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Everything posted by G27

  1. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11863&highlight=democrats
  2. That's GREAT news - now you don't have to worry about anyone doing anything to hurt you!
  3. Does it knock you down when you shoot it?
  4. Fair enough, but if you ever need more than 10 loaded mags (300 rounds total), I'll humbly suggest it's not really going to matter what you're shooting - you're screwed...
  5. Much greater capacity and quicker/easier to load than a shotgun. If you have to move around, easier to carry far more ammo. Just a good all-around weapon.
  6. I don't know AH, but I have zero reason to believe he's not buying lots of uppers as well. WRT a potential future AWB, just as uppers might be banned, we can't take for granted that previously allowed firearms will be 'grandfathered' in - your 15 year old AR may be deemed as illegal as a brand new one. I'm not suggesting anyone should be a one-issue voter, but if Obama/Biden wins, we could be in for a rough future...
  7. G27

    Very rough weekend

    Ugh, sorry to hear. Kid injuries are the absolute worst!
  8. G27


    Fair enough. Most people miss the point that prepping isn't only about SHTF stuff, but more commonly about continuing to live as you wish during short term circumstances. If that makes no sense to you, no worries. I like knowing every drop of gas can dry up tomorrow and I'll still be able to get around (or get out of town).
  9. G27


    There are plenty of potential situations where having fuel on hand would be beneficial. Training and preps aren't mutually exclusive.
  10. G27


    If you use proper containers, evaporation isn't an issue. Cheap plastic is bad... And enough Stabil to store 50 gallons for 2 years is about $10 at Autozone. Guess we'll agree to disagree, but through rotation of stock and proper equipment it's easy to have a nice supply on hand for emergencies.
  11. G27


    DANGIT! How did you know?
  12. G27


    Haha, no, we keep it on the down-low locally. No one around here knows that we have anything...
  13. G27


    Hopefully more people will start to stock away 'rainy day reserves'. My wife and I will be unaffected for up to a month even if the supply runs completely out, and that's with normal driving - we could restrict it and last longer. Having a bit of food/water/fuel set aside isn't just for Rambo-survival types - preparing for the worst while working/hoping for the best is smart, imo.
  14. G27

    A good looking Rifle

    A BB gun?
  15. http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/friday_funny_democrats_on_an_escalator/
  16. Some, sure. One in my neighborhood, in fact. Town of Arlington has it figured out - set minimum lot sizes to keep small houses out, no apartment complexes, attract residents and businesses that will try to 'keep it clean'... Love it here.
  17. Touche! No gun shops, but no people, either... Worth it, imo.
  18. Still $3.69 in Arlington and no lines. *shrugs*
  19. Robert Mondavi Private Select Chardonnay.
  20. I nice folder knife (blade length < 4") would do wonder if it got up close and personal...
  21. Umm, I have no idea where this is coming from. You know what? Never mind. You've obviously made your mind up and refuse to do ANY research regarding this (and other) statements made by the PM of Australia referencing their desire to keep their culture intact. No point in discussing it further since you are unwilling to actually read what the man has said over and over again in many different ways. Have fun.
  22. Well said. Add to that that no where in the Constitution (neither our nor Australia's) is one guaranteed that the culture of the country will be changed to mirror one's views...
  23. You don't see how this is about people tired of changing their culture for others? Seriously? You really think this is about religion? I'd suggest reading some foreign news now and then - a world-view of what has been demanded in other countries where Muslims have moved en masse might change your outlook on what this is about. Not to mention that if you read up on this statement (which is a year and a half old) you'd find there is lots of commentary mirroring what I said here. This is old news and was intended just as I read it (as I had read it before) - your knee-jerk reaction to a small section of it isn't doing it justice. Frankly, this country, while not be founded 'by Christians' is predominantly Christian and it would take some fundamental changes in our way of life (especially in little ways that I would never have considered had I not followed what's happening in England and most other European countries) to make most Muslims happy living here. Judging by their actions in other countries, they are very vocal about getting their way, and the PM of Australia is making the point that, while they are welcome, they should not expect the Australian people's way of life to change to accomodate them.
  24. Exactly. IOW, (I'm assuming you don't keep up with world events), Australia is not going to change their culture and way of life to make the Muslims happy like the Muslims have demanded in virtually every European country they've moved into. It's not about who they pray to every day, it's simply recognizing that the cultures are very different and while they are welcome there, they best not expect Australian culture to change to accommodate their beliefs. What, exactly, is wrong with this?
  25. Thanks for the link - now when someone asks why I detest hippies, I can show them this.


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