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Everything posted by G27

  1. Thanks, Mark - I thought there was a 'base tax' on ammo.
  2. Who's whining? We're just saying that folks who price gouge should be avoided even when they aren't gouging. It's not that tough to understand - they're trying to take advantage of people and should be avoided - screw them. I mean, seriously - would you not like to know that some retailer was screwing folks even if they gave *you* a good deal? We tend to look out for each other around here...
  3. Well, thanks to Nashville and Meomfis we have plenty of libs in this state...
  4. Holy crap - so now when someone points out blatant price gouging, showing that a business cares only about the bottom dollar and not their customers, we're soclaists and liberals who voted for Obama? If leaping to conclusions were an Olympic event you'd win gold by a mile...
  5. Interesting how so few retailers seem to feel the demand is so extraordinarily high that that need to double prices overnight... There's a big diff in supply-demand economics and price gouging.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, both of these were presented in Jan 08' and died in subcommittee...
  7. I'm not suggesting we shouldn't try to stop this, I'm just saying there are bigger fish to fry. That being said there's no point in ignoring ANY battle against those who wish to restrict/remove our rights.
  8. No one is making anyone broadcast programming - it's simply a matter of presenting the opposing view of controversial matters. It could be as simple as Rush saying "so-and-so disagrees with this, suggesting that blah-blah-blah..." then continuing on for the next two hours. Methinks you're taking this to the extreme. The FD never required any sort of programming, it simply insured that multiple views could be presented, especially in areas where information was harder to come by via broadcast. With the massive amounts of media available to everyone nowadays, I doubt anyone will pursue reinstating the FD, and if they do it will be a footnote at best...
  9. I'm no BHO supporter (not in a million years), but he's on record as of this year as being against reinstating the FD. Not only that, but the FD never required equal time, just some time to present opposing views when discussing controversial matters. Lots of things to worry about, but reinstatement of the FD isn't one of them.
  10. You have your own guns? I rent mine every trip to the range...
  11. Probably a good idea, not to mention that those who are interested in doing so could plan on meeting up if the SHTF to help each other out...
  12. Unless a brand new bill has been proposed in the Tennessee house or senate, I think the Ammunition Accountability Act died in committee in April of this year...
  13. I believe there's already a tax in place on all ammunition that's added into the price we pay, pre-sales tax. That's what I was asking about above..
  14. Sure, but considering the two most likely to retire (two oldest) are both hardcore lefties, that's not likely to happen...
  15. Depends - is that 300% relative to the current tax or 300% to the overall cost? Regardless, remember that BHO can't levy taxes by himself - it has to come from the HoR...
  16. That one could def have legs, though I'm not up to speed on the BATFE's wording. There has to be something in their guidelines that allows him to twist the wording to that - surely someone here knows more than I do regarding this. RE: Heller, don't think this would be the same - this would not be something a lower court could decide and would likely be presented to the SCOTUS for review (they'd decide whether or not to hear it, of course) very quickly. It certainly didn't take the SCOTUS five years to smack Truman (less than a year, if memory serves - the SCOTUS typically takes presidential execution of unconstitutional law pretty seriously). That being said, there's NO guarantee that even this court would reverse BHO's EO if he made one..
  17. This attitude is precisely why I brought my dad into Hero Gear last weekend to buy his first gun (which he did and is very happy with). Joe could have sold him anything yet he sold my father exactly what he needed after qualifying his needs. Joe made two customers for life that day.
  18. BTW, here's where Jason Mumpower stands on gun rights: http://www.votesmart.org/npat.php?can_id=12093#826 Ease state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms. Repeal state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms by law-abiding citizens. Favor allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms. Sounds good to me!
  19. Remember, only the House can implement taxation - I'm still convinced congress recalls what happened in 1996 (following the AWB). BHO can't do it on his own and I doubt he has the votes to do it via congress...
  20. http://www.ontheissues.org/Governor/Phil_Bredesen_Gun_Control.htm Hard to say what Bredesen will do as Naifeh has kept new legislation away from him, but I believe Bredesen is more on 'our side' than Naifeh...
  21. Excellent post, simply quoted as it's the truth.
  22. Again - we must remain vigilant - but BHO can do very little without congress, and they're scared to death of touching gun rights. Keep writing your federal elected representatives and remind them we are a vocal force to be reckoned with...


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