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Everything posted by G27

  1. I guess you missed the part where it said they would accept other's beliefs, no questions asked. RIF.
  2. It's here - got my C&R FFL today! Woohoo! Time to make the copies!
  3. Did I mention how much I love my new SOG Twitch XL tanto? It's SICK. Easily the sharpest knife out of the box I've ever owned, and I have quite a few...
  4. G27

    My Latest Toys

    That truck is HUGE! I had to look at the pic again as at first I thought the guns were small toys... I bet that think is a blast!
  5. Hey guys, does anyone know anywhere I can take my kids camping and do some shooting with them while we're out there? I know state/federal parks are immediately scratched from the list, and assume my only choice will be to find someone with some land that will allow us to use. Thought it was worth asking anyway... TIA,
  6. If you're into heavy stuff, check out Demon Hunter.
  7. Just bought one of these with tanto blade - love it.
  8. All good points. I'm def keeping an eye on this and this selection hasn't changed me from being 99% sure I'm voting Libertarian to 100%, so let's see what she's about. The VP debate should be interesting...
  9. Yah, I'm with you there - don't understand it either...
  10. If you like straight-ahead/classic rock, check out Thieves & Liars...
  11. The first part of my username is a clue... GO BAMA! ROLL TIDE!
  12. Not sure why Palin would change things very much, but I know very little about her. Who know? Given time, I may decide to follow suit, though I doubt it.
  13. Excellent point.
  14. I'm suddenly very uncomfortable with the direction this thread is heading... hehe
  15. That's a pretty brilliant move, on the surface...
  16. It's very hard to defend your daughter when you are incarcerated for attempted murder, as well...
  17. Why you do this awful thing?
  18. Unfortunately, the news is littered with stories of people who did everything right but the law failed them and a loved one was killed by some psycho. His daughter needs to become proficient with a firearm and carry all the time. Anything the father does to 'get the guy's attention' will likely be actionable.
  19. HA! The ATF charged my card yesterday (showed up this AM via online banking). This pleases me.
  20. IMO, the US would do well to return to the isolationist history we once enjoyed.
  21. Hrmm, interesting... I'll keep checking my account while await my new applications... Thanks for the update.
  22. You may well be correct, but the colonies didn't stand a chance against the King, either. I simply choose to vote and fight for my rights instead of laying down and saying "we can't win".
  23. Re-ordered more forms today! Yayâ„¢. (ordered two this time, just in case...)
  24. We'd have more of an opportunity to hone our real-world skills, that's for certain!
  25. Only the Catholic church historically translates it as 'kill' - the Torah, Qur'an, and virtually all protestant Christian Bibles translate it as 'murder'.


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