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Everything posted by G27

  1. If you have your TN HCP, why on earth would you want a permit from a state we already share reciprocity with?
  2. Good stuff, proud of that guy.
  3. The problem is a new consolidated school board will be elected and with a majority of voters now being the same ones who have continuously re-elected the idiots who drove MCS off the cliff, what do you think will likely happen? "It's for the kids" is weak here - it's simply going to drag the SCS down to the level of the MCS, watch and see. This is a power play by the MCS board officials, plain and simple.
  4. Great thread, special thanks to Mike for sharing his experience with us! I've always felt it was best to carry a non-modified gun for that very reason. The one modification I've done is added night-sites to my carry weapon - your thoughts on that?
  5. Oh nice to know, thanks. My luck, I guess! hehe
  6. Though you have to send a copy of your birth certificate AGAIN. But yah, I bought an extra and keep it tucked away in my truck...
  7. Actually, under the metro plan that was voted on, the school system was specifically excluded - we voted it down because we don't want to pay for the city of Memphis's issues. If the city does indeed vote to surrender the charter (and why wouldn't they? it's typical of the city of Memphis to try to pass the buck), I suspect you'll see even more folks doing what my wife and I have done for several years now - home school.
  8. Survivor Type - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. Nope, the translation is "get ready to not have NFl football next year. Under the current contract, the owners get TV payments even if the games are paid - IOW, they'll actually make more money by locking the players out. THE NFLPA gave them all the power without even realizing last time, so unless the PA is willing to let the salary caps 9especially rookie signing caps) drop significantly, they'll just lock them out next fall.
  10. It can, yes - there are cannibalistic tribes in Africa where this is (was?) prevalent, but it is typically transmitted by eating brain tissue, not just the flesh. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  11. Long pork! Probably not, unless it was literally life or death - ala Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. Oh man, I'm going to have to try one of these!
  13. Congratulations!
  14. Baked orange roughy, shrimp and onions in a garlic butter sauce and sauteed sea scallops. Yum.
  15. What a horrible game. These teams that should be sitting at home during bowl season.
  16. Show me the increase in shootings in VT, AZ and AK since constitutional carry was introduced. Surely the police track shootings there, right?
  17. Please show statistics of an increase in irresponsible firearms usage from states which allow constitutional carry. We need more than 'feelings' and 'logic' to impinge upon rights, imo. Thanks in advance.
  18. I'm guessing I'll be banned for this, but I can't imagine any remake could be worse than JW's original - he had a great presence but was a terrible actor, imo... Nice knowing you guys.
  19. P90x. I've dropped 80 lbs over the last year via hardcore workouts and diet, now it is time...
  20. Little bit of red wine @ the inlaws. I do what I have to...
  21. G27

    PMR 30

    IIRC, as soon as you strap that carbine conversion onto the pistol you can't go back - the stock ruins it as a pistol...
  22. In an EOTWAWKI scenario, I head to the hills to my parent's land with my stock of supplies - though we're in a pretty good area now, that particular spot is close to ideal wrt defending our position while allowing growth of food...
  23. I'm a libertarian by nature and hate the current infringement on our second amendment rights. I mean, both Alaska and Vermont currently respect constitutional carry, and I don't recall any unnecessary shootings there recently...


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