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Everything posted by G27

  1. Almost every day I'm reminded of how happy I am to be out of Memphis...
  2. That's not the end of the world, that's simply an act of intelligence!
  3. Well at least we know where Tungsten was looking. I, for one, didn't notice...
  4. Hey, that's Curry! Rawk.
  5. http://jim.com/
  6. Here's a scan of what came on mine - not sure if you misread the sticker or if they screwed up somewhere, but I wouldn't dare use that to carry...
  7. G27

    Now THIS is racing!

    Wow, that was unreal. LOVE how competitive those two are!
  8. New Belgium Fat Tire and New Belgium Mothership Wit.
  9. FWIW, I got the same lady last week when I called, and I gave her my info. I was shocked to get a call back not ten minutes later from her. Might be best to call early in the day before she gets swamped...
  10. The long-term affects of this are pretty sobering. Sad that it took this for him to be 100% safe.
  11. Well, I have a pretty good picture in my head of what I want. I got an Anvil Arms stripped lower after researching different brands - I really like Jon's apparent attention to detail along with his stellar reputation (couldn't find anyone dissatisfied with his work). Will probably finish out the primary parts of the rifle with Anvil parts: Anvil flat-top upper with m4 feed ramp, 16" chromed H-bar and his BCG. Little bit and pieces (stock, front and rear grips, sights, etc) are still up in the air, bit I'm definitely not into the look with lots of tacticool toys and rails - I prefer it to look like a modern AR carbine.
  12. It's official, I ordered my stripped AR lower last night. You people just had to keep posting pics of your AR's and discussing them and such - it's your fault. All of you. Now the real fun begins, I suppose...
  13. From what I've seen on this board and gotten from talking to the folks at RangeUSA, there appears to be ZERO correlation between when you sent it in and when you get it back. The RangeUSA folks were surprised to hear that when I called the other day, at the 45 day mark, I was told it had been issued two days before and I could expect it within 2 weeks, saying that most of the people they talk to are waiting close to 120 days! I don't have any idea why some take longer than others, but hope they get them all out the door ASAP!
  14. What are you wearing? Wait - whaddya mean it's not that kind of chat?
  15. Hey canynracer, Mike at RangeUSA showed me the Bushmaster they must have replaced yours with today - it was all I could do not to walk out the door with it. Beautiful rifle. That being said, I still want to build my own, but if Anvil is backed up like most of the manufacturers are (DPMS is quoting 10 months!), I'll just buy that Bushmaster. Congrats - now go buy DAS's ammo or I'm going to and you'll end up paying a LOT more for it later...
  16. Hehe, who said you have to give a real phone number or email address?
  17. https://secure.heritage.org/firstprinciples/pocketconstitution.aspx?src=hp
  18. Seemed more like confidence to me. What are the Tennessee laws regarding showing identification to the police? Obviously if you are carrying and they ask, you are required to show your identification, but what if you are walking along unarmed?
  19. "We're #3! We're #3! We're #3!"
  20. *grinds teeth in attempt to smile*
  21. That's not west enough! {edit: wait - how is that west???}
  22. So when does Hero Gear open their 'Memphis division'?
  23. I'm an 'anti'... I'll find somewhere to go to enjoy my newfound freedom, don't worry!
  24. Indeed, excellent point. Carrying a handgun doesn't make you invincible - it may help in some situations, but in others it may as well not exist.


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