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Everything posted by G27

  1. Don't think I haven't noticed that - it's a simple equation. In my book, voting for anyone - regardless of where one subjectively ranks them on their 'eeeevillll' scale - who plans on trampling the constitution is wrong. Both McCain and Obama have voting records and words that tell you, without question, that they intend to trample our rights in some 'minor' way in order to make some Americans feel good about their 'leadership'. Until we stop voting for the anti-constitutional folks altogether, we'll never have a choice otherwise. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
  2. I understand this completely and have struggled with this very issue for a while now. My main issue is this - if we don't stop voting for 'the lesser of two evils' instead of voting for who actually looks to follow the oath of the president, we'll always be stuck voting for 'the lesser of two evils'... If we want to change the system, we all have to be involved in local elections and force change, but we also all have to vote from our hearts.
  3. Yah, I can see where one would consider at the current parties as 'logical'. </sarcasm>
  4. My family did own slaves - that still isn't my problem - I had nothing to do with it and do not represent them.
  5. I've already started my Anvil Arms AR15 build and hope to finish it before the election - regardless of what happens I'm betting prices will increase even more around that time. If Obama is elected, I'll likely buy a bunch of backup parts for the AR, maybe more mags (have 10 30-rnd PMags already) and lots of ammo.
  6. G27

    Yes we can't!

    Here's an avatar for anyone interested: hehehe
  7. How do you know who is involved with their local party and who isn't by just reading this thread?
  8. G27

    Yes we can't!

  9. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
  10. Yah, I was lazy as we had stamps here at the house. Next time I'll send it FedEx.
  11. Well, it's been three weeks now since I sent my app off, no debt to my account and I'm not in their records - looks like I have to repeat the process again. Grrr, friggen USPS...
  12. Unless something radical happens, +1...
  13. It's really something you have to pray about and decide for yourself. Regarding the passage in Matthew above, it's easy to mistake stuff like that, but you have to recall that "eye for an eye" was revenge, justice, if you will. If someone stole from you, you took back from them in equal amounts. It was not about self defense, but about vengeance. The 6th commandment is also messed up due to years of inaccurate translation. The original word is more accurately translated 'murder', not 'kill'. The simplest way to think about it is this - do you really think God would not have you stop someone, at any cost, from harming a child or a woman? It seems ludicrous to me that someone would think God would want you to sit idly and not stop someone from killing an innocent. As written by C.S. Lewis: "he's not a tame lion..."
  14. THERE'S the answer - thank you for saying this.
  15. Didn't take the McCain camp long: [ame] [/ame]
  16. +1 here. Glock 22 carrying 16 rounds.
  17. I guess spending over 1/3 of a Billion dollars so far isn't really helping...
  18. More info here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11172
  19. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=washingtonstory&sid=auUmkmB4O6YE Obama has spent $335.5 million on his campaign? That's some change!
  20. Honestly, I have no budget - I'm just going to build it as I can. When I've priced it out as I think I'm going to build it, it's come out under $1k, but who knows? I'll definitely let you guys know as it moves forward...
  21. http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=156993
  22. I find it interesting that the only place I can find reporting this is a blog.
  23. A fantastic finish to a great post. Thank you.
  24. I'm not certain anyhting has to 'happen' to cause confusion amongst Virginians. Oh wait, I live in Tennessee, I have no room to talk... Never mind... hehe
  25. http://volokh.com/posts/1203747566.shtml While I'm too lazy and disinterested to actually go find the original quotation, it's all over the place. Think of all the gun shops you know and go check them out google maps, then look for schools or parks within 5 miles of that shop. 90% is an estimation, but based on what I've seen, it looks to be pretty close.


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