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Everything posted by G27

  1. I find ELR fascinating, but no very little about it. Thanks for the link, can;t wait to dig in...
  2. Welcome, neighbor!
  3. Da troof!
  4. Dangit, missed that. Sorry.
  5. [ame] [/ame]
  6. Once they found out how bad modern American 'beer' tastes they'd definitely be fired up for a revolution...
  7. Oops, removed, sorry!
  8. They'd look at us as if we were crazy for allowing the federal government to trample and destroy the 10th Amendment which is one of the primary reasons the government is so out of control today.
  9. G27

    Trust God or carry?

    To take the analogy further, David took five smooth stones, not just one...
  10. My next door neighbor had an accident where a stray wheel crossed over the interstate and hit her little Toyota SUV at frightening speed (totaled her SUV, she was OK). From their description, it sounded like a similar case. Glad you're OK and no one was hurt.
  11. G27

    Palm Gun?

    Interesting. I do like the "Optional Picatinny rail for accessorizing".
  12. You mean today, right?
  13. The 'search' button is your friend. Not to mention the senate now officially has 41 members, so filibusters are still on the table...
  14. Sure, I have a Lone Wolf conversion barrel with some 9mm mags and it works perfectly. I've heard folks say that if if he is going to carry it for SD he'll probably want to swap out the extractors, but other than that, you'll have no problem. He can also do the barrel swap (and use the .40S&W mags) to shoot .357SIG.
  15. I *would* like to have a .40S&W revolver and the S&W610 is pricey enough it might be a while... Is Charter Arms really that bad?
  16. Probably a fake - first and last sentences don't agree...
  17. G27


    I hope you don't carry one in the tube in that configuration...
  18. Ditto. And ate.
  19. Ehh, just razzing you guys. Besides, I've been out of the woodwork for years! I've wondered about him at MSU or Clemson...
  20. I wish he would have stayed forever. Sad to see him go.
  21. Hahaha, I'm not sure whether to laugh or wince...
  22. Indeed. Even the Justice Dept called the shot that killed Vicki Weavers unconstitutional. I guess that's OK with some folks.
  23. Good to keep in mind that they are OEM stock manufacturers for several large firearms companies as well. This pisses me off, and I'l actively avoid buying anything they make.
  24. Hehe, I stand by my initial statement - I love this hire for UT! Good luck against KY today - they have a good defense (not as good as yours) and played us pretty tight.


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