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Everything posted by G27

  1. Yes! And he was the OC at USC - *I'd* look like a genius with their talent. I think this will turn out to be UT's 'Mike Shula' hire. Love it.
  2. As an avid Alabama fan, I love this hire!
  3. G27

    30rd AR Mags

    I doubt Joe would post "hey, buy them from me" in the middle of a thread. I'm still betting he has a bunch...
  4. Pay attention to Dick's prices - while sometimes they are great, I saw an ad recently where they were asking about 50% more for 9mm ammo than anywhere else.
  5. G27

    30rd AR Mags

    If you want PMags, why not call Hero Gear - they had a metric butt-load of them when I was there a few weeks ago (post-election).
  6. Dang, sweet gift! Congrats!
  7. G27

    Shooting near Memphis

    No problem, and I think he told me it was $10/range session. I'll be heading up that way to fire my new AR when I get it finished...
  8. G27

    Shooting near Memphis

    Brighton Arms lets you shoot anything under 3600fps (no steel core)...
  9. So sorry to read this, David. You and your wife are in my prayers...
  10. Mainly rice and beans here but also a variety of canned veggies (the water the veggies are packed in can be used for drinking/cooking/etc.), some canned meats (tuna, spam, vienna sausages), and a good bit of water. Water's the hardest thing to store in any real quantity but is vitally important - you can find grey water (for toilets and bathing) all over the place but drinking/cooking water may or may not be easy in a SHTF situation (like a >8.0 earthquake). Also, don't skimp on spices - while you can get by on very basic foods, in an emergency situation, good flavorful (warm) foods are known to go a long way towards boosting moral...
  11. No, unfortunately not. I think I'm gonna hike down to the Army/Navy surplus store in Collierville early next week...
  12. NICE! Man, I'm glad Hero Gear is so far away from me - I swear I'd go bankrupt if I could get to Joe's place easily...
  13. There's none in Memphis? Anyone? "Bueller... Bueller..."
  14. Because as an honest gun owner they have no need to mark my ammo. It's allowing these 'little' battles to go unchallenged that we end up with major restrictions. I'm a law-abiding citizen with a clean record - there's zero reason I should have to register my firearms or ammunition or face any other 'gun control' measures that only reduce my rights.
  15. G27

    Like Rogue Ale?

    Basically, everything Rogue makes it awesome...
  16. G27

    First gun for kids?

    I'm thinking of a combo for when he get s little bigger, not sure yet. Very happy with the Crickett so far, though!
  17. I've seen that before, pretty neat. That took some time to plan...
  18. G27

    Hi point carbine

    Split the diff and get the KelTec Sub2000 - if you get the 9mm Glock version you can use the 33 round Glock mags! I have the .40S&W Glock version and LOVE it...
  19. G27


    SOG Twitch XL is always on me, I carry a SealPup and a Cold Steel GI Tanto in my GHB...
  20. G27

    First gun for kids?

    Heh, sorry - call me paranoid, but I don't post pics of my kid(s) online. Yah, we spent some time over at Hero Gear letting him hold some different rifles and while he's a good sized kid for his age, the Crickett was the only one that really fit him. And they're on sale at Dick's for $129!
  21. G27

    First gun for kids?

    Took my boy to RangeUSA yesterday for a little training - he LOVED it. The Crickett performed flawlessly with the Remington .22LR ammo. He started off shooting a bit high, but after I worked on his stance a bit he started shooting nicely. This was only @ 10', but I'm proud of how well he handled it and how serious he was about safety...
  22. 59% yes, 41% no. Muwahahahahaha...
  23. Hey guys, anyone know where one can buy some decent ammo cans in the Memphis area? I need a few more cans but am unaware of the local surplus stores... TIA,
  24. At some point, we're going to get fed up and retake the 10th Amendment...
  25. G27

    First gun for kids?

    Well, thanks to the fine advice I gathered here on TGO, I picked up a Crickett rifle for my son yesterday. Neat little rifle, hope to get him to the range this afternoon or tomorrow... I could only find one shop in town that had them in stock (and not pink) so I drove out to Dick's and grabbed it, found it's on sale for $129! As for 'again', I figured I'd use it to train the children as when they got old enough for a Ruger or Savage, I'd buy one of those for them. This is just the right size for a little-'un...


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