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Everything posted by G27

  1. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that our government did something extremely out-of-character and scored these 800k phones (with plans) for only $10/each annually - that's $8,000,000 dollars to spend on educating these folks instead of giving them handouts. Now you can probably multiply that figure x10 to be realistic as you spend about $93/year on your service (though that doesn't include the phone) - $80,000,000. Yah, couldn't do any good with $80M, might as well piss it away in handouts...
  2. Awesome, thanks for the efforts, guys!
  3. I agree that much of it is overstated, and while I think Obama has a very good chance of winning (due in large part to the 'pubs inability to front a decent candidate), I also think the Dems will likely loose some seats in congress due the abysmally low rating congress has 'enjoyed' since the Dems took over a few years ago. That being said, don't underestimate what the president can do nowadays - precedent has been set (starting in the late 18th century, no less) with Executive Orders. Obama's view of the constitution seems to be quite skewed - combine that with modern America's general ignorance regarding constitutional government and we have a potential recipe for disaster. I don't think things will go south right away, and quite honestly I believe he has potential to be a decent leader, but some of his ideas of 'change' make me nervous.
  4. I never handle a firearm with out asking - whether at someone's home or in a shop. Would make zero difference to me if they were in that case, and frankly, if I buy an expensive firearm, I want ZERO scratches, etc.
  5. That's it, rub it in. hehe
  6. I'm gonna start with a 5.56 upper, but I've been feeling ill ever since I got this receiver in. I suspect BRD...
  7. I think each dealer is supposed to get an original (signed in ink), which is why you make copies then sign them, never signing the original...
  8. Thanks! Now I'm frustrated. Hehehe
  9. Did you send a check or did you use your debit/credit card? I'm wondering when I can expect mine back (2 weeks tomorrow) but just checked my account and they haven't debited it yet.
  10. Feels like a hollow victory, but I'll take baby-steps of progressions over static oppression any day!
  11. The one I spend the most time at is far better than the rest, but I still find the employees grouped behind the counter chit-chatting more than roaming the floor asking folks if they need assistance. every time I've purchased an accessory at my favorite place, for example, I've had to carry it up to the counter to purchase/ask further questions about it. The employees are very courteous, but I feel as if I'm disturbing their conversations.
  12. Thanks. FYI, it's August 2008, not 208. hehe
  13. Most people are this way and it's as it should be - it's not your job to tell the business what they are doing wrong. Their success (or lack thereof) will be determined by how well they follow the basic premises of retail business.
  14. My business, while not retail, thrives because I focus on a few key things: 1] It's not a hobby, it's a business - know your stuff! If you are going to operate a specialty shop (firearms), know the rules/regulations in detail. Know your product line inside and out. Be passionate about it and learn all the time. 2] Qualify the customer - if a client walks in wanting to purchase a firearm, qualify them in detail - experience, desired usage, etc. Asking a question or two generally isn't enough, especially for newbies. Only after fully quantifying the customer's needs should any recommendations be made. 3] Be willing to say "I don't know, but I'll find out". I've yet to find a shop where folks can't say "I don't know that". I tend to play dumb when I'm in the shop to see how folks will treat me, and most of them act as if they know the answer to everything. Hard to trust someone who isn't confident enough to admit they don't know it all. 4] Communication - EVERY email and/or phone call is answered ASAP and every client that walks in the door is treated as if they are the most important person in the world at that time - because they are. EVERY client is important, and word of mouth with make or break you regardless of how much you advertise. If I walk into a gun shop and have to stand there for 10 minutes because the three guys working there can't stop eating or chatting with the one client who's already in there, I'm walking back out and likely won't darken their door again. Don't smother people, but it IS a retail job. No one in Memphis gets it right, IMO. It's very frustrating, as retail isn't hard when people stop considering themselves experts and focus on the fact that the client is the most important thing. If more folks would realize it's not a hobby but a business, better service would likely follow. Fair prices + superior service = successful business. It's not rocket surgery...
  15. Good, she did the right thing. No one said life was easy or fair. Sure - give it back to the taxpayers. How anyone can equate a cell phone with a 'need' is beyond me - it truly shows how far our society has fallen when a sense of entitlement is so openly professed.
  16. Assuming program exists so they can find a job (which is ludicrous, imo), why not make it a month-to-month program whereby they surrender the phone as soon as they gain employment? I'll tell you why - because it's out-of-control socialized spending and nothing more.
  17. Yah, this is from the email Sean Powers sent me a while back: Rawk.
  18. I've not made it up to Brighton, but was told their indoor range will allow you to shoot anything non-steel core up to 3600fps. I intend to head up that way when my AR is finished to shoot some...
  19. RangeUSA has a great indoor range, albeit sorta short and limited to handguns. Ranges are insanely expensive to build...
  20. Indeed, I love RangeUSA, though their limited selection really hurts - even when you find a good deal online, you're going to pay an additional $50+ for your FFL transfer and BG check. I've always envisioned a shop like RangeUSA with a better selection and low FFL transfer fees.
  21. I've thought about this for some time - I just don't have the capital required to pull it off by myself right now.
  22. I feel for you man - I'm in the same boat. I've not found a gun shop in Memphis that's even remotely worthy of the 'attaboy' posts I see for gun shops in central and east Tennessee. We're screwed.
  23. http://www.vsp.state.va.us/Firearms_Reciprocity.shtm Anyone know what happened here?
  24. WTH? http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/nearly-one-million-low-income-tennessee/story.aspx?guid=%7B58EE3F15-B3D7-499D-9F22-6AEE9B0EB959%7D&dist=hppr


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