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I took the CCW course at RangeUSA in Memphis today and, while it was boring, I did feel as if it was worth the time and money. The instructor was up-to-date on the newest laws (even those that had not been voted on yet) and the day flew by pretty quickly. Scored 199/200, so no worries there - now I have to head down to the DMV and get the ball rolling. Few months and I'll be ready!
If he were electable (he's not, or is he?), they could get behind Ron Paul who was Rated A by the NRA regarding gun control issues...
Haha, ok, that's what I needed to hear. And The Rabbi - your sig-file made me laugh pretty good. Touché.
I want to be proactive in our fight for our rights, should I join the NRA? What else should I consider in an effort to defend our constitutional rights? I'd like to hear both pros and cons of any actions you can think of...
The Marlin lever is a great idea, but I think for now I'm going to focus on something that I may not be able to get later. The lever guns won't be banned if they renew the AWB, but many modern rifles will be...
Well, I'd do it if I were you - H.R. 1022 has the Sub2k on the new 'AWB'. Depending on what happens in the upcoming election, guns like this may be difficult, if not impossible, to buy...
Thanks for the input so far. I'm really looking for that 'magic gun' that does everything (I know it doesn't exist). Basically, it will primarily be a range gun, but I want something that can be pressed into service as a self defense weapon if needed. On top of that, I'd like something that would allow me to hunt/defend my family better than my Glock or KelTec Sub2k if the S ever HTF, however unlikely that may be. I know, I really need two or three rifles to do all this, but in order of importance: 1] range - I love to shoot and practice with my weapons, so it will get used at the range a good bit. Proficiency is very important to me. 2] home defense 3] same as #2 but broader in scope - hunting to provide food or even defending myself/family from threat some distance away. I know #2 and #3 are generally mutually exclusive - anything that can go far is probably not best for home defense due to over-penetration, but I'm hoping some of the fine wisdom on this forum will help me determine which gun/caliber is the best compromise across the board for an initial purchase (knowing I can add more later if I feel the need).
I know the caliber debates have raged for an eternity, but if you could have only one good long gun round, what would it be? I've shot rifles for years but don't currently own one, so I'm hoping to get some advice from you experienced folks... TIA,
My only concern with the MSSA is the requirement to join NRA. While I, generally speaking, stand behind the NRA, that sort of explicit endorsement is somewhat troubling...
Perhaps. I do like it, and I feel confident that if needed, it could defend within a few hundred feet, but not sure about the AK. I'm looking to get into a .223 or 7.56x39 soon enough and am not sure what to get. Would like something for longer range to go with these (and the eventual expected Remmy 870), not sure where I'm going yet, but I feel pretty confident in the Sub2k already for short distance stuff...
OK, here we go: Sub2000 (closed) with Glock 22 and mags: Sub2000 (open) with Glock 22 and mags: Both guns with mags in my Halliburton Zero case (no foam yet, on order): I love this stuff!
Aww, crap - I totally forgot the pics - I'll post some in a few minutes. Lo siento.
I know, I know, it's not a 'long gun' per se, but I just picked up mine (.40S&W, uses my Glock 22 mags) on Friday from RangeUSA and took it for a spin. Wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but I have to say, that little carbine is a blast to shoot. Right out of the box I hit over 98.5% in the 9-10 ring from 50-70'. Enjoyable, easy to shoot, and zero FTF or FTE (and this is using the factory reloads RangeUSA sells). All in all, a fun experience. HIghly recommended for some cheap fun you can use at any range and not bad for home defense, to boot...
ACtually, I hadn't thought of them - they're only 35 mins from Arlington and allow anything under 3600 fps - nice find! Thanks!
That's worth looking into, thanks. Any ideas on a range in Jackson? Being in Arlington, it's only about an hour away - I'll gladly do that for the few times/year I want to shoot the 'larger' rifle rounds...
Yah, apparently they don't work around here either - I was summoned recently and had to reschedule as I had a trip planned when I was to serve. I asked about getting out of it as I'm self-employed and am the only 'employee' (a one man show) and serving not only means zero income, but also means I have to literally close my business the week, but they didn't budge. Kinda sucks, but I understand - I imagine everyone has an excuse, real or not... Anyway, the woman in the office was kind enough to schedule me on a week that has a federal holiday (Veteran's Day), so she said it was less likely I'd get seated that week.
I've considered snapping up some land and creating my own private outdoor range, but that will require more than I'd like to deal with (like hiring a full-time RO). Hard to believe there's nothing out here for us...
Haha, no doubt. I live basically on the other side of the county from there... Didn't think of that, but it is pretty funny in retrospect...
Hahaha, fixed it for you...
Hey guys, I searched but couldn't find anything - is there a range in reasonable distance of the Memphis area (I'm in Arlington) that allows 7.62 (or larger) rifles? I've been planning to pick up an AK47 but realized I don't know where I can shoot the dang thing! If no public spaces are around and some kind soul wants to open his private range occasionally for some beer/cash/anything legal, let me know... TIA,
For Memphis-area folks, RangeUSA sells their own factory reloads cheaper than anything I've found online. For target plinking, their FMJ .40S&W sell for $100/500 rnds. That's cheaper than anyone I've seen online...
I just dump it in - I can more in each can that way...
Thanks, all. Wish there were some local, affordable outdoor ranges in Memphis. maybe I should build one!
Ammoman is great - fast shipping, great prices, zero complaints.
Greetings from Arlington (just outside of Memphis) - I'm a newbie here, happy to find a forum so full of great information. You guys rock, I'm happy to be here...