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Everything posted by G27

  1. I hope he has a Saiga, but I'm open-minded...
  2. Haha, nah, she and my dad just moved into their retirement home they built on some acreage on top of a nearby mountain - gorgeous property and view, no need for a condo. It's been a long, difficult battle to convince her to do this, but I think she'll be getting her THP and a new pistol very soon...
  3. Haha, I wish - I'm just using her as an excuse to check out Joe's place...
  4. Thank you - this is PRECISELY what the US Constitution is about - protecting those without rights from oppression from the majority. Look, I want to blow these guys to Kingdom Come, but that's not the right thing to do - that's not what built this country. We've always been above that, allowing the laws to punish those who broke them (even unto Nuremberg). It's how you treat those under your power that shows your character. And no, I'm not some 'emotional liberal' - I'm just a strict constitutionalist.
  5. It's worth remembering two things: 1] Habeus Corpus does not equal 'letting them go' - it just means we have to pay attention to the 6th Amendment. I think that's fair. 2] This judgement does not apply to POW's, just to the GTMO detainees. Remember that a very small percentage were actually captured by US troops (and not in battle) - something like 85% of them were turned in for ransom by fine folks like the Northern Alliance - people even the US military openly said they don't trust, but since they are the enemy of our enemy... Fact is, if we don't treat these 'enemy combatants' (the same thing any one of us can be called by Homeland Security at any time) by the same rules we treat our own citizens, we're not serving the Constitution. Habeus Corpus is nowhere in the Constitution, but it's closely tied to the 6th Amendment. We have to be 'better' than these guys. If we don't have any charges/proof on these folks after five years, it's time to let them go. Yah, some of them may indeed be terrorists (and if they weren't before, they may be now), but following the Constitution doesn't mean none of the good guys will die or that bad guys won't get away - regardless, it's still what makes this the greatest country in the history of the world, and if we continue to respect the Constitution (no matter how badly it hurts sometimes), we'll continue to enjoy the greatest country on earth! Sorry for the long post, just had to get that off my chest...
  6. I'm no AR fan, but that's a really nice rifle. Wish the additional image was more 'child friendly', though. Congrats on your new purchase - I'm going to drag my Mom into Hero Gear when I'm over that way in a few weeks and I might end up walking out with a new toy myself! Cheers,
  7. Nope, not that I recall. I buy all my target stuff at RangeUSA - I use the factory reloads they sell. Always been really good, though I have had maybe four failure to fire's from that stuff (out of, err, probably 3k rounds purchased.
  8. Excellent. I have no doubt you were being COMPLETELY safe, just saying I appreciate and understand their eagerness for safety. Cheers,
  9. MM, don't get bent - the point is even though you were following range rules, they were being safe. Better safe than sorry, no? They have no idea if you have a friggen clue, and I'd prefer a tap and reminder rather than the hands-off approach I've seen elsewhere. IOW, no one is saying you are wrong in any way, I'm just saying them being a little more safe-oriented than not is a good thing...
  10. It's the freedom, man, the freedom...
  11. Sure, but you also have to think they never know how experienced you are when you are there - they have tons of people coming through those doors every day, and all it takes is one person to cause a disaster. I imagine any time they see a situtaion like that, even from long-time member, they're going to be a little more attentive. And I, for one, appreciate it. I'd rather they be overly-attentive than negligent...
  12. They were laughing with you. No really, just as we are now.
  13. Wait, isn't there a moratorium on logical posts in this thread?
  14. Yah, I'll bet anything that's what he was referring to. I might just have to suck it up and join the MSSA...
  15. Sorry, but I've always been COMPLETELY respectful and have still dealt with both nice cops and obvious power-tripping jerks. I will continue to be respectful, but don't expect me to help them hang me, even though I'm doing nothing wrong.
  16. Wait, you mean this isn't true? Dangit, I'm on the wrong board...
  17. Danke!
  18. Hrm, that's not really near Galloway at all - wonder if maybe there's something private out that way? I'd seriously pay someone good money to open up some land for a private range. If land hadn't gotten so expensive out this way, I'd buy a few acres and set up my own outdoor range...
  19. Never been there - is it that far out into Lakeland?
  20. This is the single most logical answer I've seen in this entire thread. Thank you!
  21. Which is exactly why the 4th is there. It might be 216 years old, but it's the finest piece of political literature ever written...
  22. Hrm, I might be ignorant (no comments, please) but this sounds unnecessary and illegal...
  23. Beautiful revolver. I'm drooling.
  24. All I've hard was "in June"...
  25. I live too far away to join, but would be happy to donate some cash so that someone could help with the festivities...


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