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Everything posted by G27

  1. Absolutely - and it matches the upper perfectly (finish-wise). I'm a real stickler for stuff 'matching' and am very pleased with how everything fit both mechanically and aesthetically.
  2. Aha! I was simply tired and didn't think to check the stock for the buffer. Yes, my rampant stupidity bit me once again. Anyway, once I found that everything fit together nicely. I'm very impressed with the fit and finish of Anvil Arms' parts...
  3. I am not happy about this.
  4. But what would this win if the Repubs stripped him of his membership in the caucus? All it would do is flip the power back to the Dems and eliminate any chance of Repubs charing committees. It sucks having a turncoat but when you have a one vote majority you have little 'wiggle room'.
  5. Not yet, I'm gonna call them tomorrow and call around here in Memfrica to see if anyone sells them locally.
  6. Nope, the heavy buffer was apparently left out of the packaging!
  7. Woot! Took a bit (ordered the parts from Anvil Arms in early October) but my upper and remaining parts arrived today - I know what I'm doing tonight!
  8. "You're gonna love my nuts." </jersey accent>
  9. Oh, duh, sorry!
  10. Don't you have to be a member of a group to buy from CMP? I'd love to drive down and pick out a Garand but am not sure if I can just walk in or not...
  11. Haha, nice.
  12. Who nose?
  13. Sarcastic, actually. hehe
  14. Caliber isn't what matters here - time after time we've seen that if 2-3 shots COM don't stop the bad guy, virtually no amount of them will in a short time.
  15. But remember, the Little12 was the superior conference this year and the SEC stunk... hehe
  16. Haha, no jealousy here, just making the point. Gator fans in general act like they haven't been there before as their success is such a recent thing. New money indeed!
  17. Gator fans = 'new money'...
  18. http://www.vbs.tv/full_screen.php?s=DGFE2305DC&sc=1363196
  19. G27

    Gun pointing at shops

    I'm typically more laid back, I suppose, but in that situation I probably would have given a quick "watch your muzzle!" and moved on.
  20. Awesome, thanks for the info!
  21. Very nice! Did you buy a 10/22 threaded barrel or have the existing one threaded?
  22. Congrats - it can be a little intimidating at first, but it's worth it!
  23. G27

    I feel excluded...

    That's it, I'm offended that you weren't offended by my intended offenses.
  24. Just an FYI, my parents live just outside of Winchester so I head that way often. The absolute fastest way is to take 64 straight across the state - it's consistently about 15 minutes faster than 40-440-24 and a FAR more interesting drive...


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