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Everything posted by G27

  1. How do you think he got elected, beating King Willy? He panders with the best of them.
  2. Be very careful, the ATF would love to make an example of you. Think Olofson...
  3. *raises hand, then yanks it down when MikePapa1 gives the angry eyebrows*
  4. Not in Memphis... But f there's an outbreak, i suspect crackheads will be fair game...
  5. There's TONS of laws that are completely unnecessary. Looks like our resident attorney Mike agrees with my (limited) understanding of the reading. That said, I have no desire to test it. If there's an outbreak, mikegideon can come over and I'll supply the beer.
  6. The law says: I'm no attorney, but that reads, to me, as if training in order to cause civil disorder is illegal. For the record, I've ZERO (para)military training and have no dog in this fight, I just always assumed you could train for stuff like this without gov't harassment - looks like I might have assumed wrongly...
  7. I assume this is a state law but i'm curious - can you link this? Edit: all i can find it § 39-17-314, which seems to limit training for the purpose of 'civil disorder'. Not saying that couldn't be used, but I wonder if that would be used in that way.
  8. Yah, good call on the hand slippage - would be Very Bad News on this one...
  9. Yah, I was thinking either no grip or possibly the Magpul grip might be preferred here. I'd def try it with no grip, not really a fan of forward grips.
  10. I think it shows that stats can be misleading. Yah, Mediocre Britain and Australis both have surpassed the violent crime rate of the US, yet the murder rate in the US is still about 4x higher than it is in those countries.
  11. Yep, you got me.
  12. +5 (or whatever, I lost count...) Too many amazing places to see in the CONUS to risk going to that hell-hole nowadays, imo.
  13. The fact that you equate this video with a place that doesn't refuse service, but rather states the obvious on its sign, would normally be amazing. But since it's you making the erroneous statements and assumptions, it's just another day on TGO...
  14. Hahaha, good luck with that one. You're truly special...
  15. Agreed. You are completely wrong, it's not saying muslims aren't allowed, it's just stating none are there (for obvious reasons). Or are you suggesting that BBQ places are all in violation? Yah, I'm guessing I'm not the only one happy to not be 'enlightened' like you...
  16. Ammoman and ammunitiontogo are my two favs...
  17. @ 6:30...
  18. Yah, you probably wouldn't have any worries if you worked there as it's photoshopped.
  19. I thought Cordova was annexed by Memphis a few years ago...
  20. G27

    Off-Road 4x4

    Very nice. I'm about ready to convert half my garage into a full-time shop for a truck rebuild for my son. Have a few years before he'll be driving, so I should be able to get it done at some point. Wish I had a shop!
  21. IIRC, once you install the stock, it's legally converted to a rifle and you cannot remove it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like this comes up every year or so...


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