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Everything posted by G27

  1. This is what I was taught in my HCP class: In other words, from my understanding and what I was taught, if eight guys started harassing me and my family like that and I felt threatened, I'm within the law to defend my family and myself against the assailants.
  2. FIFY. Not trying to be pedantic, just saying that if you condition yourself to using words like 'neutralizing' or 'stopping' instead of 'killing' it might help you should you ever be in the unfortunate position of waiting to hear if you will be prosecuted (or waiting to hear if 12 of your peers think you are innocent or guilty)...
  3. When you draw is totally subjective and determined by each individual circumstance - it's when you fear the life of yourself or another. I'm told you'll know it when you feel it. Never, never, never fire a 'warning shot'. You ONLY pull the trigger when you are on target and ready to stop a threat. Warning shots are illegal and will turn the table on the circumstance immediately - you almost certainly will be charged with reckless endangerment or, in a case like this where there are several 'witnesses', possibly attempted murder.
  4. Against determined individuals, 8:1 odds aren't good even if you have a side-arm, but these types are nothing but cowards who feel tough in groups. If he had been carrying and had drawn on them, I guarantee every single one of them would have backed off...
  5. Indeed. But no trip to Walmart! hehehe Thanks, all. I'm sure there will be a self-congratulatory post when I receive it as well...
  6. Hey, I didn't get a gift! Did you join somewhere special for that or what?
  7. Called today on a whim ("to check to see if I had done everything correctly" - hehe) and was told my permit was issued on the 15th and I should have it in 7-14 days! If that's the case, it'll be less than 60 days from submission to reception!
  8. Haha, nice. The question was silly - no where did I say that Chinamart was the only one selling Chinese made goods, you pulled that out of thin air then proceeded to act as if that was a point of my argument - it wasn't. Straw man, deflection - whatever. You can choose to ignore what was said and try to change the discussion if you wish - my point stands.
  9. Bingo, great point.
  10. When, like I said, a company cares only about the bottom dollar (above all else) there will always be problems. If this weren't the case, we wouldn't require the plethora of regulatory laws that are on the books. Please look up 'straw an argument'. Nowhere did I suggest these are the reasons I refuse to give them my money - my reasons are based on personal experiences where I have been privy to the 'negotiation' that Chinamart goes through with US businesses in order to get what they want how they want it. You can argue from emotion all you wish, but it won't change the fact that they are a filthy company that truly strive to be a monopoly. The don't care about giving you good products, just cheap products, and they don't care how they get them. Now if that's who you wish to support, go for it. I prefer supporting my local small businesses which supports my local economy, and also getting service worthy of my money.
  11. Some of us know how Chinamart treats vendors and don't have to rely on outside information. While I understand Chinamart allows some folks to afford things the otherwise couldn't, please realize that they are indeed a pretty filthy company that only cares about the bottom dollar, no matter what. I've seen enough first hand to refuse to spend my money with them.
  12. 100% correct. hehe
  13. Indeed. That's the sound of nightmares if your enemy has one...
  14. Indeed, the reality is they are trying to make these 'worries' seem so extreme that they are to be considered a joke in an effort to keep these issues from being used against Obama during the election. I think there little plan will backfire...
  15. Had to change my avatar for a while so we can all enjoy it...
  16. Looks like it may well be real: http://embeds.blogs.foxnews.com/2008/07/13/obama-campaign-calls-new-yorker-magazine-cover-tasteless-and-offensive/
  17. This appears to be real from what I can find... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/7/13/175041/125/158/55107 4 http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/0708/Ya_cant_ma ke_it_up.html
  18. Yah and with the impending election remaining an unknown, I think you'll see prices continue to climb. Wouldn't be surprised at all if we saw a rather large jump between August and December. Remember, Heller did not say an AWB was unconstitutional...
  19. Wow, congrats - you were fingerprinted only six days before me, perhaps there is hope!
  20. Awesome - thanks not only for the head's up (I ordered 1k from the the other day) but also the feedback - I was hoping this would be decent .223...
  21. Ha can probably get some pointers from Olofson...
  22. Funny, change the background to Orange Mound and the shooter wouldn't have to change a thing (except the mag after a couple of minutes)...
  23. And to think I once respected you...
  24. Mmmm, what's your address? hehe


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