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Everything posted by G27

  1. Haha, I appreciate your generous offer, but will pass. hehehe
  2. Showing his mad math skillz... hehe
  3. I hadn't really thought of it like that, good point.
  4. Yah, I'm thinking you're right. Just aren't a lot of local dealers selling good used firearms around here. This isn't for Christmas, so I've got time.
  5. I ordered one of these (pocket holster) - should be here in the next few days. I like the design - I'll have to check it out in person but I think I'll be able to carry in the front pocket with one in the tube with this...
  6. I'm wanting to pick up a .22lr revolver for my boy, but don't really want to spend much cash on it - any ideas? Stainless is preferred, but I can't be too picky if I'm trying to be cheap...
  7. FWIW, I've been waiting for a (fully paid for) complete AR upper from another company for almost 3 months now. The manufacturers and retailers are absolutely buried with all the panic buying that's going on. I understand your frustration, but your buddy's story is the going rate right now for most firearm related businesses I deal with. That being said, I don;t like it when companies charge my card before shipping - most reputable places will charge right when they ship it... Hopefully he'll find someone who has it in stock and can ship it faster. Good luck!
  8. QFT. Yah. As someone who doesn't hunt, I don't think it would have even crossed my mind if I hadn't read this thread...
  9. G27

    Gun Owners T

  10. Sorry for your loss, it still hurts to think about some of my past pets. You did the right thing - rescued animals are the best!
  11. rangeusa.com
  12. G27


    Just a one-time bump - hoping you guys will check it out. If there are any questions or comments, feel free to PM or ask here! Thanks,
  13. G27

    Wood AR15

    Me three!
  14. Welcome!
  15. G27


    First off, big thanks to Tungsten for allowing me to post this on his fine forum! I've recently started a not-for-profit organization called TroopCare.org whose mission is to support the soldiers at Camp Blessing and the Combat Outposts that it supports. 100% of the donations go toward sending these brave soldiers the snacks, personal hygiene items and misc items they request (I cover all the shipping costs and throw in cash for items myself). These guys are at the very tip of the spear in northeastern Afghanistan and appreciate any and all support they receive. If you'd like to help out, the easiest way is to donate via the Paypal button on the website (TroopCare.org), though we'll also happily accept checks/money orders (PM for my address if that's the route you'd prefer). It's less convenient but we'll also accept items you purchase if you ship them to us/drop them off (I'll meet you in the Memphis area if you have items you'd like to send - PM me for a list of items they've requested). I just put the website up yesterday, so it's pretty lean right now, but I'll be adding lists, updates, pictures etc. as I have time. Thanks for your time reading this, any and all help is greatly appreciated!
  16. I like Larry the Cable Guy's version: [ame] [/ame]
  17. Kevin James is pretty funny - I'll probably be seeing this one...
  18. G27

    Wood AR15

    Me likey!
  19. Everything's relative...
  20. I don't leave my gun in the car unless we end up somewhere where carrying isn't allowed (in which case I have a pretty awesome hiding place for it), but does anyone have any experience with these?
  21. I'm pretty sure cockroaches survive radiation exposure.
  22. Tighter groups are always better, but I doubt anyone would survive being that first target. While it's fun and beneficial to improve our aim and consistency, the reality is that, assuming you could perform that well under stress (doubtful), the bad guy would no longer be a threat... Good job!
  23. His username is really db99mj?
  24. No real interest in survival camping - I know I could do it if I had to. Les Stroud rules, can't stand 'Bear' anymore now that I know how fraudulent his show is.


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