm actually coming to Knoxville for the UT-BAMA game - will you be there on the 23rd? Love to meet you, even if you're off work. I'll buy if you're off...
  6. Have I tried Arrogant Bastard or Rogue Dead Guy? Sorry, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've single-handedly kept them in business over the last decade. Both are great (Rogue Dead Guy is the second best beer ever, after IPA90).
  7. IPA 90 is the single greatest beer ever, imo. It's perfect.
  8. It's an annual month of enjoyment for me. Punkin Ale | Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales That is all...
  9. ttt...
  10. I'm in.
  11. Bring it. We'll go to the Flying Saucer.
  12. If you're ever Memphis-way, lemme know. I'll buy all night.
  13. Wish I could buy you one. Sipping some Buffalo Trace single barrel tonight...
  14. G27


    Welcome home, thanks for your service!
  15. Another chief providing subscription service in Obion County, TN writes to STATter911.com. Read the detailed remarks from Chief Kelly Edmison, Union City FD. | STATter911.com
  16. *copy-n-pasted* Thanks, Dolomite. You're just full of great ideas.
  17. One thing I've heard, but haven't been able to confirm, was that part of the decision stems from the FD not being 'under contract' with this particular property. As in, they would have been working without any insurance to cover the firefighters or the dept from lawsuit / injury/ etc had they engaged this fire. No idea if this is true or not, but might make more sense as to why the decision was made as it was.
  18. Just sucks all around, no way to say it otherwise. Seems like most every party in this was wrong from some perspective. Feel terrible for that guy, though. You know, Punisher, you're right. I mean, I'm pissed at all the entitlement stuff that happens, but man - it's not like this guy was riding the gravy train. Lumping him in with the folks I despise (those who live off the gov't tit) isn't fair to him. I'm sure more taxes are wasted every day on folks who don't deserve it that what it would have cost to try to save his home... Just sucks all around.
  19. Good call. I said in another thread - it's appalling that the city had this policy with NO METHOD of dealing with this potential issue. Incredibly short sighted, and now the man lost everything due to what appears to be an oversight on his part. It's sad, and it sucks. While I support the FD in this - they were following orders in a town where, it appears, not doing so would have resulted in at least termination (easy to talk about doing the right thing that costs you your job when there's zero chance of you getting a job without moving your family), and possibly prosecution by a seemingly short-sighted and steel-fisted government - I hold both the homeowner and the city officials who made this rule with no method of dealing with this issue (which was bound to arise eventually).
  20. Or, in my case, it's that I don't believe it's the government's place to be compassionate with my tax dollars - I should have the right to do that on my own. Should the city have had something in place for just this sort of an event? Certainly, but when someone says something like 'I knew I hadn't paid, I thought they'd come anyway...' it really confirms that our unbelievably manipulative government has conditioned some people to think of it as their daddy. I'm not going to list the things I do for folks because I don't do them for self-glory, but don't make the mistake that because I support the FD's decision in this case that I don't have compassion for my fellow man. It's just at some point there has to be a limit to what 'daddy' will do. Some of us pay absolutely stupid amounts in taxes each year above and beyond our charitable giving, so when someone appears to have an attitude of entitlement, well...
  21. You'd likely find that most of us that are saying "that sucks, you screwed up" are part fo the 52% that pay through the nose...
  22. Apparently when the FD showed up (as the fire was spreading to the neighbor's property who had paid for coverage) they informed him that it was too late - his house was fully involved. I grew up next to a fire chief and recall him telling me that about half the fires they arrive at are so fully involved they just let it burn out and control the spread - fighting it is foolish if it's far enough along. That appears to be the case here as well - he didn't pay the fee so they didn't come out. When they neighbor's property was threatened, they dispatched a crew and when they arrived it was too late to save his home. But heck, that's not nearly as sensational as 'they watched his house burn over $75'.
  23. Really? So those who believe that free-loaders shouldn't reap the benefits of the taxpayers are somehow not 'right' now, though legal? Seriously? Wow, Chuck. Just, wow.


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