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Everything posted by G27
When we had it, it was every heavy rainstorm. In my area, Comcast kills directv in every way.
Not sure why you brought political parties into this - frankly, both of the major parties suck wrt respecting basic rights, no matter what your view of them is. No, you expect things within the scope of the effort you're willing to exert. You keep bringing up 'working 40 hours' as if that was handed down by the Constitution or God Himself. If someone can't make it on 40 hours, then they need to work more or make themselves more valuable to their company. Pretty simple. I can't imagine anyone is going to agree that anyone is entitles (there's that pesky word again) to a particular lifestyle because they punch in for 40 hours/week. It's pretty sad how you keep bringing up 'no point in working' when it's pointed out that if one can't make it on 40 hours they need to buck up and work more. No one said things define anyone - you're simply arbitrarily picking some number (40 hours/week in this case) and acting like if one shows up for their shift they deserve something. All they deserve is the money for the work they do, as was agreed upon when they took the job. I swear, I'm convinced you don't know what the word entitlement means... At this point, I'm tired of chasing the same point over and over - if you don't get it now, I doubt you ever will. Good luck to you, wish you understood what it means for someone to take care of themselves rather than complaining that those 'selfish rich' people don't give them more...
Hahaha, you are aware that the 40 hour work week isn't a world-wide thing, right? That people in other parts of the world work more (average work week is 50 hours in South Korea, for example), right? Not entitlement, hilarious. A 'work week' as we know it is a new thing, only a couple of generations old. What on earth would you do if you lived 100 years ago? I guess you'd do what you do now - barely get by and complain about it instead of doing whatever needs to be done... Oh man, you couldn't be more wrong. Frankly, unless you're willing to start your own business and sink or swim on your own merit, you have no idea if the American Dream is alive or not. There are tons of us who started our own companies and have been successful by working 80 hours/week and pouring ourselves into the company rather than thinking we should be allowed to check out after 40 hours and expect a certain level of quality of life. Expecting anything you don't earn is entitlement. Deny all you want but your posts are proof positive.
Whatever the market dictates the cost of those products to be. For some, that will be a few hours, for others it might be 60+ hours/week. A guy doing unskilled work or having very basic skills probably isn't going to make much money, so it might even take two jobs. So what? Since when are people entitled to 'living on 40 hours/week'? You may not think you have the entitlement mentality, but you do - big time. Life isn't far, it takes what it takes.
Show me the numbers. Just the top two communist murders (Mao and Stalin) account for a staggering 50 (some estimate as high as 90) million people...
It's amazing how people feel entitled to 'making enough to afford x or y'. The reality is if you can't afford what you want, you either don't work enough (40 hours is nothing, ask most any business owner) or you aren't skilled enough (meaning either unskilled or your skill isn't unique, you're easy to replace). You want to make more money? Make yourself invaluable / irreplaceable to the company. Or start your own business. Apparently some here think it's easy to do, all yachts and caviar while the hourly folks do all the work...
I'm not saying that just based on this single response, Leroy, but rather from reading many of your posts - you have great wisdom. Thanks for sharing it.
This. Like it or not, you can't have true liberty with a safety net.
So quit looking to others to pay you and start your own company. The post above is the problem with folks in this country, it's bitch and moan because no one will hand them something. Oh, I know you aren't looking for free money, but the expectation of a job is pretty telling. The American Dream is the freedom to strike out on your own and succeed gloriously or fail miserably - it's wonderful, and it might take several failures to succeed, or you may not be cut out to be successful. But to complain that the rich are the problem when you don't have the sack or the ability to do what they do means the issue lies in the mirror... Indeed, the 'progressives' have done a great job of indoctrinating some into class warfare.
Welcome to the (almost) free market. The CEO probably went to school for years and worked his way up the corporate ladder, proving he could earn the company lots of money. What does the line worker do? He shows up, does his job, collects the wages he agreed to work for and goes home. The line worker doesn't (typically) have the knowledge and experience to help steer a company towards greater profits and typically doesn't willingly work 80 hour weeks. It's almost as if you have never met a single CEO of a successful company in your entire life. I know many and have never met a single one who didn't work twice as hard as any of his employees, not to mention they often built the very companies they were successfully leading. Your complaint sounds like the untalented athlete whining that the NFL players make so much money - they make the money because they have the talent. Here, why not watch this video, then come back and tell us what the problem is:
Ne need to apologize. Those screaming that the 'rich' should pay more always mean those who make more than they do. if you made $500k/year, you'd not be clamoring for higher taxes for those making $500k, but anyone making more than you should have to carry said burden. It's ALWAYS that way. Do you think that when everyone got hired they played duck,duck,goose to pick who was a line worker and who got to be CEO? I mean, wow...
"Meet the new boss..."
Hey, I have an idea - why not do some flippin research to enlighten yourself instead of spouting ignorance that those of us who actually pay for all the stuff (that ~half the people of this country enjoy scott-free) should pony up more.
He makes the real point - the very fact that Trump is leading should be a wake up call for the repubs. But then, 2008 should have been as well, yet we see little / nothing has changed.
I'm not talking about giving to anyone, i'm saying look tot he 45% of households in the US who pay zero federal income tax (freeloaders) if you wish to attack the tax problem. I do my part already, and the part of several other people.
We already do. I pay both more in net dollars than 98% of Americans and I pay a higher percentage of my income. The problem lies in those who idealize as you do and allow nearly half of our country to pay ZERO income tax. If you wish to fix the problem with taxation, look to the freeloaders, not the ones who already pay huge sums.
How about you actually get to know those of us who have worked our collective butts off to get into that category before you take what we earned? Lazy thieves with attitudes like you displayed above are what are destroying our country. I've stolen NOTHING from anyone and worked twice as hard as most to earn what I've earned. Advocating the government taking from those who are successful is un-American, comrade.
Hate it. I thought the old one was bad, but this is beyond awful...
There's no question the party is over - even if we had people in DC with the intelligence and balls to do what's right (we don't), it's too late to pull out of the nosedive. And this is why: Economic appeasement = redistribution of wealth = socialism.
Yeah, let's keep voting for those '2A supporting' Republicans
G27 replied to JAB's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Further proof that the only difference between the dems and repubs is that the dems will TELL you they are going to screw you before doing it. The repubs just lie about it then do the same thing. -
As we know that one can be shot by the police for holding a water spray 'gun', I'll avoid things that look like guns but aren't.