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Everything posted by G27

  1. Haven't used the Beretta, but the Sub2k performs as if it was made by Glock here - feeds and fires everything I feed it with no issues.
  2. Congrats!
  3. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Now-is-the-Time-for-Compre-by-Chris-Lugo-080728-927.html Well, we def know who NOT to vote for: Chris Lugo The idiots pic:
  4. Yah, what I think we'll see is the SCOTUS decision being used as case law for the first time...
  5. bkelm18, you rock. I'm doing this. Thanks.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,392705,00.html Man, I LOVE this guy!
  7. G27

    Kel Tec RFB

    Yah, I'm interested in seeing this one. I rather like my little plastic sub2k.
  8. G27

    Best Hot Wings.

    I like BWW - not the best wings ever, but many of their sauces are very good. I typically take several bottles of the Spicy Garlic home with me for my BBQ duties...
  9. G27

    Kel Tec PLR-16

    DO IT! After I build my AR, that's next on the list...
  10. Or you can borrow it from bkelm18...
  11. For a while after the video first came out there were a bunch of web-cam vids posted of people's reaction to watching it on Youtube (they might still be there). Some of those were actually pretty funny.
  12. Nope, they wanted him there - thought it would be good for morale - but told him he could only go alone, no press... http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/07/25/politics/fromtheroad/entry4292302.shtml
  13. I have refused to watch that since day one, and will continue to refuse until my days are up. Some things are just better left unseen...
  14. If cameras aren't allowed, the 'rock star' doesn't feel the need to go. Pretty much fits with what I believe about Obama - no substance.
  15. G27

    Happy Birthday to Me

    Nice rifle! Congrats! And Happy Birthday!
  16. http://www.google.com/goog411/
  17. I think there's an RK show in Memphis in late August - will you guys that attend please give some feedback of what this show is like? I've no been to a show before and am considering the Memphis show...
  18. Well, until someone actually does well in the presidential election, it won;t be brought to light. Will it be this one? The next one? Who knows. FWIW, I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet (though I know who I won't be voting for).
  19. What does this prove?
  20. G27

    new dpms .308 AP4

    Dang, sounds friggen awesome...
  21. Hey man, thanks for your service - it's not taken for granted or forgotten.
  22. Oh no, I'm probably outnumbered here... BUT I'M NOT OUT-GUNNED! Wait... that depends on who Joe from Hero Gear supports...


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