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Everything posted by G27

  1. Yah, and even more to the point - you can't legally walk around the mall with alcohol purchased from that restaurant.
  2. Well, you really don's have any right to privacy - if your neighbor wants to sit in his front yard with binoculars and look through the windows of your house, there's nothing in the world the law can do (other than recommend you shut your curtains).
  3. OK, anyone know of anyone who has 7.62x39mm Saiga's in stock?
  4. These are the main sticking points to me as well. And while I agree there seems to be an elephant in the room no one wants to talk about, the reality is that if (big,massive, huge 'if') he did nothing at all and it was purely a malfunction of the weapon, we don't want to come down on him as we have a hard enough time keeping our rights as the laws currently are. I suspect he's not being completely forthcoming with everyone and hoping to play the victim card. The BATFE nor the courts were fooled, and he turned himself in this past Wednesday. Just in case anyone thinks it might be cool to modify your weapons thinking "no one will know", just take a look at this: How chilling is that?
  5. I'd be lying if I said I followed this super-closely, but there are quite a few things about this story that don't add up (from both sides). Olufson may not have crossed the line, but in his own words he admitted (on another forum where we conversed about this) that BATFE found documentation regarding modifying his weapon for fully-automatic capability as well as a 'few M16 parts' in his house. Still not sure how he gets arrested for it when it was loaned out to someone else. I think both sides screwed up royally on this one and hope he gets out for a retrial soon enough, but I'm certainly not ready to assume he is innocent.
  6. *bump* It can be found here as well in an easier-to-read format. I recommend everyone read this. I think I'm finally going to buy that Gadsden flag I've wanted for so long...
  7. Can't you use the (spendy) Saiga hi-cap mags and change nothing since they are imported as well?
  8. The stock is hollow and allows you to store an extra magazine in it.
  9. I felt sorry for her when she first fired the shotgun and cried - you could tell the emotional baggage of what she had carried for 9 years was catching up to her, and that's a lot for anyone to deal with.
  10. Not true - however unlikely it is, there have been plenty of examples of one-shot kills with pistols. I wouldn't count on it in a gunfight, but it's certainly not impossible.
  11. Figures - we can't catch a break over here...
  12. If I purchase from a dealer in-state, does it have to be an FFL transfer or can a rifle be ship directly to me?
  13. Ruh-roh - I had no idea this thread would have comedic value... Why are all the good dealers in middle/east TN? grumble, grumble...
  14. Anyone know of a gun shop that carries Saiga in Memphis? TIA,
  15. Nice bike! Now go buy some roundup for your driveway.
  16. I got this from another forum, and while some of the facts presented aren't accurate according to snopes, I think it's a good reminder for those of us celebrating our country's independence tomorrow. To me it doesn't matter if some of this stuff is inaccurate - I think it's good for us to reflect on the spirit of this message and remember how good we it have thanks to those brave men 232 years ago. Snopes article can be found here: http://www.snopes.com/history/american/pricepaid.asp
  17. Just watched it, thought it was pretty good, actually. She has some serious stuff she needs to work through that really skews her thoughts on the matter...
  18. Haha, best part! Nicely played.
  19. Still, that was much faster than I had anticipated it being!
  20. Thanks for the link!
  21. Dangit, forgot to set the DVR and last night was 'date night' with the wife. Hopefully I'll catch it online...


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