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Everything posted by G27

  1. I'll be there... ROLL TIDE!
  2. Is there a +1,000 smiley?
  3. I love how the elected officials call our civil liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights 'anchors'. I also love that we live in a free enough state that jackwagons like the current governor can't stomp on our rights.
  4. Nope, I miss them every time, dangit.
  5. I encourage everyone prepping to do periodic calorie inventories. When you are stocking food, you can EASILY overestimate what you have stored, especially if you have kids. Do the math using online calculators to figure out a good ballpark for each family member's caloric needs (also factor in the fact you may well be doing more physical work than you normally do if you are relying on your food stores, depending on the SHTF event). For example, my family currently needs about 8,500 kcal/day, which means I need about 250,000 kcals/month of food stored. My most recent calorie inventory showed that I had, in my head, estimated that I had about 30% more days of food stored than I actually do. We're good for several months here, and of course if things were truly bad we could probably live off half what we need daily right now to survive and still remain mobile, but hope for the best, prepare for the worst...
  6. I thought you said you were studying to become a lawyer...
  7. G27

    Cheap Booze!

    Well, I know I can easily spend 2x as much for Maker's Mark, but if I wanted to drink kerosene, I'd just drink kerosene - it's cheaper. hehe
  8. G27

    Cheap Booze!

    I've gone from beer snob to one who actually likes Miller Lite. My taste in bourbon isn't 'highly refined', I just drink Buffalo Trace.
  9. It's always strange that those who otherwise appear to be conservative, libertarian types show themselves to only be that way wrt things that go their way. True freedom, individual liberty as it should be here, is ugly and annoying at times. When others can do basically whatever they wish as long as they don't impinge on YOUR rights, you have to tolerate a lot more, even things you think are 'sinful' or 'wrong'. I'm a devout Christian that has certain religious beliefs regarding things, but my country is supposed to be about individual liberty. Those that wish to impose your religious-based morals on others, be careful - one day the majority of folks may have a different religious viewpoint than you and shove THEIR morals down your throat...
  10. He's gonna kill me... It was worth it...
  11. Cutting the new Flyleaf album today.
  12. Talking about how many illegals are getting deported now is like discussing trying to keep the Titanic afloat bailing with a larger bucket. Until the borders are closed, we're simply reacting, not acting. Edit: dangit, should have read the thread first, Lester beat me to the analogy and did it better...
  13. Yah, that's what I gave him an 'attaboy' about - it had nothing to do with his attitude regarding respecting individual liberties.
  14. G27

    In Remission!

    Man, this is great news. Really happy for you and yours - enjoy life!
  15. I'm thankful there are officers like kb4ns and East_TN_Patriot.
  16. Ooh, nice - tell him here where we can all read it then take him out.
  17. Who is missing? I'm guessing it was the 'open container' thread...
  18. Please provide proof that passengers drinking lead to DUI crashes, thanks.
  19. I have. A low prohibiting a passenger from drinking is nanny-state, reactionary legislation. It's, at the core, restricting behavior because the citizen 'can't be trusted'. I don't think you know what a straw man argument is. I recommend google.
  20. Changes nothing wrt to your straw man argument.


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