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Everything posted by G27

  1. Regardless of the further details, these quotes mark a HUGE win for us: Now we have a definitive statement from the SCOTUS saying the 2A grants individual rights, which destroys many of the anti-constitutionalist's arguments!
  2. Agreed, but this decision is a victory against the anti-constitutionalists no matter how you slice it!
  3. Yes please, and thank you!
  4. Heller affirmed!
  5. I'm sure it will be easy to find as soon as it's announced, but the DC vs. Heller thread is likely where it will surface first...
  6. Less than 10 minutes now, and I'm pretty nervous (based on how liberal some of the court's decisions have been this week)...
  7. Thanks for the advice, but what does CYA mean? hehe, sorry...
  8. Statistics actually bear this out, as when someone is shooting at someone who is armed, they tend to focus (and therefore aim) at the weapon...
  9. ***POSSIBLY NSFW*** Here's how they should be dealt with: http://spikedhumor.com/articles/38182/Father_Of_Kidnapped_Son_Gets_Revenge.html
  10. Yah, people are sick now. How weak is this? Dude's getting hit and you think it might be funny?
  11. Let's just say that if in the above situation the brute attacked me, I'd wish later that I had been wearing my ears...
  12. Yah, I've seen that one before, and like the myriad of other great examples we have, it shows why more people need to carry...
  13. Yah, they got that one wrong - bad. I suggest that our forefathers never intended the 8thA to apply to sub-humans who rape children...
  14. Hahaha, brilliant! Seriously? I'd let him move on, no biggie. I've got nothing to prove...
  15. DC vs Heller - not today, though we'll know in a few minutes if tomorrow will be the last day or if they'll add one more. Four decisions today (three left), so unless Scalia needs more time, I imagine we'll see it tomorrow...
  16. Is today the day? I guess we'll know in about 10 minutes...
  17. Ahh, thanks for the info! Are the donations a tax write-off? I'm always looking for fun ways to spend the extra my company makes, so an ice chest full of shotgun shells, etc. would be cool if I can write it off.
  18. You know, as I watched hat video, I tried really, really hard to recall anything quite as stupid as that... I couldn't think of one.
  19. G27

    Arrogant, period.

    http://www.examiner.com/a-1455131~Obama_campaign_drops_seal_on_podium.html Hahahaha, talk about a faux pas - I love it...
  20. Nice find, thanks.
  21. What do these meetings generally entail?
  22. There are sovereign nations that have less powerful weapons. I am in awe...
  23. Well, I'm a relative newbie here, and while I'm one to stand up for my rights, I also respect those who serve and protect. That being said, while I'm too lazy to do the research for you, there have been few threads in the few months I've been here that have shown a few people to be decidedly anti-cop. Sometimes I agree with their sentiments as I've had a few cops in the past that obviously relished their authoritative role, but a vast majority of the cops I've ever met were basically normal guys who put themselves on the line each and every day for us.
  24. Umm, are you asking me out? You buy the ammo and some malt liquor and I'll wear whatever you want... Hey, what do you mean this isn't a PM??? Dangit!


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