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Everything posted by G27

  1. If I'm not mistaken, there's already a law against drinking and driving. Or perhaps your straw man knows something I don't?
  2. Sure - no one is advocating drinking and driving - I refuse to drive if I've had even a sip of alcohol.
  3. I've been a teenager and guess what the laws did to keep me from drinking and driving - zilch. I think you live in a fantasy land if you think the laws are going to stop people from being criminals. But hey, libertarian folks like myself folks are generally misunderstood.
  4. I think it's obvious you're unwilling to read what I'm saying without rationalizing your thoughts against what you've seen, but if you cannot see the parallel in your stance of 'the citizen cannot be trusted to his own devices', then, well, agree to disagree...
  5. Wow, straight to the 'it's for the children' defense. Man, I don't envy your gig, but your stance here is just like the anti-gun lobby. I mean, do you really think an open-container law will stop a jackass from drinking and driving? AKA do you really think a circle-slash gun sign will keep a criminal from bringing a gun into a business?
  6. Dude, it's like $3.
  7. +1000
  8. I'm guessing somewhere ~26,000 PSI, but I bet a call to Hornady would answer that one...
  9. Centerstone :: Facility :: Centerstone :: 201 Uffleman Drive, Suites E & F Clarksville, TN 37043
  10. Kevin Hammond, Paper Tongues, Maroon 5, North Mississippi Alllstars, and K'NANN (among others - all work related).
  11. G27

    The Road

    I read a lot. I mean a lot. Probably >50+ novels per year on average. That said, The Road is classic McCarthy - incredibly deep in seemingly superficial ways and truly emotionally moving on a fundamental level. His books aren't for everyone, but I've read 'The Road' twice now and will definitely read it once again in the near future. It's a beautifully written piece.
  12. Opulence, I has it. I jump in it.
  13. I've not found a single decent place to buy ammo locally- it's FAR cheaper to just order online via AIMSurplus, ATG or Ammoman.
  14. From what I read, it was actually an oversight by the Dems who wrote the bill - typically you include some sort of clause which would allow parts of it to stand if part(s) of it were struck down, this bill doesn't apparently have that wording. If what I've heard is true, this oversight by the drafters of the bill made it very easy for Obamacare to go away completely...
  15. I know a ton of small business owners who, like myself, aren't retail and will move out of the county if this happens. It's only going to hurt Shelby County if they do this. Luckily, most non-Memphis appear to see it as the power and money grab that it is...
  16. Come join us out here, it's nice...
  17. You know how much it would cost FedEx to relocate? I don't, but I do know it would be unbelievably expensive. Zero chance of it happening. Zero.
  18. Agreed. "Can it get worse?" I don't know where you live, but out where I live life is good. Integrating our politics with memphis can't benefit us in ANY way. Not one.
  19. Not just no, but HELL no. We already have enough problems in the county, can you imagine what it would be like if the city of Memphis has its say on issues that affect us? I shudder to consider it. Any county person who votes for this should simply move inside the city limits. It won't save one penny in tax dollars and the Memphis political machine needs to be kept as far away from county politics as possible...
  20. Love it.
  21. I'll do it. But I'm not going to promise you that I won't be influenced by a seven story slide...
  22. Killer, that looks awesome. We can hit the arch then head over there, make a nice day of it. Thanks!
  23. Yah, we'll only be there one night, then do a little bit of sight-seeing before heading back home. Probably do the arch just because it's such a monument and enjoy some of the local food. Just booked a room at the Marroitt right near the Scotttrade Center, thanks for the help!


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