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Everything posted by G27

  1. *ahem*
  2. G27

    Kel-Tec KSG-12

    Yah, there's already a big thread about the KSG12 here. This is the first thread I've seen about 'nutnfancy' and his humorous poser outfits.
  3. It's not going to magically get better when you're married. Remember, she's on her best behavior right now...
  4. I dunno, I see this a lot, yet in the 1988 election, the Democratic majority actually picked up two seats in the HoR and kept the same number of seats in the Senate. The 1968 and 1970 elections also saw little change. Aside from the 1994 elections, which had to do with a lot more than the AWB, I wonder where this comes from. Right now, I'm nervous - I'm betting MOST people are either for it or couldn't care less either way... That said, I *think* the repubs in the house will keep this from happening, but have little confidence in this.
  5. In my studying of EO's, it looks like the answer would likely be a 'no'. They've been abused for a looooong time - FDR relied on an EO to round up US citizens of Japanese and German descent for the camps during WWII. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
  6. For the record, i've been a proponent of stocking hi-caps in case something like this came along for some time now and have plenty. I do recommend getting them while you can, because it may not be right now, but at some point they're going to mount another attack on our rights.
  7. Sure, he was basing it off the import laws associated with firearms, just like the BATFE can stop the import of specific products. Think about it - do you really think the president can just make up laws without congress?
  8. True, but executive orders also don't create law from thin air - they only clarify existing laws. It's what the AWB had to go through congress, but executive orders could stop the import of ammo from China, for example. I haven't looked, but I'm not sure there are any current federal laws that he could hang an executive order on to banish hi-cap mags. That's not to say that he won't try, or that there isn't some law he could pin it on. Regardless, diligence is always A Good Thing.
  9. Wow. Love how you can see it in flight all the way to the tank. Crazy stuff.
  10. Pretty sure the .mil requires an external safety as part of their designs, no? Seems like I heard that's why Glocks are never part of the testing, but that info is worth what you paid for it...
  11. G27

    Kel-Tec KSG-12

    I find it hilarious how some of these guys play 'dress-up' when they're out shooting.
  12. Considering this isn't released yet, I'm betting there will be refinement between now and when it actually hits the store shelves...
  13. G27

    U-Verse vs Comcast

    I have a business account with Comcast at the house - can't imagine changing it. It's faster than anything AT&T offers with U-verse and while it might be more expensive, it's easily worth it considering the amount of data I need to push up and down off the 'net each day for my business. To each his own, but I love Comcast.
  14. MM, you can hang and not buy guns - I haven't bought anything in some time now. It's a good place to hang with like-minded people. Don't stay away...
  15. Musicman, it takes balls to take responsibility like this - big time props...
  16. G27

    DB 380?

    "That's a joke, son. A flag waver. You're built too low. The fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball. Eye. Ball. I almost had a gag, son. Joke, that is." - Foghorn Leghorn
  17. G27


    Indeed, and it's a common mistake people make. To repeat - PM's are to protect wealth, not to invest the dollars you need to pay bills. Wealth ≠ what you need to live. I've invested in a lot of things over the years, one of them being PM's. It's money that I know I won't need in the near future. Should the dollar collapse, for example, those with PM's will be able to protect their wealth against the hyperinflation commonly seen in economic meltdowns.
  18. The point is that we can look back on the halcyon days of the past, but when you look at the big picture, it wasn't better, it was just different. It would be great if we weren't overly politically correct about every little thing, but cherry-picking the good things from the 'good old days' doesn't do anyone any good. Fact is there was some really ugly stuff going on during those golden times, and pretending as if the times were better then doesn't serve anyone.
  19. Ditto. Playing with fire was an almost daily occurrence...
  20. You disagree?
  21. Your post made me laugh, sorry. Keep up the good work, thought - you need to do this!
  22. Sorry, can't seem to translate your sarcasm - are you suggesting that I'm some sort of liberal or that it's untrue that racism was still state sanctioned in 1957?
  23. Yah, the world was a better place, as long as you were white.
  24. Soooooooo happy he's not my elected official.
  25. Hahaha, she's an idiot.


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